3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Azumacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
街 : Tokyo

Azumacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0082 Tokyo,Japan
たぴおか。 on Google

Even when I entered the store, no clerk came and I had to go to the kitchen to come out, the tableware was put away immediately, and there was no clerk on the floor for a long time, so even when paying. I felt like going to the kitchen to call and pay, so I thought that at least one person should be on the floor. The food and drinks were delicious.
7 74 on Google

I used it during the bar time. There were two groups of customers other than us, and it didn't seem to be particularly busy, but even if we entered the store, the clerk did not come. For some reason, the clerk was sitting in the seat and chatting, and it was difficult to distinguish between the customer and the clerk. The disposition to use. It was very unpleasant to respond to the clerk who did not fit the interior and atmosphere. I don't even want to add a single star. I will never use it again.
鈴木ウィル on Google

八王子駅前に3月1日オープンしたお店。フレンチトーストが売りの様です。 とってもお洒落な内装で、「ここは本当に八王子?」と思わせて くれるような、そんな素敵な雰囲気です。 フレンチトーストってあまり食べこと無かったけど、ホント美味しい♪ ちょくちょく食べたくなります。 夜はBarとして営業しているみたいなので、夜も行ってみたいです。
A shop that opened on March 1st in front of Hachioji Station. French toast seems to be on sale. The interior is very stylish and makes me think "Is this really Hachioji?" It's such a nice atmosphere. I didn't eat much French toast, but it's really delicious ♪ I want to eat it often. It seems that it is open as a bar at night, so I would like to go there at night as well.
小池幹生 on Google

新しくできたカフェです。売りはフレンチトースト。入店するとすぐアルコール消毒を促され座席に案内、オーダーを取っても水は出て来ません。 フレンチトーストの種類は6種類あります。 ホリデーブランチというトーストをランチセット税込1300円でいただきます。 ホリデーブランチはスクランブルエッグを挟んだフレンチトーストです。パルミジャーノレジャーノがかけてあります。付け合わせはソーセージ、アスパラガス、焼きトマト。 甘みを抑えたフレンチトーストとスクランブルエッグがよく合います。美味しくいただきました。 セットなのでブルーベリージャムのかかったヨーグルトが付き、飲み物はホットカフェラテを頼みました。
This is a new cafe. The sale is French toast. As soon as you enter the store, you will be prompted to disinfect with alcohol, guide you to your seat, and even if you take an order, water will not come out. There are 6 types of French toast. A toast called Holiday Brunch will be served for 1300 yen including lunch set. Holiday brunch is French toast with scrambled eggs sandwiched between them. Parmigiano Reggiano is on. Garnish with sausage, asparagus and roasted tomatoes. French toast with reduced sweetness and scrambled eggs go well together. It was delicious. As it is a set, yogurt with blueberry jam is attached, and I ordered a hot latte for drinks.
佐藤流矢 on Google

八王子を歩いていたらおしゃれなdarts&barを見つけたので入ってみました! 一枚目はアマレットミルク 二枚目はソーセージの盛り合わせです! このTHE LOUNGE by THE ANGIE AVEはお昼にランチ、夜にbarをやっていて、深夜の29時まで空いているらしいです!今回は夜のbarの時間帯にいきました! 店内はモダンな雰囲気でとてもリラックスできました!ちなみにBGMもおしゃれでさらに大人な雰囲気を掻き立てていました!おしゃれなカフェやbarを探している人やダーツをしたい人におすすめです!
When I was walking in Hachioji, I found a fashionable darts & bar, so I went in! The first piece is amaretto milk The second piece is a sausage platter! This THE LOUNGE by THE ANGIE AVE has lunch at noon and bar at night, and it seems that it is open until 29:00 at midnight! This time I went to the bar time zone at night! The interior was very relaxing with a modern atmosphere! By the way, the BGM was also fashionable and created a more mature atmosphere! Recommended for those who are looking for a fashionable cafe or bar or who want to play darts!
Mr. on Google

八王子駅から歩いてほど近いところにある、ランチ利用・ディナータイムではバー利用ができるお店です! 昼はかなり混んでるようですが、夜はタイミングによっては空いてて入りやすいです。 フレンチトーストがとても美味しいお店でした! 夜のバー利用にもとてもおすすめです。 ダーツ台もあるのでダーツも楽しめますし、季節に応じて楽しそうなイベントも行ってるのでいつ行っても楽しく素晴らしいお店です! 空間・お酒も食べ物も美味しくまた利用したくなる良いお店でした!分倍河原にあるThe Angie Ave.の姉妹店でこちらもバー利用もできるので両店舗ともおすすめです!
It's a shop that you can use the bar for lunch and dinner, which is just a short walk from Hachioji station! It seems to be quite crowded during the day, but it is easy to enter at night depending on the timing. French toast was a very delicious restaurant! It is also highly recommended for using the bar at night. There is also a darts stand so you can enjoy darts, and there are also events that seem to be fun depending on the season, so it's a fun and wonderful shop whenever you go! The space, sake and food were delicious and it was a good shop that you would want to use again! Both stores are recommended as you can also use the bar at the sister store of The Angie Ave. in Bubaigawara!
lilas on Google

Holiday Brunch(¥1000)とFrench Earl Gray(¥600)を注文しました? ふわふわの甘いフレンチトーストに胡椒のきいたスクランブルエッグが入っています。 添えてあるソーセージとアスパラガスもしっかり味がして美味しかったです! 見た目が可愛らしいですがかなりボリューミー! アールグレイも普通のよりスッキリした甘さがあって飲みやすかったです。 大満足でした(^^) あとバースデープレートもめっちゃくちゃ!よかったです!見た目も味も最高でした。 チョコレートケーキが超濃厚で、くまさんも可愛かったです! 文字も綺麗に書いてあってすごかったです〜 外観も内装もオシャレでいい意味で八王子じゃない感じがしました^_^
I ordered Holiday Brunch (¥ 1000) and French Earl Gray (¥ 600) ? Fluffy sweet French toast with spicy scrambled eggs. The sausages and asparagus that came with it tasted good and were delicious! It looks pretty, but it's pretty volumey! Earl Gray also had a refreshing sweetness than usual and was easy to drink. I was very satisfied (^^) Also the birthday plate is messed up! I'm glad! It looked and tasted great. The chocolate cake was super rich and Kuma-san was also cute! It was amazing that the letters were written neatly ~ The exterior and interior are fashionable and I felt that it was not Hachioji in a good way ^ _ ^
冨田広寿 on Google

八王子に八王子らしくない店が出来たと噂を聞いて伺いました。 洒落た街にあるカフェのようなお店です。 八王子人からすると良い場所に店出したなと思う立地です。 店内は9卓ほどだったと思います。 土曜の昼下がりでほぼ満席。 客層は若い人中心でした。 オレグラッセとフレンチトーストの「Heavenly Cheese」をいただきました。 オレグラッセは美しい2層。 フレンチトーストはボリュームがありますが、甘じょっぱさがクセになりペロリと食べてしまいました。 1人1500円程でこのドリンク&トーストと雰囲気を味わえるならコスパ高いです。 夜はバーになるそうなのでまた伺いたいと思います。 どんなカクテルを出すか期待です。 2022年1月再訪 平日・休日関係なく混んでいる人気店です。 前回見かけなかったイケメン店員さんがいました。 今回はフレンチトーストの「Apple CO.」とホットカフェモカをいただきました。 相変わらずフレンチトーストは美味いです。 客層が若いので私のような中年は入店を躊躇いましたが、フレンチトーストの誘惑に負けて入ってしまいました。 オッサン1人でも入れてくれる優しいお店です。
I heard rumors that Hachioji has opened a store that is not like Hachioji. It's like a cafe in a fashionable town. It is a location that I think the store was opened in a good place for Hachioji people. I think there were about 9 tables in the store. Almost full in the afternoon on Saturday. The customer base was mainly young people. I received "Heavenly Cheese" by Olegrasse and French toast. Olegrasse has two beautiful layers. French toast has a lot of volume, but the sweetness became addictive and I ate it. If you can enjoy this drink and toast and atmosphere for about 1500 yen per person, the cost is high. It seems that it will be a bar at night, so I would like to visit again. I'm expecting what kind of cocktail to serve. Revisited in January 2022 It is a popular shop that is crowded regardless of weekdays or holidays. There was a handsome clerk I didn't see last time. This time, I had a French toast "Apple CO." And a hot cafe mocha. French toast is still delicious. I hesitated to enter the store in middle age like me because the customer base is young, but I lost the temptation of French toast and entered. It is a gentle shop that even one man can enter.

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