Tenma Park - Hiroshima

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenma Park

住所 :

3-1 Tenmacho, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0022, Japan

Postal code : 733-0022

3-1 Tenmacho, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0022, Japan
三浦美雪 on Google

It's because I'm playing freely from a large and small child to elementary school students ?
佐々木由恵 on Google

I went back to pick up my grandchild's nursery school. There were play equipments that I had never played, and my grandchildren were playing very much.
コッコ on Google

It was cloudy today, but kindergarten kids were coming to play. (Laughs) It's wide and good, right?
ヒガンバナ on Google

汚い タバコのポイ捨て、ゴミの散乱がひどい 朝、ゲートボールの老人の方達が一生懸命掃除してくれてるのを思うとやるせない
dirty Tobacco littering and trash scatter are terrible I can't do it in the morning when I think the old gateball people are cleaning up hard
隠居:久保徹朗 on Google

My neighbor is FamilyMart.
へぼ釣り師 on Google

トイレが清潔に保たれており、大通りから一歩中に入っているので、大変静かです。 植栽もあり、落ち着いた雰囲気です。 此処で写真を投稿(天満町天神さんの夏祭り)した日は大変賑わいを見せていました。
The toilet is kept clean and it is very quiet because it is in one step from the main street. There is also planting and the atmosphere is calm. The day I posted photos here (Tenjin-cho Tenjin summer festival) was very lively.
おい on Google

近所に変な人か住んでいます 子供と遊んでるとうるさいと言ってきます 相手を見ていってきます
Weird people live in the neighborhood It's noisy when playing with kids I will look at the other party
A H on Google

道路に面していて、ひらけた公園です。 お昼は開けていて人の目もあるので、比較的安心して遊ばせられる公園かと思います。 夜は暗いです。 横に保育園があり、時間によっては園児が遊びに出てきています。 また、小学校の放課後などは小学生がたくさん遊んでいます。 小学生がいるときはボール遊びしているときもあるので、小さな子はすこし危ないかもです。 横にファミリーマートがあり、公園にはトイレもあります。
It is an open park facing the road. It's open for lunch and there are people's eyes, so I think it's a park where you can play with relative peace of mind. It's dark at night. There is a nursery school next to it, and depending on the time, children come out to play. Also, after school in elementary school, many elementary school students are playing. When there are elementary school students, they sometimes play ball, so small children may be a little dangerous. There is a Family Mart next to it, and there is also a toilet in the park.

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