Tickets Center Fukuyamaekimaeten - Fukuyama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tickets Center Fukuyamaekimaeten

住所 :

1-21 Fushimicho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 720-0062
Webサイト :

1-21 Fushimicho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0062, Japan
k M on Google

The customer service attitude of the plump woman was the worst. Place change and receipts so that they can be thrown on the tray, respond from the top, and of course never smile.
しげさん on Google

毎月、新幹線に乗るたびに使ってます。 朝早くても自動販売機があるので助かります。
I use it every month on the Shinkansen. There is a vending machine even early in the morning, so it helps.
眞鍋麻樹 on Google

九十年代初頭からあります。 新幹線や長距離バスのチケットが安い。
It has been around since the early nineties. Shinkansen and long-distance bus tickets are cheap.
真安誠 on Google

If you use a shinkansen or long-distance limousine bus, it will help you when you buy a ticket. It will be helpful because there is a vending machine when the store is closed, if you have a little waiting time for the bus you can kill a little time at a convenience store nearby.
Yukio Takasaki on Google

ここは便利ですよ。24h自動販売機でも購入出来ますからね。 嫌な店員さんに当たった事は無いですが、対応に不満が有るなら自動券売機で購入しては如何でしょうか。 この手のお店は薄利多売が基本なのでどこの店でも多少は
It's convenient here. I because you can buy at 24h vending machines. I have never hit an unpleasant clerk, but if there is dissatisfaction with correspondence, how is it if I purchase it with an automatic ticket vending machine? Because this shop is basically a thin-rice sale, so it's somewhat
Osamu on Google

新幹線や長距離バスの利用客がチケットを自動販売機で購入しますが、順番待ちや操作時間などを考えると、店内のカウンターで購入するとテキパキと対応されるので、1/10の時間で済むような気がします。 ディスカウント料金は僅かですが、とても有難いと思います。
Users of Shinkansen and long-distance buses purchase tickets with a vending machine, but considering the waiting time and operation time, purchasing at a counter in the store will correspond to TekiPaki, so it takes only 1/10 of the time. I feel like that. Although the discount fee is small, I think it is very appreciated.
Run kumamon on Google

◎新幹線乗るなら要チェック? 店舗営業時間外でも自動販売機で切符購入可能
◎ Check out if the bullet train ride ? Tickets can be purchased at vending machines also outside the shop opening hours
趣味は食 on Google

I used it without fail when I was on a business trip to Hiroshima. I wonder if one ticket is the same as a coupon ticket. Thank you.

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