
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大阪ホール天満店

住所 :

Tenjinbashi, Kita Ward, 〒530-0041 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.derunoda.com/
街 : Osaka

Tenjinbashi, Kita Ward, 〒530-0041 Osaka,Japan
小林弘明 on Google

この店は あまり来ない客には 遠隔されす 2回行って 2回とも 大当たりされ 1回は3000枚以上 後1回は2枚位出てた もう行くつもりはないです おすすめ出来ない店の1つです この周辺の店は‥‥‥
This store is remote to customers who don't come often Go twice and get a big hit both times At least 3000 sheets were printed once, and then about 2 sheets were printed once. I'm not going anymore It's one of the shops I can't recommend The shops around here are ...
犬上小太郎 on Google

ふらっと寄って当たりが軽い2スロ戦国乙女3打ったら設定4以上があっさり確定 けど500枚以外としょぼい結果になり打ち続けても出る気がしなかったから即やめ 何気に設定は入れてそうやけどあまりコロナ対策の除菌してない店
If you hit 2 Suro Sengoku Maiden 3 and the setting 4 or more is easily confirmed However, I didn't feel like it would come out even if I kept hitting it because the result was poor with other than 500 sheets, so stop immediately A store that doesn't sterilize corona countermeasures so much
魔神X on Google

ここもコロナのせいで勝てませんね。そろそろパチンコ・パチスロから足を洗おうかな。そんな事より、日曜日にP真・北斗無双 第3章を打って、498回転で当たった後、データを見たら、確変ランプが点滅していたので、確変やと思ったら、バトルで★4つのバットに負けて、単発で終了や。ケンシロウを信じた俺がアホやったわ。紛らわしい確変ランプを点滅するなや?。
You can't win here because of Corona. It's time to wash your feet from pachinko and pachislot. From such a thing, after hitting P Shin Hokuto Musou Chapter 3 on Sunday and hitting at 498 rotations, when I looked at the data, the probability change lamp was blinking, so if I thought that it was a probability change, ★ 4 in battle I lost to the bat and ended up with a single shot. I believed in Kenshiro and I was stupid. Don't blink the confusing probability change lamp ?.
グレート ザ一休 on Google

昔は良かった。 今はただのボッタクリ店、とにかく回らない台ばかり。 カモ扱いされだすと保留変化どころか擬似3すら発生しません。 擬似3が出ない時は要注意。諭吉1枚で擬似3が発生しなければ直ぐに撤退を。
It used to be good. Right now, it's just a rip-off shop, just a stand that doesn't turn around. If it is treated as a duck, not only a pending change but also a pseudo 3 will not occur. Be careful when Pseudo 3 does not appear. If Pseudo 3 does not occur with one Sakichi, withdraw immediately.
やまたく on Google

No matter how many times you hit it, it ends in a single shot for some reason
飛鷹征矢 on Google

4円パチンコ海物語は割と釘空けてくれてる。 1kで22回転する台もちらほら。
The 4 yen pachinko sea story is relatively open. There is also a table that rotates 22 times at 1k.
ぺーさん on Google

ハイエナ公認のお店。明らかに打たずにサイドで待ってる森永卓郎もお店公認です。 店員に聞いたらやめる方が悪いらしい。 まぁ言うてることはわかるけど常連を大事にしない。ある意味糞みたいなハイエナ常連を大事にしてる珍しい店。
Hyena official shop. Takuro Morinaga, who is waiting on the side without hitting clearly, is also officially recognized by the shop. It seems that it is better to stop when you ask the clerk. Well, I know what you say, but I don't care about regulars. A rare shop that cherishes hyena regulars like feces in a sense.
6969 vamps on Google

よそでハズした事のない激アツ3回ハズしました。 隣がよく出るしやはり遠隔されてるのかも? そのあとずっと打ってたら単発5回食らってラッシュ入ってスルーしました。 1日で10万負けた…他の店行きます。(T ^ T)
I've lost 3 times, which I've never lost. The neighbors often appear and maybe they are remote. After that, if I hit it all the time, I ate it 5 times in a single shot and entered the rush and passed through. I lost 100,000 in a day ... I'm going to another store. (T ^ T)

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