河合楽器製作所 竜洋工場

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 河合楽器製作所 竜洋工場

住所 :

Tobihiramatsu, Iwata, 〒438-0216 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www2.kawai.co.jp/piano/academy/factory/info.html
街 : Shizuoka

Tobihiramatsu, Iwata, 〒438-0216 Shizuoka,Japan
zume on Google

働いている職人はベテラン揃い、 白髪の人がかなり居たのは心強い。 定年を過ぎても継続雇用で後継者の育成に努めている姿は尊敬しかない。 同時に品質にも安心できる、ベテラン職人最高! 頑張ってください、応援しています。
The working craftsmen are all veterans, It is encouraging that there were quite a white-haired person. There is only respect for the figure that is trying to foster successors through continuing employment even after retirement age. At the same time quality can be assured, veteran craftsman best! Good luck, I support you.
Andrea Ohashi on Google

Praia gostosa para relaxar e caminhar, mas perigosa para entrar na água, muitas pedras e buracos.
Tasty beach to relax and hike, but dangerous to get into the water, lots of rocks and holes.
高橋奈恵 on Google

You can see that each piano is made by a craftsman. It is also recommended for those who are learning the piano, those who are about to start, and those who are teaching. It is not suitable for small children, but I think it can be enjoyed by both children and adults.
小野優成 on Google

I bought a Boston grand piano, but the keyboard was heavy and it was hard to hit the next felt, and only 2 of the 3 strings could be played. I was disappointed to buy the first grand piano. I want you to make the piano more carefully. This piano is not suitable for playing delicate classical music.
M J on Google

カワイ最高峰のグランドピアノ…ShigeruKawai(SK)がここで生まれる。 確かな技術や五感を研ぎ澄ませ、作られるShigeru Kawai。 去年行わられた「浜松国際ピアノコンクール」では1位のピアニストはこのShigeru Kawaiで優勝❗️ 世界的にも有名な「ショパンコンクール」では公式に認定されているShigeru Kawai。 世界にも認められているピアノはすごいと思います! 工場見学は一般のグランドピアノを作っているところを見られます。 Shigeru Kawaiも同じ工場内で作っているのでちろっと見えるかもしれません。(壁がありますが) 一台一台手作りのピアノを見てみませんか? 詳細 ・工場見学はガイドさんがいます。 ・ガイドさんの声が聞き取りやすいように片耳ヘッドホンをつけての見学。 ・見学待機室にはX JAPANのよしきさん特注のピアノ(世界に2台)があります!貴重!!
Kawai's highest grand piano ... Shigeru Kawai (SK) is born here. Shigeru Kawai is made by sharpening reliable technology and five senses. At the "Hamamatsu International Piano Competition" held last year, the 1st place pianist won this Shigeru Kawai ❗️ Shigeru Kawai is officially certified at the world-famous "Chopin Competition". I think the piano that is recognized in the world is amazing! You can see the factory tour making a general grand piano. Shigeru Kawai is also made in the same factory, so you may see it at a glance. (Although there is a wall) Why don't you take a look at the handmade pianos one by one? Details ・ There is a guide for the factory tour. ・ A tour with one-ear headphones so that the guide's voice can be heard easily. ・ There are X JAPAN's custom-made pianos (two in the world) in the tour waiting room! valuable! !!
keiko on Google

It disassembles the grand piano and tells out the mechanism of the sound in detail.
masa i on Google

社会見学で訪問しました。XJAPAN YOSHIKIさんが使ったクリスタルピアノが展示されていました。係の方曰く、YOSHIKIファンが時々訪れ、これを見たとたん泣き崩れられる…、とおっしゃってました。 確かに存在感抜群のピアノでした。
I visited for a social visit. The crystal piano used by Mr. XJAPAN YOSHIKI was on display. According to the person in charge, YOSHIKI fans visited from time to time, and when we saw this, we could say that we could be weeping .... Certainly it was a piano with a great presence.
Youki Takei on Google

Great service. I came from malaysia, they prepared malaysian flag for us. The world piano maker, kawai, 's main factory. Their tour is great, and you can also play x'japan's yoshiki's concert piano.

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