全身脱毛専門店 ten

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 全身脱毛専門店 ten

住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://ten-esthetic.com/about.html
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
あたん on Google

スタッフが気さくに話しかけてくれて、安心して施術を受けられました! 不安要素もしっかり払拭してくだり、とてもよかったです。 心斎橋で通いやすい、料金やメニューも分かりやすく大満足です!!
The staff talked to me kindly and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind! I'm glad that I was able to get rid of my anxiety. It's easy to go to Shinsaibashi, and the prices and menus are easy to understand and I'm very satisfied! !!
*ありさ* on Google

スタッフの方がが気さくで話しやすかったです! あと、自分の身体の悩みを相談したら、丁寧に結果までのプロセスを説明してくれました。 料金やメニュー表示も分かりやすくて良かったです。 場所も心斎橋なので通いやすいなと思いました。
The staff was friendly and easy to talk to! Also, when I talked about my physical problems, he politely explained the process to the result. It was good that the price and menu display were easy to understand. The location is also Shinsaibashi, so I thought it would be easy to go.
__ cocona on Google

It was my first time to go to hair removal and I was worried, but I was relieved that he explained carefully to my worries. The staff was also friendly and easy to talk to. It was very nice that the place was easy to go to and the menu was easy to understand!
福井眞紀 on Google

初めての脱毛で少し緊張していたのですがスタッフさんがとても気さくで話しやすく、緊張が解けました(^-^) カウンセリングでは自分の悩みに沿ったメニューを紹介していただきました! メニュー紹介では料金だけでなく、施術の手順も最初から最後まで丁寧に説明してくれました! 最寄りが心斎橋というのもあり、すごく通いやすいです(^-^)
I was a little nervous at the first hair removal, but the staff was very friendly and easy to talk to, and the tension was released (^-^) In the counseling, I was introduced to a menu that suits my worries! In the menu introduction, not only the fee but also the procedure of the treatment was explained carefully from the beginning to the end! The nearest is Shinsaibashi, so it's very easy to go (^-^)
shiho tange on Google

女性専用の脱毛サロンなので安心していくことができました。 スタッフがとても気さくで話しやすい上に 自分が抱えている悩みを相談した際には丁寧に結果までのプロセスを説明してくれます。 また、心斎橋からとても近くアクセスもいいので通いやすいです。 そして、料金・メニューがとても分かりやすいです。 是非いってみてください!
It was a hair removal salon exclusively for women, so I was able to feel at ease. The staff is very friendly and easy to talk to When you discuss your concerns, they will politely explain the process to the result. Also, it is easy to go because it is very close to Shinsaibashi and has good access. And the price and menu are very easy to understand. Please come and visit us!
Y Ichi on Google

I went there for the first time, but the staff were very kind, and when I consulted about my concerns about the treatment, he politely explained the process to the result. The price and menu were also easy to understand. Also, the location is Shinsaibashi, so it's easy to go.
眞野えれな on Google

女性専用の脱毛サロンということで安心して行くことが出来ました。女性スタッフの方々の丁寧な説明により、脱毛完了までのプロセスを具体的に理解出来ました。料金やメニューを分かりやすく、初めての脱毛でしたがスムーズに進めることが出来ました。また、2人以上の利用も可能ということで、友達と行けて良かったです。 心斎橋にあるということで、通いやすいのではないかと思います。
I was able to go with peace of mind because it was a hair removal salon exclusively for women. Through the polite explanations of the female staff, I was able to understand the process up to the completion of hair removal. The price and menu were easy to understand, and although it was my first hair removal, I was able to proceed smoothly. Also, it was good to be able to go with friends because it can be used by two or more people. I think it's easy to go because it's in Shinsaibashi.
Tomoko Kudo on Google

まず、無料カウンセリングが受けられるのでとても安心できました。 スタッフの方も親身に対応してくれて、わかりやすいメニューや料金設定なのもポイントでした。 店内も綺麗で落ち着いた雰囲気でした。☆5です!
First of all, I was very relieved to receive free counseling. The staff also took care of me, and the easy-to-understand menu and price setting were also important points. The inside of the store was also beautiful and had a calm atmosphere. ☆ 5!

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