Tenmaya Happy Town Kamogata - Asakuchi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenmaya Happy Town Kamogata

住所 :

2128-1 Kamogatacho Rokujoinnaka, Asakuchi, Okayama 719-0252, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 719-0252
Webサイト : http://www.tenmaya-store.co.jp/tenpo/2298/

2128-1 Kamogatacho Rokujoinnaka, Asakuchi, Okayama 719-0252, Japan
かけさるのこし on Google

生鮮食品が良いのでよく利用します。以前あった天満屋の店と二階の喫茶店がなくなったのが残念。採算が取れなかったのかな。 割りといつも何らかのキャッチの人が居て入りにくいのがマイナス。
I often use fresh food because it is good. It's a pity that the former Tenmaya store and the coffee shop on the second floor have disappeared. I wonder if it wasn't profitable. It is a minus that it is difficult to enter because there are always some catchers.
9000ゆ on Google

田舎のデパート的な感じ。 色々入ってるから助かりますね。 一階の雑貨屋はセールの時は色々安くなってお買い得です。 お気に入りです。
It feels like a department store in the countryside. It's helpful because it contains various things. The general store on the first floor is a bargain at the time of sale because it is cheaper. I like it.
酒井恵子 on Google

I bought it at AVENUE. It was 30% off. Mr. Nakatsugu was a nice person.
Ms. X on Google

Since the building itself has been around for a long time, it's undeniable that it's getting older, but it seems that the parts have been completely renewed and cleaned, so it's relatively beautiful. On the contrary, it feels like there is a retro feeling. There are restaurants, clothing stores, and Nitori Ceria Photoshop on the second floor, which I think is convenient. I don't have it now, but I think I wanted the bookstore to remain, as it could be in one corner. I was expecting it, but I am sorry that it disappeared after the renewal.
廣末陽子 on Google

何年かぶりに行きました 中のお店も変わってたけど 綺麗なお店だと思う 駐車場も地下 1階 三階とあり 夏は 地下か三階に停めると 車内が暑くならなくてうれしい お店は 国道2号線ぞいで 入りやすい 価格は全体的に 少々高いけど いい物を置いてる 1階エスカレーター横に ひらい のお店があって おもち だんご おはぎとかあって つい買ってしまいます 又 久しぶりに行き 2階のレストランに行きました 入り口で先に食券を買うみたいで あわてて メニュー確認しました 食券買って 窓側の空いてる席に座ったけど 何か違和感が・・ 店員サンがお水を持って来て食券の半部を持ち帰りましたが やっぱり違和感 よく見たら 隣の席の食後の食器を 全く片付けない 水を持って来た帰りも 注文した物を持って来た帰りも 何で? コロナで? そんな席がいくつもありました 見た目 良いものではなかったです 頼んだ チャーシュー麺は美味しかったです が 同席した カキフライ丼は ほぼチャーシュー麺を食べ終わる頃出てきました
I went there for the first time in a few years, but the shop inside has changed, but I think it's a beautiful shop. There is also a parking lot on the 1st basement floor and 3rd floor. The shop is easy to enter along Route 2 The price is a little high overall, but I have good things There is a shop next to the escalator on the 1st floor, and there is a rice cake dumpling, and I just buy it. Also, I went to the restaurant on the 2nd floor for the first time in a long time. It seems that I bought a meal ticket first at the entrance. I hurriedly checked the menu. I bought a meal ticket and sat in an empty seat on the window side, but I felt something strange ... I brought back half of the meal ticket, but after all it felt strange. If you look closely, you won't clean up the tableware after meals in the next seat at all. Why did you bring the water back or the ordered one? In Corona? There were many such seats. It didn't look good. The char siu noodles I ordered were delicious, but the fried oyster bowl that I attended came out almost when I finished eating the char siu noodles.
みきたん(みきたん) on Google

昔からあるデパートです。 中はだいぶ変わりました。 ドムドムハンバーガーがあった頃が良かったかな。 刺身の盛り合わせが食べたくて買いました。
It is a department store that has been around for a long time. The inside has changed a lot. I wish I had Dom Dom hamburger. I bought it because I wanted to eat a platter of sashimi.
orange on Google

3階にキッズランドもあり、2階にニトリも出来てセリア、レストラン、カフェもある、1階は薬局、花屋、食料品、お土産屋、ひらいの餅屋、雑貨屋、服屋、靴屋もあり中々楽しめる場所です。 緊急事態宣言なので、キッズランドがお休みでした。2021.5.23
There is a kids land on the 3rd floor, a nitori on the 2nd floor, ceria, a restaurant, a cafe, a pharmacy, a flower shop, a grocery store, a souvenir shop, a hirai mochi shop, a general store, a clothing store, and a shoe store. It is a place where you can enjoy yourself. Kids Land was closed because it was a state of emergency. 2021.5.23
Herman K on Google

Just another mall but the staff is very friendly and professional. I went in there to look for a watch repairer ....could not find any but instead had lots of fun playing games with the kids on the 3rd floor. Nobody besides ourselves was on that floor. There is a food court there too. You can park your car in the basement or 1st floor. It's very convenient.

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