TIPNESS - Takarazuka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1 Chome-8-26 Sakaemachi, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0845, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 665-0845
Webサイト : https://tip.tipness.co.jp/shop_info/SHP047/

1 Chome-8-26 Sakaemachi, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0845, Japan
一心 on Google

昔通っていました。 辞めた理由は、昼間激混みだからです。 ジムでマシーンを使おうとしても順番待ちは当たり前、プールも混んでいて、まともに泳げません。この辺りは、元気なおじさんおばさんおじいちゃんおばあちゃんが多いので仕方ないですね。 この手のスポーツクラブのトレーナーさんにトレーニング知識を求めてはいけません。ほとんどがアルバイトだからです。ほんと呆れるぐらいの答えが返って来るので質問してはいけません。しかし、ほんの一部詳しいスタッフさんが居る場合があるので、頑張って見付けて下さい。 施設は古いです。
I used to go there. I quit because it was very busy during the day. Even if you try to use a machine at the gym, it's natural to wait in line and the pool is crowded and you can't swim properly. There are a lot of cheerful uncles and grandfathers around here, so there's no way out. Do not seek training knowledge from trainers of this kind of sports club. Most of them are part-time workers. Don't ask any questions, as you will get a really stunning answer. However, there may be only a few staff members who are very detailed, so please do your best to find them. The facility is old.
オカダマル on Google

家内が長く会員をしてますが、聞く範囲では会員をちっとも大切にしてないように思います。 レッスンに入るために、真夏でも外に順番待ちで会員を並ばせてるとか、理解に苦しみます。何故、当番を決めて早く会場を開けてあげないのか⁉︎ それと、ロッカー失敗での盗難事故が長期間発生してるとも聞いてます。いろいろ改善して欲しいですね!
My wife has been a member for a long time, but I don't think I value the members at all as far as I can hear. I'm having a hard time understanding that I'm waiting outside in the middle of the summer to wait for the members to line up for the lesson. Why don't you decide on duty and open the venue early? I also heard that a locker failed theft accident for a long time. I want you to make various improvements!
URI on Google

宝塚のジムの中では施設、使い勝手など一番だと思います。駐車場がかなり広くて、満車になることはほぼないと思います。出し入れもしやすいです。宝塚駅、南口からも歩いていけます。 コロナで色々大変な業界だけど、潰れないでほしいです
I think that the facilities and usability are the best in the Takarazuka gym. The parking lot is quite large and I think it is unlikely to be full. It is easy to put in and out. You can also walk from Takarazuka Station and the South Exit. It's a tough industry in Corona, but I hope it doesn't collapse.
D on Google

スタッフさんの対応も親切丁寧で素晴らしいんですが。 常連客(?)行くと毎日来ているおばさん (ワタシもオジサン…) ストレッチスペースが、限り有るのに隣のお友達だかなんだかと喋りっぱなし ストレッチしてればまだいいが。 止まって一時間ぐらい2人が動かない。 スタッフさんも注意しにくいとは思うんですが、コロナのコトも有るんで ストレッチスペースで長々と話しながらは、注意してもらいたいです
The staff are kind and polite, and it's wonderful. Aunt who comes every day when she goes to a regular customer (?) (I'm also an old man ...) Even though the stretch space is limited, I keep talking as if I'm a friend next door I wish I could stretch it. Two people do not move for about an hour after stopping. I think it's difficult for the staff to pay attention, but there are also things about corona. I want you to be careful while talking for a long time in the stretch space
三條場光彦 on Google

利用し始めて2年になります フィットネスジム、 水泳スクール、ダンスや体操、ヨガスクールと 色々有り一日中飽きない内容で週3日程利用してます。コロナ対策もスタッフ初め利用者も皆さんが 気配りしてますので安心です。
It's been two years since I started using the fitness gym, Swimming school, dance and gymnastics, yoga school There are various things, and I use it about 3 days a week with content that I never get tired of all day long. Corona measures, staff and users I am attentive, so I am relieved.
小松ノブヒロ on Google

スタッフも丁寧で爽やかな印象 設備は綺麗でプールやサウナもあって整っている ただ朝から混んでいるので自分のやりたいトレーニング器具がなかなか使えないこともある 利用者側の問題ですが、このコロナ禍で使用前後にアルコール消毒を全くしない人や、サウナで会話禁止の張り紙があるのにペチャクチャ話すおじさん集団がいるので、マナーの悪い人には注意してほしい
The staff is also polite and refreshing The facilities are clean and well equipped with a pool and sauna However, since it is crowded from the morning, it may be difficult to use the training equipment you want to do. Although it is a problem on the user side, there are people who do not disinfect alcohol at all before and after use in this corona, and there are uncle groups who talk pechakucha even though there is a sticker that prohibits conversation in the sauna, so be careful of people with bad etiquette. want
ぴくみんミドリ on Google

近隣ティップネスとは異なり、キッズクラスが無く、ワンフロアなので、使いやすい。設備もキレイで、整備・清掃も行き届いている印象。スタッフの対応も良い感じ。 プログラムは時間帯によって偏りがあるのは、どの施設でも同様かと思いますが、曜日別でも良いので考慮してもらいたい。 客層はゆったり感のある方が多いので、がっつりやりたい人は少し抜きながらやると丁度ぐらいでしょう。
Unlike the neighborhood Tipness, there is no kids class and it is one floor, so it is easy to use. Impression that the equipment is clean and well maintained and cleaned. The correspondence of the staff is also good. I think that the program is biased depending on the time of day at any facility, but it may be by day of the week, so please consider it. Most of the customers have a relaxed feeling, so if you want to do it firmly, you should just pull it out a little.
Tiberius on Google

Very polite, professional, well dressed staff who are very friendly and helpful. Clean facility with nice friendly and colourful designs. Gym has very good equipment with a friendly atmosphere. Enjoyed it very much and thank you to the amazing staff!!!

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