Tengu Sushi - Shiwa District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tengu Sushi

住所 :

Higashiura-5 Hizume, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3305, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 028-3305
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/tengusushi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

Higashiura-5 Hizume, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3305, Japan
takamasa mega on Google

Not to mention the material, everything tastes good and the taste is the best.
shinya KANEKO on Google

Gentleman in a genuine atmosphere offers the same story as a luxury store at a reasonable price.
riasu riasu on Google

夜に来店しました。 上寿司セットを頼みましたが、お寿司の他に焼き魚、天麩羅、小鉢が二品、白身魚の汁物がセット内容です。 これで2750円とは思えないほど豪華でした。 小鉢のひとつにホヤが入っていましたが、ホヤが苦手な私でも、初めて美味しく頂きました。新鮮な上に味付けが良かったのでしょうね。 天婦羅もサクサク揚げたて、寿司ネタも新鮮で大満足でした。 接客も良かったです。 また機会がありましたらまた、お邪魔したいです。 ごちそうさまでした。
I came to the store at night. I ordered the upper sushi set, but in addition to sushi, the set includes grilled fish, tempura, two small bowls, and white fish soup. It was so gorgeous that I couldn't believe it was 2750 yen. There was a sea squirt in one of the small bowls, but even I, who is not good at sea squirts, enjoyed it for the first time. It must have been fresh and seasoned. The tempura was also crispy and the sushi ingredients were fresh and very satisfying. The customer service was also good. If I have another chance, I would like to bother you again. Thank you for the meal.
gen papa on Google

ランチいただきました。お寿司屋さんらしいお魚。臭みもなく美味しかったです。お土産に海鮮丼も。ワサビが良く効いて美味しかったと家人も申しておりました。すし飯(シャリ)がなかなか美味しくお魚と相まって鮨らしい味になってました( ´∀`)ご贔屓にしたいと思います。
I had lunch. Fish like a sushi restaurant. It was delicious without any odor. A seafood bowl as a souvenir. The family member also said that the wasabi worked well and was delicious. The sushi rice (sushi rice) was delicious and the taste was sushi-like with the fish (´∀`).
赤間哲也 on Google

今日お邪魔しました 多分前日残ったシャリ を冷蔵していたものをランチで出ていたと思います ネタは良いのですが シャリが冷たすぎて 金額的には合わないような
I'm sorry to bother you today. I think that the sushi rice that was left chilled the day before was served for lunch.
齊藤学 on Google

娘が結婚することになり、両家の顔合わせでお邪魔させてもらいました。 お刺身、お寿司、どれを食べても美味しく、話も弾み全員が満足して終えることができとても感謝してます。 ありがとうございました。
My daughter is getting married, and I was bothered by the face-to-face relationship between the two families. Sashimi and sushi are all delicious, and I am very grateful that everyone was satisfied with the story. Thank you very much.
chikuwa 1440 on Google

地元の寿司屋です。寿司も美味しいですが、小鉢に入った料理も美味しいです! 店員の方も気が利いていて、気持ちよく過ごせました。
It's a local sushi restaurant. Sushi is delicious, but the food in small bowls is also delicious! The clerk was also attentive and I was able to spend a pleasant time.
Takashi S on Google

店内は綺麗で落ち着きます✨ 私は「海鮮丼」で嫁さんは「寿司ランチ」を注文? ネタは新鮮でしたし、シャリも固くなくフンワリしていて美味しかったです? アットホームな雰囲気で敷居の高さが感じられず良いお店です✨✨✨ 今度はゆっくりお酒を呑みながらお寿司&肴を食したいです?
The store is beautiful and calm ✨ I ordered “Seafood bowl” and my wife ordered “Sushi lunch” The material was fresh, the shari was not hard and it was delicious and it was delicious ? It is a good shop where you can not feel the height of the sill with a homey atmosphere✨✨✨ Next time I want to eat sushi & rice cake while drinking alcohol slowly

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