
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プティ・ボヌール

住所 :

Terada, Joyo, 〒610-0121 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/bakery_petit_bonheur_0418/%3Fhl%3Dja
街 : Kyoto

Terada, Joyo, 〒610-0121 Kyoto,Japan
亜紀 on Google

小さなパン屋さんですが、色んな種類のパンがあります。 開店がパン屋さんにしては遅いのですが、主婦が朝から一仕事してから買いに行くと、出来立てパンが買えます。 大きさは小ぶりかと思いますが価格が抑えられていると思います。
Although it is a small bakery, there are various types of bread. It's late for a bakery to open, but if a housewife goes to work after working in the morning, she can buy fresh bread. I think the size is small, but I think the price is kept down.
パニーニ on Google

今まで数回伺っているのですが、知名度を上げたくなくてレビューしていなかったお店 小さなお店なので売り切れが心配だったのですが、今のところお昼過ぎくらいに行けば逃さず買えているので書きます 食パンがとても美味しく、かつリーズナブル 鷹峯の某店には及ばないものの、空腹ならいつの間にか生のままを1斤食べきってしまいそうなレベルです 湯種とミルクの二種あって食べ比べたのですが、甲乙付け難い 惣菜パン系も美味しくハイレベル 菓子パン系は普通に感じますが、ハードな生地のものは私好みで美味しいと思います
I've been to this shop several times, but I didn't review it because I didn't want to raise my name. I was worried that it would be sold out because it is a small shop, but for now I will write it because I can buy it if I go around noon. The bread is very delicious and reasonably priced It's not as good as a certain Takagamine store, but if you're hungry, you're likely to eat a loaf of raw food before you know it. There are two types of water roux and milk, and I ate and compared them, but it's difficult to attach them. The side dish bread system is also delicious and high level Sweet buns feel normal, but hard dough is my favorite and delicious.
ひまわり桜 on Google

小さいお店ですが種類は多く、買いやすいお値段です ハード系が美味しい 駐車場あり
Although it is a small shop, there are many types and the price is easy to buy. Hard system is delicious There is a parking lot
サンケイ on Google

Two friendly aunts bake bread and sell it. Although it is a rural bakery, it offers delicious bread of today.
ラテ on Google

店内は一人入れるお店。パンはリーズナブルな価格ですが、大変美味しく頂きました。 あんバター、小豆甘納豆を使ったパンからハード系まで揃います。品物を見ていたら、幅広い人達に愛されているパン屋さんだと思いました。 近くにあったら週3-5で通いたいくらいでした。 このエリア、公園や神社等もありサイクリングがてらここでランチをゲットも良いですね。 町に寄り添った有難いパン屋さんだと感じました。 城陽のこの界隈から富野荘エリアにかけて、パンやさん巡りが楽しいエリアになってきました。
The inside of the store is a store that can accommodate one person. The bread is reasonably priced, but it was very delicious. We have everything from bread using bean paste and azuki bean sweet natto to hard bread. When I was looking at the goods, I thought it was a bakery loved by a wide range of people. I wanted to go there 3-5 a week if I was nearby. There are also parks and shrines in this area, so it's a good idea to get lunch here if you're cycling. I felt that it was a thankful bakery that was close to the town. From this neighborhood of Joyo to the Tonosho area, it has become a fun area to go around bread and san.
とことこ on Google

城陽で一番おいしいパン屋さんと聞いて 居ても立っても居られず、ダッシュで行って来ました! 白いお家がパン屋さんの目印。 駐車場はお店の横に一台分。 店内はウワサ通り極小。 一人入ると満員ですが、平日のお昼前、先客もあとから来るお客さんもなく、ゆっくりパンを選べることができました。 そう、お店の人が程よく存在感を消したり、焼き上がりや新商品の声掛けをしてくれたりと、絶妙な距離感なのです! この日、感動したのは釜から出たばかりのバケットを買えたこと。 レジを済ませ、車に乗り込んだ途端に、バケットのゴールデンスポットと私が呼んでいる両端をパクリ。 アツアツ~、サクサク~、小麦の味がジワジワ~ 焼き立てならではのおいしさを堪能。 なかなかこんなベストタイミングでハード系のパンを買えたことは少なく、とても幸せな瞬間でした。 玄米食パンもフワフワでおいしい。 小型食パンの二山一本で290円ぐらい。 オススメです。
I heard that it is the most delicious bakery in Joyo I couldn't stay even if I was there, so I went with a dash! The white house is a landmark of the bakery. There is one parking lot next to the shop. The inside of the store is very small on Rumor Street. It was full when one person entered, but before noon on weekdays, there were no previous customers or customers coming later, so I was able to choose bread slowly. Yes, it's an exquisite sense of distance, as the shop staff moderately erases their presence, and they talk about baking and new products! What impressed me on this day was that I was able to buy a bucket that had just come out of the kettle. As soon as I finished the check-in and got into the car, I snapped both ends, which I call the golden spot of the bucket. Hot ~, crispy ~, the taste of wheat is wrinkled ~ Enjoy the deliciousness unique to freshly baked. It was a very happy moment because I rarely bought hard bread at such the best timing. Brown rice bread is also fluffy and delicious. Two mountains of small bread cost about 290 yen. I recommend it.
ky N on Google

城陽駅ロータリーを東へ城陽中学の北を東に少し入った所に所在する白壁の南仏風の外観の小さなお店です。 駐車場も一台分お店の横に有ります。 女性の職人さんがオーナーで小麦やバターなど良い素材を使った魅力溢れるパンを所狭しと棚いっぱいに並べられています。 お客側は1人入れば身体をひと回りさせるスペースがギリギリですが、 夕方近くでも来てくださるお客様にガッカリしてもらわないように追加で昼からでも焼き上げていますと嬉しい心遣いです。 食パンは3種類ありどれも迷う程に美味しいです。 カリッとややハード目としっとり甘めとの2種と玄米食パンです。 クロワッサンもバターの香り良く美味しいです。 フランスパン生地のショコラオレンジも美味しかったです。 今シーズン、抹茶桜餅パンは季節を感じる味わいでした。 お店の売れ筋ランキングNo.1は、 あんバターフランスとの事! リピーター必至の美味しさ♡ 来店の折り、巡り会えたら是非お買い求めオススメします。 コチラのお店のバタールを気に入ったレストランとお取り引きもされているとか…料理のプロが認めるパンの美味しさは本物です♡ パンのクオリティとご店主のお人柄ともこのお店が近くにあって良かったと思える素敵なお店です。
Joyo Station Rotary to the East This is a small shop with a white-walled Southern France-style exterior located a little to the east of the north of Joyo Junior High School. There is also a parking lot next to the shop for one car. The owner is a female craftsman, and attractive bread made from good ingredients such as wheat and butter is lined up on the shelves. On the customer side, there is only a space to go around the body if one person enters, but It would be nice to have it baked even from noon so that customers who come near the evening will not be disappointed. There are three types of bread, all of which are delicious enough to get lost. Two types of bread, crispy and slightly hard and moist and sweet, and brown rice bread. Croissants are also delicious with a nice buttery aroma. The chocolate orange of French bread dough was also delicious. This season, Matcha Sakuramochi bread had a seasonal taste. The No. 1 best-selling store ranking is An butter with France! Inevitable deliciousness of repeaters ♡ When you come to the store, we recommend you to buy it if you can meet. There is also a deal with a restaurant that likes Batal in this shop ... The deliciousness of bread recognized by cooking professionals is genuine ♡ It is a wonderful shop that I am glad that this shop is nearby, both in terms of the quality of the bread and the personality of the shop owner.
Vincent Nicoll van Leeuwen on Google

While small, this bakery is amazing. Plus, it has baguettes at reasonable prices, what more could you want?

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