Tirekan - Nerima City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tirekan

住所 :

タイヤ館石神井 4 Chome-1-3 Shimoshakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 177-0042
Webサイト : http://www.taiyakan.co.jp/shop/shakujii/

タイヤ館石神井 4 Chome-1-3 Shimoshakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0042, Japan
tora kuma on Google

タイヤ交換はこの店で今まで12年間にたぶん8回くらいしました。4輪なので32本購入しました。なぜこの店でかって? それは店長の鈴木さんと副店長の今倉さんのお人柄がとても良いってこと! 夜8時に車持ち込んでも喜んでやってくれるのここだけでーす。 こういうサービスが一番嬉しかったです。
I have probably changed tires about eight times in 12 years so far. I bought 32 as they are 4 wheels. Why is this store? That is because the personality of Mr. Suzuki, the manager, and Mr. Imakura, the deputy manager, are very good! Even if I bring my car at 8:00 pm, he will be happy to do it. I was most happy with this kind of service.
有我稔(ariga drive) on Google

If you buy it at a Bridgestone exclusive store in Nerima Ward, it is definitely renewed here. Since it is a tire specialty store, it will be attached properly. I think that a store that is close to the community is a good store. It is not a directly managed store but a franchise and operates a cockpit. The puncture repair of Toyota dealerships can only be done by an amateur on the outside, and after a few years it will leak due to deterioration. The real flat tire repair specified by the tire manufacturer takes time and money to repair the inner and outer surfaces by removing the tire from the wheel, but it gives you a different sense of security.
ほそちゃん#zc31s(ほそちゃん) on Google

ホイールアライメント調整と、MTミッションオイルの交換をやってもらいました。 初めての利用でしたが、受入から作業報告、お会計まで、フレンドリーかつ丁寧なご対応をして頂き、とてもイイ店だと思いました。 ハンドルとギアの調子も良くなり、とても満足! また利用したいですが、何を買おうかな?
I had them adjust the wheel alignment and change the MT mission oil. It was my first time to use it, but I thought it was a very good store because of the friendly and polite response from acceptance to work reports and accounting. The steering wheel and gears are in good condition and I am very satisfied! I want to use it again, but what should I buy?
g m on Google

パンクによるタイヤ交換でお世話になりました。 純正タイヤサイズが変則な上に、加えて純正ホイールのセンターキャップが外れない面倒な仕様の欧州車ですが、当該店舗の協力会社の助けもあって交換することが出来ました。 店舗で出来ないことを横の繋がりで解決して頂けました。 大変感謝しております。 接客は非常に丁寧であると思います。
Thank you for changing the tires due to a flat tire. The genuine tire size is irregular, and in addition, the center cap of the genuine wheel does not come off, but it is a troublesome European car, but with the help of the partner company of the store, I was able to replace it. We were able to solve things that could not be done at the store through horizontal connections. I am extremely grateful. I think the customer service is very polite.
たかゆきすえひろ on Google

The staff who was adjusting the alignment ️But if it's a car, you can talk about anything and install anything. For consultation, please contact the store manager.
T M (ウェル) on Google

何年前になるだろうか、 この店にパンクかと伺って調べてもらった所 プロドライブのホイールのエアバルブ周りから空気漏れが有ると言われてバルブが特殊でメーカーにないと言われてホイールをこの店で言われるがまま買い替えたのですが……自分が無知だったのは否めないですが…お気に入りのホイールを諦められず知人の紹介で別のお店で見て頂いたら型番の違うプロドライブエ純正アバルブが取付けられるしバルブは特殊でもなんでもないし何故交換出来ないと言ったのが理解出来ないと言われ問題無く交換して頂きプロドライブに戻す事が出来ました。このお店の担当した人は知らない客をカモと思いホイールを売りつけてしまいにはホイールを処分しておきましょうかとぬかしていた事が腹立たしくて最初からバルブ交換が出来るのを知っていて詐欺師かとしか思えない 当時の担当者は副店長だったと記憶してますが 別のタイヤ館は違うかもしれないが 自分はこの先絶対タイヤ館には行かないと思います
How many years ago I asked this shop if it was a flat tire and asked me to check it. It was said that there was an air leak from around the air valve of the wheel of Prodrive, and it was said that the valve was special and the manufacturer did not have it, so I bought a new wheel as it was said at this shop ... I can't deny it ... I couldn't give up on my favorite wheel, and when I was introduced by an acquaintance to see it at another shop, I could install a genuine Prodrive valve with a different model number. I was told that I couldn't understand it, so I had it replaced without any problems and was able to return it to Prodrive. The person in charge of this shop thought that an unknown customer was a duck and was annoyed that he should dispose of the wheel if he sold the wheel, and he knew that the valve could be replaced from the beginning. I can only think I remember that the person in charge at that time was the deputy store manager. Another tire building may be different I don't think I'll ever go to Taiyakan in the future
松井北斗 on Google

I think that expertise and technology are the best. Furthermore customer service is also wonderful. Not only tires, but also maintenance and installation of parts can be satisfied with almost all customers, I think it is a shop you can expect.
サトキンサトキン on Google

先日タイヤの組み替えで予約の電話をしました。 『タイヤの組み替えで予約したいのですが、少し時間がかかりますか?』と尋ねてたら所、『時間はかかかります。タイヤは購入した事ありますか?』とスタッフ、『ありません。組み替えお願いしたいんですが』と返しました。すると、『今の時期忙しいから組み替え予約はできません』と返答せれました。 忙しくても最低は予約は早くても来月になります。などの返答があればいいのですが、一刀両断で断られました。 全国のタイヤ館はこんな対応なのかとイメージがつきました。
The other day I made a reservation call to change the tires. "I would like to make a reservation by changing the tires. Will it take some time? When I asked, "It will take time." Have you ever bought a tire? "And the staff," No. I'd like to ask you to rearrange it. " Then, he replied, "I can't make a reclassification reservation because I'm busy this time." Even if you are busy, the minimum reservation will be next month at the earliest. It would be nice if there was a reply such as, but it was refused with a single sword. I got the image that tire halls nationwide are such a response.

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