
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 植野食品

住所 :

Terugaoka Yata, Higashisumiyoshi Ward, 〒546-0021 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://uenosyokuhin.storeinfo.jp/
街 : Osaka

Terugaoka Yata, Higashisumiyoshi Ward, 〒546-0021 Osaka,Japan
水原秀和 on Google

It's been 2 years since I stopped by, it's delicious! I love lean meat and it goes well with sake and rice.
とらとぎん on Google

Since I got it from an acquaintance, I'm addicted to it because it's so delicious and I eat it almost every day. I have a lot of sauce attached to it, so I spend a lot of it on it.
むらーたこーぢ on Google

三月の平日お昼過ぎに初めて訪問! みなさんがおっしゃる通り事前に電話しての訪問です。 初心者なので200グラムを注文。 脂身か赤身どちらか聞かれましたが、初めてなのでどっちもMIXしてもらいました。 電話の対応も良く、訪問時の対応も非常に丁寧でかなり好感が持てます。 お店は大きくありませんが、繁盛している理由が良くわかります。 まだ食べてませんが再訪確定です!!!
First visit after noon on weekdays in March! As you said, this is a visit by calling in advance. I'm a beginner so I ordered 200 grams. I was asked whether it was fat or lean, but since it was my first time, I asked them to mix both. The telephone response is good, and the response during the visit is very polite and I like it very much. The store isn't big, but you can see why it's so prosperous. I haven't eaten yet, but I'm sure I'll come back! !! !!
jk kouyou on Google

地元で人気の焼豚店のようです 焼豚以外のメニューは無く テイクアウト専門で、表からは ここにお店があることが分りづらく 知っている人だけで成り立っているようです 最低200gからです、赤身、脂身の2種類のみ 脂身と言っても脂の固まりではなく、ロースです 薄味でローストポークのような味 付属のタレは甘く、好みによりますが 私は酒のつまみに一人で200g ムシャムシャいってます ラーメンに乗せるには味が薄いように思えますが 最近のラーメンのトッピングのチャーシューは 結構薄味のところも多いですから これでもいけるかも
It seems to be a locally popular yakiniku restaurant There is no menu other than grilled pork Specialized in takeout, from the table It's hard to see that there is a shop here It seems that it only consists of people who know Starting from a minimum of 200g, only two types of lean and fat Fat is not a mass of fat, but loin. Light and roast pork-like taste The included sauce is sweet, depending on your preference I have 200g of sake for myself I'm mushy It doesn't look like it's tasteful to put on ramen, The recent ramen topping pork is There are quite a few light tastes I could go with this
0510 m on Google

母親が食べてみたいとの事で伺いました。職場の近くでお店は住宅街の中に御座います。 早速、自宅で少し試食?タレが有りますがタレ無しでもしっかり味があります。リピ決定です(笑)
I heard that my mother wanted to eat it. The shop is located in a residential area near my workplace. Immediately, there is a little tasting at home ? There is sauce, but it tastes good even without sauce. It's a lipi decision (laughs)
ミニカバ on Google

焼豚が最強に美味しい( ˆpˆ ) 店員さんの対応も非常に丁寧で、気持ちよく購入出来ます! 値段はちょっとだけ高いです。
Grilled pork is the strongest and delicious (ˆpˆ) The clerk's response is also very polite and you can purchase comfortably! The price is a little high.
河内旅人 on Google

久ぶりに焼き豚を買いに行きました、長い間、焼き豚とチャーシューの区別を考えてもいませんでしたが、初めて此処に買いに来た時、入口に紙が貼って有り、チャーシューは煮豚だとその違いを知りました。 此処の焼き豚は格別!! 生産工場直売。赤身と脂身があり、特に脂身は少しばかり執こいですが、とても美味しいです。そして、たれも付いていますが買い足しておいた方がベストだと思います。
I went to buy grilled pork for the first time in a long time, I did not think about distinguishing between grilled pork and char siu for a long time, but when I came here to buy for the first time, there was paper on the entrance, char siu is boiled pork I knew the difference. The grilled pork here is exceptional! ! Directly sold at the production factory. There are red meat and fat meat, especially the fat meat is a little obstinate, but it is very delicious. And it comes with a sauce, but I think it's best to buy more.
デヴィッド・ジャガー on Google

無性に食べたくなった時、たまに買いに行きます。 今年(2021年)から、ちょっと値上がりしましたが、そんなことはいいのです。 美味しいから買いに行くのです。 お土産で人にあげると、ほぼリピーターになります。 個人的には赤身が好みですが、あれば という程度で特に問題なし。 食べ方について、以前はちょっとバーナーで炙ったりしていましたが、小細工いりません。今はそのままが一番だと思っています。 一つ寂しいのは、タレの入れ物 以前は豚の形のしょうゆさしみたいなものに入っていて可愛かったんですが、今はビニールのものに変わったようです。
When I want to eat asexually, I sometimes go to buy it. The price has risen a little since this year (2021), but that's good. I go to buy it because it's delicious. If you give it to someone as a souvenir, it will be almost a repeater. Personally, I like lean meat, but if there is, there is no problem. As for how to eat, I used to bake it with a burner for a while, but I don't need to do any tricks. I think that it is the best now. One lonely thing is the sauce container It used to be cute because it was in a pig-shaped soy sauce, but now it seems that it has changed to a vinyl one.

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