芦屋国際学院 大阪校

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芦屋国際学院 日本語学校 芦屋国?学院 大阪校 Ashiya International School of Japanese studies - Ashiya-intl.com


芦屋国際学院 日本語学校 芦屋国?学院 大阪校 Ashiya International School of Japanese studies - Ashiya-intl.com

ここはチャレンジできる場所ようこそA.I.S.Jへ! Welcome to A.I.S.J!


?言??美好的工具?人?相?、相知。学??言,可以接触新的文化,加深相互的理解,建立起通向美好未来的?梁。通?学?日?,?展???世界的眼界和培???和平的信念。?正是A.I.S.J的心愿。日益国?化的日?,作?相互交流的工具, A.I.S.J??有学?日?的全日制学校。掌握日?并非最?目的,我?衷心希望通??地学?及学生?的交流来加深?于日本文化、?俗??的理解。学?正?、?用的日?将来能?活?在国?大舞台上。

Language is a wonderful tool which we can use to communicate with and understand people from different cultures. Coming into contact with different cultures and understanding them will enrich our lives towards the future. By offering Japanese language education, A.I.S.J. hope to provide students the means to broaden their world view and hence create peace in this world we all share. A.I.S.J has established a fulltime program of Japanese in order to learn the globalized language as well as to learn it as a tool of communication through formal studies, field trips and interactions with the members of the A.I.S.J students, of not only the Japanese language itself, but also to understand the culture and customs that underlie the language.

芦屋国際学院 4つの特徴 4 Distinctions of A.I.S.J.夢の実現へ向けここから始まる!1. ライジングシステム Rising System 3. 個別ブース型自習室 Individual Booth-type Study Rooms4. 徹底した個人指導 Thorough Tutoring

Contact 芦屋国際学院 大阪校

住所 :

Teradacho, Tennoji Ward, 〒543-0045 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Webサイト : http://ashiya-intl.com/
街 : Osaka

Teradacho, Tennoji Ward, 〒543-0045 Osaka,Japan
pham quyet on Google

Kind teacher ?‍??‍?
Nam Hà TV on Google

Gần ga teradacho cách ga 5 phút đi bộ. Trường có 4 toà nhà. 2 toà hk một toà văn phòng và một toà hội trường.
Near the teradacho station is a 5-minute walk from the station. The school has 4 buildings. 2 court hk an office building and a hall.
朱純慧 on Google

我在日本疫情最嚴峻的時候過來留學,跟我同一期的同學也就5個人,還不同班!我是參加學校的護士課程,自己報名自己與學校聯絡,來日前學校幫忙安排好打工,所以來這邊一切都很順利。最想誇獎的是同班同學都在2021.03畢業,只剩我一個,學校並沒有把我硬塞至其他班,或是降級讀,班級就我一個!!!老師一對一教學,要春休前還特地拿教材與我討論我有沒有學過,之後因為7月要考日文檢定,學校正密集的幫我上課,自己回家做歷屆試題,拿去學校跟老師討論,老師還幫我做我試題的分析,弱的地方在哪裡之類的(雖然都很弱),但今天拿到這張分析圖,真的是感動無比,2015年來過日本留學半年,兩間學校真的程度不能相比。 語言學校要慎選,因為學校台灣人很少,特別打一篇繁體中文評價?
I came to study abroad when the epidemic in Japan was at its worst. There were only 5 classmates in the same period as me, and they were in different classes! I am attending the school's nursing course. I signed up and contacted the school. The school helped arrange part-time work before I came here, so everything went smoothly here. What I want to praise most is that all my classmates graduated in 2021.03, and I was the only one left. The school did not force me into another class or be demoted, and I was the only one in the class! ! ! The teacher teaches one-on-one, and before the spring break, he will take the textbooks to discuss with me whether I have studied it. After that, the school is intensively helping me with classes because I have to take the Japanese test in July, and I go home to do the previous test questions and take it to the school. Discussed with the teacher, the teacher also helped me to do the analysis of my test questions, where are the weak points (although they are very weak), but I got this analysis chart today, I am really touched, I have studied in Japan for half a year in 2015 , The two schools are really incomparable. Choose a language school carefully, because there are very few Taiwanese in the school, so I especially write an evaluation in Traditional Chinese?
Bách Cao on Google

Good school

Nice school

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