Tochigi Sports Park Baseball Stadium - Utsunomiya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tochigi Sports Park Baseball Stadium

住所 :

6 Chome-1-3 Nishikawata, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0152, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 321-0152
Webサイト :

6 Chome-1-3 Nishikawata, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0152, Japan
金城洋 on Google

久しぶりに高校野球の観戦で訪れましたが周りがきれいに整備されていました。 そのせいか以前は無料だった駐車場が有料に❗
I visited for watching high school baseball for the first time in a long time, but the surroundings were in good condition. Because of that, the parking lot that was free before is charged ❗
のざわけんじ on Google

The outer wall has also become beautiful.
ochi i友 on Google

It is a new and beautiful stadium.
毛呂山ケロ蔵 on Google

Soil and natural grass stadium. Originally, it was easy to watch high school baseball games, and after the renovation, the number of seats increased and the toilets improved. Unlike the Utsunomiya Kiyohara Baseball Stadium, which has a part but no roof, there is a shaded area that looks like a roof, so if you can't stand the heat, you can watch the game there. However, if the area is a popular card, it will fill up quickly, so even a small number of people can watch the game from the aisle behind it.
さとうあきら on Google

雀宮駅から、歩いて25分位です。 途中に、コンビニとドラッグストアがあります。
It is about 25 minutes on foot from Suzumenomiya Station. There is a convenience store and a drug store along the way.
n o on Google

新しいこともあり、きれいな球場です。 各表示は判りやすくなっていました。 階段下の壁が低くなっている部分にはクッション材が巻いてあるので安全対策もされています。
It's a beautiful stadium because it's new. Each display was easy to understand. Cushion material is wrapped around the lower wall under the stairs, so safety measures are also taken.
上久神 on Google

令和生まれが高校生になる、10数年後におこる現実は,(サッカーやラグビーなどの、他の人気競技にもいえますが)とても残念でさみしいものではないでしょうか。少子化の最低記録を更新し続けている中、その影響は、例外なくスポーツ界にも及んでいます。その大きな原因は(誰でも知っている)人数です。野球は最低9人いないと、チーム構成、存在を認めてもらえません。今だって、紅白戦(18人) をできないような、ベンチ入り人員(20人)満たせない学校が、沢山ありますし、年々増えています。どうにか参加している…というもので表面上の数を確保しています。ただこの少子化が年々最低記録の更新によって加速し、廃部寸前の学校が増え続けます。そして一時凌ぎで連合チームに移行して、最後は廃部への道を辿るのは確実です。 いずれ(高校野球の場合)県大会参加16校…なんていう時代も,令和生まれが高校生になると、当たり前の風景になるのでしょうか…。すべて少子化が、価値観を変貌させるのでは…。10数年後は、そもそも子供自体が、いないのですから。それに、半分は女子ですし…。
The reality of being born in Reiwa and becoming a high school student ten years later (as in other popular sports such as soccer and rugby) is very disappointing and lonely. As we continue to set the lowest record for the declining birthrate, the impact is, without exception, on the sports world. The main reason for this is the number of people (everyone knows). If you don't have at least nine baseball players, you won't be recognized for their team composition and existence. Even now, the red and white battle (18 people) There are many schools that can't meet the number of people on the bench (20 people), and the number is increasing year by year. I've managed to get involved ... and I've secured a number on the surface. However, this declining birthrate is accelerating by breaking the lowest record year by year, and the number of schools on the verge of abolition continues to increase. And it is certain that we will move to the coalition team for a while and finally follow the path to the abolition. Eventually (in the case of high school baseball) 16 schools participating in the prefectural tournament ... Will it become a natural scenery when Reiwa-born becomes a high school student? Maybe the declining birthrate will change the sense of values ​​... Ten years later, there will be no children in the first place. Besides, half of them are girls ...
yushi suzuki on Google

⚾球場改修に合わせて公園周辺の樹木を一気に伐採してしまいましたね。 森の木々の茂みは、高温の夏の大会時など、球場入り前の選手や応援の方々の貴重な日陰を作っていました。 体調を守るための日陰が、時代と逆行して減ってしまいました。 見映えが優先されるのですね。 ↓写真「あの森が無くなっている!」
⚾ You have cut down the trees around the park at once in line with the renovation of the stadium. The bushes of the trees in the forest created a valuable shade for the players and cheers before entering the stadium, such as during the hot summer tournament. The shade to protect my physical condition has decreased against the times. The appearance is prioritized, isn't it? ↓ Photo "That forest is gone!"

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