Tickets Kong - Osaka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tickets Kong

住所 :

8-5 Nanba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 542-0076
Webサイト :

8-5 Nanba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan
takano iwasaki on Google

The clerk is not motivated ...
沢田 on Google

外貨両替所。 場所が地下だが、種類豊富でレートが良いと思います。 銀行で両替するのが、バカらしくなるくらい、良いレート。 大阪でここより、良いレートの所があれば、教えて下さい。
Foreign exchange office. Although the place is underground, I think that the variety is rich and the rate is good. It is a good rate to change currency at a bank, it seems stupid. From Osaka here, if there is a place with a good rate, please let me know.
山田順平 on Google

いつ訪れてもチケットの種類が少なく、 店員の女性もずっと世間話をしていてやる気がないので利用しない方が良いです。 すぐ近くにもチケットショップがたくさんあるのでそちらを利用しましょう。
There are few types of tickets every time you visit, It is better not to use it because the clerk's woman is not talking about small talk all the time. There are many ticket shops in the immediate vicinity, so let's use there.
MITSUKO . K on Google

The selling price is the cheapest around Namba.
Mayumi K on Google

I went there because it is close to Namba subway station, but unfortunately the clerk's attitude is not good. I'm chatting every time I go, and it's hard to hear in a whisper when serving customers, and I feel uncomfortable without a word of thanks.
主に近鉄鉄道 on Google

昨日来ました。 あ~…ここにすればよかった。 近鉄の切符が1290円でした。 阪神は360円でした。 21時迄やっていました。? 2021年3月8日(月曜日)
I came yesterday. Ah ... I should have done it here. The Kintetsu ticket was 1290 yen. Hanshin was 360 yen. I was doing it until 21:00. ? Monday, March 8, 2021
S zao on Google

I didn't really care about the attitude of the customer service, as the word-of-mouth communication said. You can exchange at a very good rate, and I'm grateful that you do it on weekends and holidays.
ひらめる on Google

店員さんの対応は他の方も言うとおり、良くはないです。かと言って別に悪いわけでもないので気にならないです。 売値のレートが前は高かったですが、けっこい安くなっていて悲しいです? 一回の買取上限は30万円だそう
As others say, the clerk's response is not good. But it's not bad, so I don't care. The selling price was high before, but it's really cheap and sad ? It seems that the upper limit of one purchase is 300,000 yen

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