
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やきとり家三十六

住所 :

Terakadocho, Izumi, 〒594-0064 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Osaka

Terakadocho, Izumi, 〒594-0064 Osaka,Japan
なんくるマスジ on Google

Recommended for those who want to eat various flavors little by little! A shop where children are also welcome
雑賀孫市 on Google

かなりの焼き鳥の美味さ。 丁寧に焼いているのがわかる味。 接客もすごく良いです
The delicious taste of yakitori. Taste that you can see that it is carefully baked. The customer service is also very good
岡本憲雄 on Google

Seseri ponzu and other grilled foods were all delicious. The water eggplant tempura is also the best.
向井昭一 on Google

いつ行っても、楽しく食事させていただいています。いつも早めに入るからか、席がほとんど変わらないのも、いいです 鶏飯が、あっさりしていておいしくて、奈良漬が入っているのも大変お進めです。 子どもには、お菓子がお土産でいただけます
I always enjoy eating anytime. It ’s also good that the seats are almost the same because it ’s always early. The chicken rice is light and delicious, and it's also very much that Nara pickles are included. Children can enjoy sweets as souvenirs
浩司 on Google

【内観】落ち着いた雰囲気で、好印象。 【料理】定番品からアレンジ品まで、品揃えが豊富。 炭火が使われているため、全品香ばしく、旨味が深い。 【接客】腰の低いマスター(店主)が、愛想よく対応。 帰り際、玄関先までお見送り。
[Inside view] A calm atmosphere and a good impression. [Cooking] A wide selection of items, from standard items to arranged items. All items are fragrant and rich in flavor because charcoal is used. [Customer Service] A low-profile master (shopkeeper) responds with goodwill. On return, see off at the front door.
UME ☆ on Google

Not to mention yakitori, the menu other than yakitori is also abundant and delicious! !! Owner? ?? At first glance, it seems to be silent, but he treats children carefully and always gives me sweets on his way home. The clerk's customer service is good and I want to go there again.
矢野塁 on Google

It was delicious. Personally, the meatballs and crispy skin were the best ^^
ヴォルデモート on Google

家庭的な味でとても美味しかったです 混んでる時は料理が出てくるのは遅いですが、仕方がないことなので、それだけ把握しといたほうがいいと思います。
It had a homely taste and was very delicious When it's crowded, the food comes out late, but it can't be helped, so I think it's better to keep track of it.

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