(株)大有工舎 本店

3.6/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact (株)大有工舎 本店

住所 :

Tochidani, Shinonsen, Mikata District, 〒669-6745 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Webサイト : http://taiyukosha.com/
街 : Hyogo

Tochidani, Shinonsen, Mikata District, 〒669-6745 Hyogo,Japan
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家を建てて随分たち『どこか気になるところはないですか?』とやっと訪ねて来られたため『クロスがはがれかけているところがあったり、壁に物があたりクロスがはがれたため直したいが、まずは直すのに見積もりを出して欲しい』と依頼。写真まで撮って帰ったのに全く連絡なし。しばらくして、キッチンや階段の電気がつかなくなったため連絡。電気のつかない箇所の確認のため家に来られた。その際にクロス張り替えについて再度相談。電気の交換と同日にクロス張り替えをしていただくことになった。(見積もりを出していただく話は全く覚えていない様子) しかし、約束した日にちとは全く違う日に突然電気屋さんが来られた。何のことか分からず問うと『大有工舎から依頼があり来た』と。その日は電気を替えてもらったが今までついていた電球の準備が出来ていなかったようで今までとは違う電球になり家の電気の色がアンバランスに。 そして、元々約束していた日にクロス張り替えに来るものだと思い、家で待っていたが結局来ず。夕方問い合わせると『電球替えた時にクロス張り替えも終わっていると思っていた』と。 まずは、約束した日と違う日に来られたのならそれを謝るべきではないでしょうか?約束も守らず、電球の準備も出来ず、謝罪もない。あげくの果てに『もう信用出来ないのでクロス張り替えについては結構です』と告げるとアッサリ『そうですか。』と言って帰って行かれました。 連絡がうまくいかないことについて尋ねても『携帯が水没してしまって』などと言い訳が多すぎます。担当者は次々辞められるし、親身になって話を聞いてくれたのは契約するまでです。今から家を建てられる方は大有工舎はおすすめしません。家を建てる前に大有工舎で建てた知り合いに相談しましたが、どなたも辞めた方がいいと言っていました。それでも信用してお願いしたのに、この有様。おすすめしません。
After building a house, many people said, "Are there any points you care about? I finally visited and asked, "There is a place where the cloth is peeling off, or an object hits the wall and the cloth is peeled off, so I want to fix it, but first I want you to give me an estimate to fix it." I took a picture and went home, but I didn't get in touch at all. After a while, I contacted him because the kitchen and stairs were out of light. I came home to check where the electricity was off. At that time, consult again about cloth replacement. It was decided that the cloth would be replaced on the same day as the electricity was replaced. (It seems that I don't remember the story of getting a quote at all) However, an electrician suddenly came on a day completely different from the promised date. When I asked him without knowing what it was, he said, "I received a request from Daiyu Kosha." On that day, I had the electricity changed, but it seemed that the light bulbs that had been on were not ready, so the light bulbs became different and the color of the electricity in the house became unbalanced. And I thought that I would come to replace the cloth on the day I originally promised, so I waited at home but did not come after all. When I inquired in the evening, he said, "I thought that the cloth was replaced when I changed the light bulb." First of all, shouldn't we apologize if we came on a different day than we promised? I didn't keep my promise, I couldn't prepare the light bulb, and I didn't apologize. At the end of the story, he said, "I can't trust you anymore, so it's okay to replace the cloth." I went home saying. There are too many excuses such as "My cell phone has been submerged" when I ask about problems with contact. The person in charge is quitting one after another, and it is only until the contract that he listens to me in a friendly manner. If you are going to build a house from now on, we do not recommend Daiyu Kosha. Before I built the house, I consulted with an acquaintance who built it at Daiyu Kosha, but everyone said that I should quit. Even so, I asked you to trust me, but this is what it looks like. Not recommended.

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