
2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)ウェルサイクル

住所 :

Tenjin, Ueda, 〒386-0025 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.wellcycle.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8AM–12PM
街 : Nagano

Tenjin, Ueda, 〒386-0025 Nagano,Japan
jun katada on Google

普通個人では出ない重量物のゴミを持ち込んだら快く且つ安く処分してもらえました。 ありがたい!
If I brought in heavy trash that would not normally come out personally, I was able to get rid of it cheaply and cheaply. Thank you!
黒い稲妻 on Google

ある程度のゴミは受け入れてくれるが、量る料金は受付のBBAのサジ加減次第。 まあ、多少高くても仕方ないか…
It accepts a certain amount of garbage, but the amount weighs depends on the size of the BBA at the reception. Well, ca n’t it be a little expensive?
上下 on Google

A worker working on the removal of the building in the neighborhood was working while spitting. By the way, I stopped the truck in front of my house and got sputum. worst.
マック。 on Google

とても親切で快く対応してもらいました。 お薦めです。
They were very kind and willing to respond. I recommend it.
北川翔馬 on Google

上田市に捨てに行ったら回されました。 千曲市に住んでいた時は、坂城にある処分場で1キロにつき20円だったのに、ここに回されると1キロにつき60円とかなり高いのでご注意。 家のゴミを持ち込んだというのに、産業廃棄物の扱いで捨てさせるのはどうなの?
When I went to Ueda City to throw it away, it was turned around. When I lived in Chikuma City, it was 20 yen per kilo at the disposal site in Sakaki, but if you go here, it is quite expensive at 60 yen per kilo. Why don't you bring in your house trash and have it thrown away as industrial waste?
1 11 on Google

個人で三回捨てに行ったけど三回とも30キロ混合約2000円。 量る場所はお客には数値は見えず。青ランプが光るだけ。 本当かなあ?あからさま三回とも重さ違うと思うのだが❗ 疑ってしまう‼️ 追記 テレビとダブルベットマットで一万円。 不法投棄頭ヨギル。やらんけど!
I personally went to throw it away three times, but all three times it was about 2000 yen mixed with 30 kg. Customers cannot see the numbers at the place to measure. Only the blue lamp shines. Is it true? I think the weight is obviously different three times, but ❗ I doubt! ️ Postscript 10,000 yen for TV and double bed mat. Illegal dumping head Yogil. I don't know!
M on Google

The employees of this company are the worst companies with only people like Yakara. In particular, the bearded driver on the 1382 was the worst driver who didn't care about his surroundings and bothered other vendors. The driver and the things he has loaded are the same, so he can only carry garbage!
T on Google

道路に面したところで商売をしています。 朝、荷物の積み下ろしをしようと思い店の前に車を停車させ降ろそうとしたところ後ろからやってきたホッパー車からクラクションを鳴らされた。運転席に男、助手席に女 どうやら出ている家庭ゴミを回収しに来たようで、ゴミまでの距離わずか4~5メートル 車を真横1メートル以内に横付けしないと回収できないらしいw 荷物を置いてふと外を見ると女の方が車の中を覗いている。なにかされてるんじゃないかと飛び出していったら、 ・もっと車を前に出せ!(私の邪魔をするな) ・お前らが出したゴミを拾ってやってるんだ!(←本当にこれを言われた。  ) ・車覚えたからな!(覚えてどーすんの?悪質な脅し) 等々、他にも恫喝を受けた。 さすがに頭にきて速攻ウェルサイクルに電話した。 指導をする と言われたが、したところで無意味なのはわかってる。 会社の看板背負って仕事してるのに全く自覚なくて呆れた。 みなさんもイチャモンつけられない様に気を付けて。
We are doing business in front of the road. In the morning, when I tried to park my car in front of the store to load and unload my luggage, I was honked by a hopper car coming from behind. A man in the driver's seat and a woman in the passenger seat. Apparently, he came to collect the household trash, and the distance to the trash is only 4 to 5 meters. When I put my luggage down and looked out, a woman was looking inside the car. If you jump out and think that something is happening ・ Get more cars in front of you! (Don't disturb me) ・ I'm picking up the trash you put out! (← I was really told this.) ・ I remember the car! (Remember, what do you do? A vicious threat) And so on, I received other threats. As expected, I came to my mind and called the haste well cycle. I was told to give guidance, but I know that it is meaningless. I was amazed at the fact that I was working with the signboard of the company on my back. Be careful not to put on Ichamon.

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