Tenkaippin - Osaka

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenkaippin

住所 :

白鳥ビル 1F 2 Chome-5-51 Kire, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87798
Postal code : 547-0027
Webサイト : http://www.tenkaippin.co.jp/

白鳥ビル 1F 2 Chome-5-51 Kire, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0027, Japan
春虎 on Google

お冷やと同時にキャベツサラダが出てきたのが糖尿病の自分にはありがたかったのと、 日曜日の昼間でワンオペだったのに 大して待たされずにラーメン出てきたことが驚き とても効率的で好印象でした
I was grateful that the cabbage salad came out at the same time as I was chilled. Even though it was one operation in the daytime on Sunday I was surprised that the ramen came out without much waiting It was very efficient and impressed
ホームセレクト喜連瓜破駅前 on Google

The shop is located just off of Kitsureuribashi Station on the Osaka Metro Tanimachi Line. I just received a news about ramen one coin on LINE, so I visited it. You can choose from rich, light, or street food. This time we had a stall ramen. And we had to replace the beans Don Mamedon, since the stamp of beans Astragalus has accumulated five today. The food was delivered within minutes of waiting after ordering. It is stable and delicious. While waiting, we took kimchi at the free kimchi corner. I want to eat other menus so I want to go again.
1 nu on Google

ラーメン定食 ランチはサラダが付いて980円。海苔ご飯は見た目はびっくりするが、なかなか美味。
Ramen set meal Lunch is 980 yen with salad. The seaweed rice looks amazing, but it's quite delicious.
Ways On on Google

天下一品のFC店だと思いますが、独自メニューを販売されたりなど差別化のための工夫がみられます。外観は年季を感じますが、店内はしっかりと掃除されていて清潔な印象。 ワンオペで結構待たされてしまったので、最初の心象はよくありませんでしたが、定食の唐揚げを食べた瞬間に感動! 竜田揚げのよう食感ですが、衣も適度な厚みでよく味も染みてます。久々に美味しいと思った唐揚げでした。 一方で肝心のラーメンについては麺が少し伸びて出てきたので残念。味も薄かったのでカエシで調整しました。あと立地の影響か値段も少し高めです。 ご馳走さまでした。
I think it's one of the best FC stores in the world, but there are some ideas for differentiation such as selling original menus. The exterior feels like the season, but the inside of the store is well-cleaned and clean. I had to wait a long time for one operation, so my first thought was not good, but I was impressed the moment I ate the set meal fried chicken! It has a texture similar to that of tatsutaage, but the clothes are also moderately thick and the taste is well-stained. It was fried chicken that I thought was delicious after a long time. On the other hand, it's a pity that the noodles have grown a little for the essential ramen. The taste was light, so I adjusted it with Kaesi. Also, the price is a little high due to the location. It was a feast.
Satoshi 467 on Google

ラーメン定食A(こってりラーメンと海苔ごはん)を注文。 天下一品の喜連瓜破店ではハンバーガーを作っていると聞いていたのですが、現在は作っていないとの事でした。 今回は残念だったのですが、当店にある海苔ごはんは他の店舗では見た事がなかったので注文しました。 海苔にはしっかり塩が効いていて美味しかったです。海苔ごはんにラーメンスープをかけて食すのも良かったです。 こってりラーメンは安定の味ですが、麺に含まれるかん水のツンとする臭いが少し強かったです。 訪:2021/10/11
I ordered Ramen Set Meal A (rich ramen and seaweed rice). I heard that the Kire-Uriwari store, which is one of the best products in the world, makes hamburgers, but he said that he is not making them now. It was a pity this time, but I ordered the seaweed rice in our shop because I had never seen it in other shops. The seaweed was salty and delicious. It was also good to sprinkle ramen soup on seaweed rice. The rich ramen has a stable taste, but the tsundere odor of brine contained in the noodles was a little strong. Visit: 2021/10/11
LedSuns 。 on Google

お昼時ですが カウンターもソーシャルディスタンスも取られて 営業的には、しんどいとおもいますがちゃんと出来てます 他の店より独自のメニューが 気になってしまいます 今回は、2月限定の 超こってりを頂きました。 食券は外に販売機がありますが 中にもありました。 3月からキャンペーンあるみたい
It's lunchtime Both the counter and the social distance are taken In terms of business, I think it's tough, but I can do it properly. Unique menu than other stores I'm curious This time, only in February I got a super thick one. There is a vending machine outside for meal tickets, It was also inside. There seems to be a campaign from March
Keiichi Maeda on Google

「麺や 〇ちころ」に行こうかと思いましたがカウンター席が混んでいたのでコチラの天一へ。 とりあえず天津飯定食(1,130円)の麺大(150円)の食券を買って中へ。 店内は広く清潔感もあり、店内の方も愛想が良い。 座ってメニューを見てみると...この店オリジナルのメニューが色々あり、そっちにすれば良かったなと後悔しました。 最初にサラダのようなものがポツンと出てきて「これなに?」と思っていたら普通に野菜サラダでした(笑) 安定のこってり、美味かったです。 天津飯は卵が赤くてなんか高そうな卵っぽいが味は普通。 箸休めにたくあんもついてきます。 ここの店に来たらオリジナルメニューを食べるべし‼️ 普段と違う天一の味を楽しめると思います。 少し値段が高めなので星3つ
I thought I'd go to "Noodles and Ochikoro", but the counter seats were crowded, so I went to Tenkaippin here. For the time being, I bought a noodle-sized (150 yen) meal ticket for the Tianjin rice set meal (1,130 yen) and went inside. The inside of the store is large and clean, and the inside of the store is also friendly. When I sat down and looked at the menu ... there were various original menus at this restaurant, and I regretted that I should have done that. At first, something like a salad popped up and I was wondering "what is this?" It was a normal vegetable salad (laughs) It was stable and delicious. Tianjin rice has red eggs and looks like an egg that seems to be expensive, but the taste is normal. Takuan is also included for chopsticks rest. If you come to this store, you should eat the original menu! ️ I think you can enjoy the different taste of Tenkaippin. 3 stars because the price is a little high
Mo King on Google

Food was very tasty and beer was very cold!

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