精肉 肉の一斗

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 精肉 肉の一斗

Tengachayahigashi, Nishinari Ward, 〒557-0011 Osaka,Japan
山本千賀 on Google

All meats are very cheap and delicious considering the quality of the meat ❗ If you buy it here, you can't buy it anywhere else ❗ It fits ❗
Aki Yona on Google

I bought the meat and went home and grilled it at home, but it was as delicious as eating it at the store.
zuka kana on Google

It's always delicious! However, it hurts to use credit cards and electronic money! !!
雪村さとか on Google

初めてお店に入りコロッケ ハムカツ ウインナー串を購入めっちゃ美味しかったです。 店員さんも皆さん愛想もよく久しぶりに良いお店に出会えたなぁって思いました。また買いに行きます!
I went to the store for the first time and bought a croquette hamukatsu wiener skewer. It was really delicious. The clerk and everyone were very friendly and I thought I was able to meet a good shop for the first time in a long time. I will go buy it again!
モコモコ on Google

和牛が安価で購入出来ます。牛すじなど お安いです。
Wagyu beef can be purchased at a low price. Beef tendon etc. It's cheap.
まさみん3969 on Google

It ’s a butcher, but the curry bread is delicious.
TKC on Google

I bought liver, carpi, tongue, and techan. It was very delicious. I used to buy it at a butcher shop in Takashimaya, but this one is cheaper and tastier. Also, the uncle who fries the croquette is very energetic and easy to talk to, and I like the atmosphere. I'm glad that you put it in the T-shirt of the Kyoto Daisakusen.
yuji ito on Google

毎月、月末の土・日曜は特売日です。美味しい肉が格安で買えるので大変お客さんが多いです。 私のお薦めはとんかつです。 一枚が190円と超格安になります。
Every month, Saturdays and Sundays at the end of the month are special sale days. There are a lot of customers because you can buy delicious meat at a bargain price. My recommendation is pork cutlet. One piece is 190 yen, which is super cheap.

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