Tobiushi Nikuemon - Taito City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tobiushi Nikuemon

住所 :

2 Chome-4-8 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 111-0032

2 Chome-4-8 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan
はるさんの嫁 on Google

1も押したくないレベル。カルビクッパを注文したが油っこいだけの無味のスープ。 ただただ高いだけ。リピなし。
The level you don't want to press 1. I ordered Kalbi Kuppa, but it's a tasteless soup that is only greasy. It's just expensive. No lipi.
Chu Namusakun on Google

This is the most favorite yakiniku restaurant in Tokyo. Meat and dishes selected by a general who has experience in Japanese cuisine are delicious no matter what you choose. It is a bit different from other yakiniku restaurants. It is best if the frozen lemon is served with iced sour. I also like the location with a feeling of back alleys in Asakusa.
沙織 on Google

浅草の焼肉屋で1番無い店! 期待して行ったのに期待外れもいいとこ! 嫌味ったらしい奥さんに接客知らずの店員。 肉は良くても味付け悪い。 二度と無い
The best yakiniku restaurant in Asakusa! I was expecting it, but it's okay to disappoint! A clerk who doesn't know how to serve his wife who seems to dislike it. Meat is good but badly seasoned. Never again
ヤノクラサトシ on Google

浅草で落ち着いて飲みたかったため、ホッピー街を避けてブラブラしてたら、いい感じのお店を発見! ホルモン盛合せ、精肉の盛合せ、タン塩を頼んで食べました! 最高に美味い!この一言だけ! リピ確定のお店です!
Since I wanted to stay calm and drink in Asakusa, I found a nice shop when I strolled away from the hoppy streets! I ordered a hormonal platter, a meat platter, and tan salt, and ate it! The best! Only this one word! It's a Lipi confirmed shop!
石橋ミツタカ on Google

もう3回リピしてますが、わが家では鶯谷園、焼肉問屋牛蔵と同格ランクのお店です。 注文してから炊き上げる土釜飯に山椒をかけたお肉で巻いて食べる白飯は最高です! さすが元高級料亭にいたオーナーシェフです。 フォーリンデブはっしーさんが認めてくれたのも、嬉しい!
I have repeated it three times, but at my home, it is a restaurant of the same rank as Uguisudanien and Gyuzo, a grilled meat wholesaler. The white rice that is cooked after ordering and wrapped in meat with Japanese pepper is the best! As expected, he is the owner chef who was at a former luxury restaurant. I'm glad that Foreign Deb Hasshi-san acknowledged it!
りーちゃん on Google

伺った時間が悪かったのかもしれませんが19時から20時くらいの1時間お邪魔しました。ご夫婦でやられてるので大変かとは思いますが、浅草の親しみやすい感じではなかったです。早く帰ってくれオーラをひしひしと感じました…笑 お肉は柔らかくて美味しかったです!
It may have been a bad time to visit, but I visited for an hour from 19:00 to 20:00. I think it's difficult because it's done by a couple, but it wasn't a familiar feeling in Asakusa. Please come back early and I felt the aura squeaky ... lol The meat was tender and delicious!
Matsu Grace on Google

The beef melts like sumptuous christmas in your mouth❤️❤️❤️❤️??? The best dishes I have ever had in years???❤️❤️❤️❤️?!! More power!! God bless???? Excellent taste!!!
Barney Cabus on Google

Awesome Yakiniku Restaurant, meat is extremely tender. Delicious right off the table grill. Only 3 tables...very personal.

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