Tenhohanzomon Clinic

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenhohanzomon Clinic

住所 :

Chiyoda City, 〒102-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://ten-hou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Chiyoda City, 〒102-0082 Tokyo,Japan

Sometimes, please give me when the body is really tight. You can improve by giving proper stimulation with acupuncture and acupressure while gradually loosening the muscle fibers. It is quite easy with a normal massage. . . Recommended for those who say.
美和 on Google

Thank you for many years. I am very good and I can not go elsewhere. The teacher's personality is also very good, and he / she can perform strong and weak based on the condition of the body at that time.
三上瑠依 on Google

3週間程、顎の痛みが収まらず昨日治療して頂きました。指圧と鍼治療の併用。医院長のスキルと長年の経験値はさすがの一言。 一般のお医者さんであれば湿布を出して、マウスピース製作を勧めらるのが関の山です。 痛みは少々残っていますが、ここまで痛みが緩和するのは医院長の腕は確かです。 痛みはだいぶ引いて治りそうですが、どうしょうもない状況でしたらまた伺います。
For about 3 weeks, my jaw pain didn't go away and I was treated yesterday. Combined use of acupressure and acupuncture. The skill of the clinic director and the experience value of many years are just a word. If you are a general doctor, it is Sekiyama that you should put out a compress and recommend making a mouthpiece. A little pain remains, but it is certain that the doctor's arm will relieve the pain so far. The pain seems to be relieved, but I will come back if there is no help for it.
細谷祐二 on Google

2016年12月から1年以上、隔週で治療を受けています。その前、半年近く左膝痛に悩まされ、片足を引きずらないと歩けない状態でした。てんほうさんの山田先生は、変形性膝関節症と判断され、最初に整形外科の専門医に確定診断を受けることを指示されました。病院に行き、間違いないと診断され、治療か始まりました。マッサージと膝関節の曲げ伸ばしと関節回りを中心とする針治療です。針は根治治療ではなく炎症と痛みを取り去るものとの説明があり、エアロバイクによる運動と膝関節を広げるストレッチを自宅で行うよう指示されました。すぐに著効が見られ、3カ月で完治しました。絶対の信頼感を得て通い続けています。 先日仕事で沖縄県の佐喜真義肢さんを訪問しました。変形性膝関節症の補助具のパイオニアです。佐喜真社長に自分の経験を話したところ、「理にかなっている。針で痛みを取り、運動で筋肉を付ける。正しい方法だ。変形性膝関節症は、圧倒的に女性が多い。それは女性が筋力の衰えが進みやすいからだ。」と言われ、納得しました。 山田先生は、理科系のバックグランドがあって、科学的で論理的です。東洋医学にありがちな神秘性や精神性は希薄です。自分が納得した治療を、患者に分かるように説明して、きちんと施術して下さいます。こうした点が評価できるような方には、特にお勧めします。
I have been receiving treatment every two weeks since December 2016 for over a year. Before that, I was suffering from left knee pain for almost half a year, and I could not walk without dragging one leg. Tenpo-san's Dr. Yamada was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, and was first instructed to receive a definitive diagnosis by an orthopedic specialist. I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with certainty, and treatment began. Acupuncture centered around massage, bending and stretching of the knee joint, and around the joint. The needle was described as removing inflammation and pain, not as a curative treatment, and was instructed to do exercise with an exercise bike and stretching to open the knee joint at home. It was immediately effective and he was completely cured within 3 months. I continue to go with absolute trust. The other day, I visited Ms. Maki Saki in Okinawa for work. A pioneer in assistive devices for knee osteoarthritis. When I talked to Mr. Saki Makoto about my experience, "It makes sense. I take pain with a needle and add muscles by exercise. It's the right way. Osteoarthritis of the knee is overwhelmingly female. However, I am convinced. Professor Yamada has a science background and is scientific and logical. The mystery and spirituality that are common in oriental medicine are rare. Explain the treatment that you are satisfied with so that the patient can understand it, and treat it properly. This is especially recommended for those who can appreciate such points.
K (San) on Google

仕事場から近いので、週1でずっと通っています。丁寧にやってくれます。治療院も清潔です。 ここに限らずですが、マッサージの人はもうちょっと宣伝に本人出ししてもいいと思う。身体を触られるので、そちらの方が安心。ここの院長はおだやか系です。
I'm close to my office, so I go there once a week. They will do it for you. The clinic is also clean. Although not limited to this, I think that massage people can advertise themselves for a little more. You can touch the body, so it is safer. The director here is a gentle person.
横山知枝 on Google

山田院長とは、8年のお付き合いをさせている一家です。 山田院長の針が冴え渡るのは重傷の時ですねー! 最近亡くなった母などは院長に とにかくやっかいな古い傷の治療を諦めずに 本当に院長が治してしまった時の驚きと、、母の信頼は元より、治療とは 信頼も大切だと信じます。心身共に連動するからと思っています。。 治らない事も当然あって当たり前かと思います。科学的治療の必要な方や癌などは 針では治りませんよねw 巡り会えたご縁に感謝です⋯(╹◡╹)
I have been with the director Yamada for eight years. Yamada's needles are clear when they are seriously injured! Mothers who died recently did not give up treatment of old troubles that were troublesome to the director anyway Surprisingly when the director was healed, and not only the mother's trust, but the treatment I believe that trust is also important. I think this is because the mind and body work together. . Of course, there are things that can't be cured, so I think it's obvious. Those who need scientific treatment or cancer Needles won't cure you I am grateful for the relationship I met with you ⋯ (╹ ◡ ╹)
中村有博 on Google

長年、毎週〜2週に1回、通っています。 以前自律神経の乱れに悩まされてましたが、ここに通うようになってから、少しずつですが、回を重ねるごとに、明らかに良くなりました。 もちろん、日々の仕事の疲れもしっかり取ってくれます。 他の鍼灸院やマッサージ店にも行ったことはありますが、他の店ではそこまで効果を実感できませんでした。やはりこの先生は症状に合わせて的確な処置をしてくれているのだと思います。 ちなみに店内はキレイです。
For many years, I go every week or once every two weeks. I had been suffering from disturbances in the autonomic nervous system before, but since I came here, it has gradually improved, but with each turn, it has clearly improved. Of course, it will take away the fatigue of your daily work. I have been to other acupuncture clinics and massage shops, but at other shops I could not realize the effect so much. After all, I think this teacher is taking appropriate measures according to his symptoms. By the way, the store is beautiful.
Emily Hopkins on Google

I walked in from the street and was able to get seen quickly.

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