Therese Brain Clinic - Ota City

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Therese Brain Clinic

住所 :

FLOW PLACE TOKYO 2階 37-29 Kitaminemachi, Ota City, Tokyo 145-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 145-0073
Webサイト :

FLOW PLACE TOKYO 2階 37-29 Kitaminemachi, Ota City, Tokyo 145-0073, Japan
レオポン太郎 on Google

親切丁寧に診察してくれます。 星を下げるか迷ったのですが、丁寧過ぎて人一人にかける時間が長すぎて2時に行っても19時になったりします。
They will give you a kind and polite examination. I was wondering whether to lower the stars, but it was too polite and it took too long to spend on each person, so even if I went at 2 o'clock, it would be 19:00.
猫男catman on Google

何度か通っているものです。とにかくドクターも受付の人も優しくて患者に寄り添ってくれるので安心して通えてます。 ただ、星3個にした理由とはしてはとにかく人気が出過ぎてるせいか、電話が繋がらなすぎること。仕事の合間に時間のない中電話してもなかなか繋がらないから直接行くと、待ち時間が長すぎる(笑) それならこのコロナ禍もあるし、電話も繋がらないくらいならネットから予約出来るとうれしいというのが本音です。 今時予約ができないクリニックは珍しいかな、、、とそこだけが患者としては不便。ネットなら短い時間で予約出来るかなーと
I have been to it several times. Anyway, both the doctor and the receptionist are kind and will be close to the patient, so I can go there with peace of mind. However, the reason why I chose 3 stars is that the phone is too difficult to connect, probably because it is too popular. Even if I make a phone call while I have no time between work, it is difficult to connect, so if I go directly, the waiting time is too long (laugh) In that case, there is this corona sickness, and I'm really happy that I can make a reservation online if I can't connect to the phone. It's rare for a clinic to make a reservation at this time, and that's the only inconvenience for patients. I wonder if I can make a reservation online in a short time
たなべ on Google

当然ですが、頭痛で受診しました。 初診の場合、事前TELが必要で、そこで予約をとる形式です。ちなみに大人気+コロナ対策のため、私の場合は3週間後の予約でした。 また同じくコロナ対策のため、病院までの所要時間を聞かれ、受診の病院移動時間前に電話が来て病院に向かう流れです。その日は電話に気づけるよう、気が抜けませんでした。ただし、そのおかげで待合室には私のほかに多くて1人だけでした。 強面との口コミがあったので、少し構えましたが拍子抜けするほど穏やかな先生で顔も怖くないです。頭痛の種類と私の日常の頭痛がどれに該当するか、その対策と薬、いずれの説明も丁寧でわかりやすかったです。 頭痛で悩まれている方は本当におススメです。ただし初診の予約は本当に先になるので、その点は覚悟しておいたほうがいいです。
Naturally, I had a headache. For the first visit, a prior TEL is required, and an appointment is made there. By the way, due to the popularity and measures against corona, I made a reservation three weeks later. Also, as a measure against corona, you will be asked how long it will take to get to the hospital, and a phone call will come to you before the hospital travel time. I didn't feel like I was on the phone that day. However, thanks to that, there was at most one person in the waiting room besides me. There was a word of mouth with a strong face, so I set up a little, but the teacher is calm enough to beat me and my face is not scary. The types of headaches and what my daily headaches correspond to, the countermeasures and medicines, and the explanations were polite and easy to understand. Those who are suffering from headaches are really recommended. However, you should be prepared for that point, as the appointment for the first visit is really ahead.
Teresia Chang on Google

最後ご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ございませんでした。コロナ禍で新規は受付できない、外国人だから日本語は通じるかなどで診療拒否され病院を探す事が大変な世の中。ロキソニンが効かない頭痛と吐き気、めまい、睡眠障害など症状について親身になって傾聴になってアドバイスを頂きました。 普段健康だった患者の立場じゃどの科目の先生にどの内容を伝えるべきかそのわけ方がとても難しいです。そこが判別できるよういい勉強になりました。次いでのクリニック探しや会社への対応等でまたパニックを起こしたりしていますがこれから良くなる事を期待しています。 大変失礼致しました。
We apologize for the inconvenience. In a world where it is difficult to find a hospital because medical treatment is refused due to the fact that new people cannot be accepted due to corona illness, and because they are foreigners, they can speak Japanese. Loxonin did not work for headaches, nausea, dizziness, sleep disorders, and other symptoms. From the standpoint of a normally healthy patient, it is very difficult to tell which subject should be told to the teacher. It was a good study so that I could distinguish it. I'm panicking again when I'm looking for a clinic or dealing with a company, but I'm hoping that it will improve in the future. I'm very sorry.
J t (buchi) on Google

脳神経外科ご出身の、頭痛の名医です。頭痛と言っても、その人により様々な原因から来るものであり、その人の頭痛の根本原因にあわせて、丁寧な聞き取り、説明と対応をして下さいます。常に予約で一杯なのもそれを証明していると思います。おかげさまで20年以上年苦しみ続けた頭痛に対処できるよつになり、QOL が格段に向上しました。処方して下さるお薬が合わなくても、次の別のアプローチを提示して下さいます。こんなにも粘り強く、一人一人の患者さんに向き合って下さる先生はなかなかいないと思います。感謝の限りです。
A well-known headache doctor from neurosurgery. Headaches come from a variety of causes depending on the person, so please listen carefully, explain and deal with them according to the root cause of the person's headache. I think that the fact that it is always full of reservations proves that. Thanks to you, I am now able to deal with headaches that I have been suffering for over 20 years, and my QOL has improved dramatically. If the medicine you prescribe doesn't suit you, please suggest another approach. I don't think there are many teachers who are so tenacious and can deal with each and every patient. I am grateful.
Saara Yamano on Google

I thought I couldn't make a reservation because of my headache, but I could make a reservation at a later date! When I called, the symptoms were so severe that I was able to see him on that day. It was hard to stand up, but I had my parents pick me up by car and headed for the waiting time. After arriving, I waited for about 2 hours, but I'm glad I waited! I thought! Up until now, I went to the outpatient department for headaches, but there was no improvement at all and I gave up, but I asked him to talk for a long time and prescribe me to start from the point of taking the root. It was the first time for me to be such a kind hospital because I was told in detail about CT and shooting results. It's a little far, but I go! I'm really thankful to you!
yu-nao on Google

初めて受診しました! 気圧の変化で目がチカチカして、頭痛、嘔吐の症状がありました! すぐの予約は取れず1ヶ月待ち。 でも受診して、先生が親身に診察や片頭痛の原因をとてもとてもわかりやすく教えてくださりました。 今回は片頭痛用の薬をもらいました。 また薬は試していませんが、片頭痛でお悩みの方にはおすすめの病院です。
I had a medical examination for the first time! My eyes were flickering due to changes in air pressure, and I had headaches and vomiting! I can't make an immediate reservation and wait for a month. However, when I had a medical examination, the teacher kindly taught me the cause of the medical examination and migraine in a very very easy-to-understand manner. This time I got a medicine for migraine. I haven't tried any medicine, but it is a recommended hospital for those who suffer from migraine headaches.
Eriko Enatsu on Google

先生はもちろんのこと、スタッフの皆さんの優しさとプロフェッショナルさに感動しました。 CTなどの検査に合わせ、持病や今の体調、ストレス、気候などなど、ありとあらゆる角度からゆっくりお話しながら、頭痛の治療法を探して下さいました。目を見ながら紙とペンを使って、何度も下の名前で「それでね、〇〇子さん」の様に説明して下さるのでとても安心でき、信頼できる先生だなぁ、と感じました。 みんなにオススメしたいクリニックですが、混みすぎてしまうと嫌なのでコッソリ教えたいくらいです。
I was impressed by the kindness and professionalism of the staff as well as the teacher. According to the examination such as CT, he talked slowly from all angles such as chronic illness, current physical condition, stress, climate, etc., and searched for a cure for headache. While looking at my eyes, I used paper and a pen to explain many times with the name below, such as "That's right, Mr. XX", so I felt that he was a very reassuring and reliable teacher. I would like to recommend this clinic to everyone, but I don't like it if it gets too crowded, so I just want to teach it.

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