Texas Masuda - Masuda

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Texas Masuda

住所 :

3-1 Akebono Higashimachi, Masuda, Shimane 698-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 698-0027
Webサイト : http://p-town.dmm.com/shops/shimane/9186/

3-1 Akebono Higashimachi, Masuda, Shimane 698-0027, Japan
中原の覇者 on Google

I don't know because I have only visited once, but the atmosphere is my favorite shop ☀
中島久貴 on Google

With the pachinko population declining, the end of the three-store system is almost over
勝司佐々木 on Google

I won a little
machina poppo on Google

2パチを打ちました。交換率からして通常時は割と遊べる釘だったように思います。電サポ時に削られましたが。。 パチンコ店MAPに表示されなかったのですがP-WORLDにはちゃんと載ってるんですね…やられました…。
I hit two cracks. From the exchange rate, I think that it was a nail that could be played relatively normally. Although it was cut off at the time of electric support. . It was not displayed in the pachinko parlor MAP, but it is listed on P-WORLD ... it was done ...
ぽこぴんベル on Google

よっぽどの馬鹿か客付ける気ゼロのゴミが店長のお店 平日の朝一に行ったら前日そこそこ稼働してて明らかに低設定の5.6号機、6号機が有利区間状態そのままでリセットすらしてないのが丸わかりの見ただけで打つ価値の無い台が多数 屋台が来る日が熱いとか言われてるけどハッキリ行って行く価値ない 通常営業に毛の生えた程度 ドブにお金捨てるのが趣味の人間は是非行ってみて下さい!
A stupid stupid customer who can not afford a zero garbage is the manager's store When I go to the first morning on weekdays I work so much the day before and it is clear that the low set No. 5. 6 and No. 6 are not reset even as the state of the advantageous section state as it is but there is no stage worth hitting just by seeing the circle Although it is told that the day when stalls are hot is not worth going hikkiri Normal degree of hair growth Hobbyists are encouraged to throw money away at the dob!
さや on Google

どこに行ってもテキサスはテキサスですね。 語ることは数多くありません、店員さんの応対だけは山口県内のテキサスよりはるかにマシです。
Texas is Texas wherever you go. I don't have much to say, only the clerk's response is far better than Texas in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
浦崎和雄 on Google

Play, coins are irresistible, especially at the end of the month
satomi zaizen on Google

スロットのコインがベタベタしてる。 お手拭きで指を拭くとすぐに黒ずむ。 あと、お手洗いを利用して手を洗わない客が多い。 店内に喫煙室あり。
The coins in the slots are sticky. As soon as you wipe your finger with a hand wipe, it darkens. Also, there are many customers who do not wash their hands using the restroom. There is a smoking room in the store.

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