
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大津晃窯

住所 :

Tegoshi, Kasama, 〒309-1621 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.ohtsukouyou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Ibaraki

Tegoshi, Kasama, 〒309-1621 Ibaraki,Japan
Shigetree on Google

First experience. I participated with my family. I was able to make it fun with a very polite explanation. I'm looking forward to it!
Y順 on Google

2か月後 出来上がりを受け取りに行きながらの、また体験でお世話になる(。-∀-)を、1年以上続けています。 先生たちは、皆さん優しい方たちで 気持ちよく楽しい時間を 毎回過ごしています♪ 先月の体験の時 上達してますね。って誉められまたやる気になっている私です(^.^)
Two months later I am going to receive the completion, and I will be indebted to the experience again (.-∀-), for more than a year. The teachers have a pleasant and enjoyable time with everyone who is kind and friendly ♪ I'm getting better at last month's experience. It is me who is praised and motivated again (^. ^)
Takuya on Google

I visited with a hand twist experience. The commentary at the beginning of the hands-on classroom was also polite and easy to understand, and the children enjoyed creating it. About 5 families participated on the day, but the classroom space is large enough and it is recommended even in the recent social situation.
りんどん on Google

I went to see the vessel for my home. I'm glad that you can take a closer look at it with a sense of distance without sticking. There were a lot of such works that you can imagine when you put the food on it without decorating it.
Atsuko Takada on Google

普段使いに活躍する実用的な器が豊富で、好みを知る仲良しへのお土産と自宅用に、いくつか購入。 贈答向けの大皿や花器などもあり、店員さんが御祝いの品を選びに来た男性へ、丁寧に相談に乗りアドバイスもされていました。 「笠間焼は窯によって其々」だそうで、お昼に入った蕎麦屋さんでは個性的でダイナミックな器も見ましたが、こちらは出逢いの一点物探しというよりは「納豆鉢を色違いで3つ」みたいな気軽なお土産選びがゆっくりできる、良い意味で敷居の高くないお店です。 包装を待っている間にはコーヒーをご馳走になりました。また訪れてみたいです。
Plenty of practical instruments that are usually used for errands, and some are purchased as souvenirs for friends who know their tastes and for home use. There were platters and vases for gifts as well, and the clerk carefully consulted and gave advice to the man who came to choose the celebration. It seems that Kasama ware depends on the kiln, so I saw a unique and dynamic bowl at the soba shop that started lunch, but this is not a search for a single point of encounter but `` Natama bowl with different colors It is a low-cost store in a good sense where you can easily select souvenirs like "3". While waiting for the packaging, we had a coffee. I want to visit again.
ko ta on Google

愛猫の餌椀を作るため伺いました。 皆さんとても親切で、丁寧に教えていただきました。 おかげさまで大変良い椀が出来上がり大満足です。猫もよく食べます。 また機会がありましたらよろしくお願いいたします。
I visited to make a food bowl for my cat. Everyone was very kind and taught me politely. Thanks to you, I am very satisfied with the very good bowl. I also eat cats a lot. If you have another chance, thank you.
Hiroshi Asahina on Google

新しく出来た道の駅から歩いて行ける距離にある。 車で通りかかると寄りにくいけど歩いて入れるとよい。 上には体験施設とかもあるようで次は予約して体験してみようと思う。 中は綺麗にディスプレイされていて見やすい。 自宅用のカップとか茶碗をゆっくり選んで買い物出来ました。
It is within walking distance from the new roadside station. It's hard to get close to by car, but it's a good idea to walk in. There seems to be an experience facility above, so next time I will make a reservation and experience it. The inside is beautifully displayed and easy to see. I was able to slowly choose a cup or tea bowl for my home and shop.
大嶋隆 on Google

本日は、午後から5人でロクロ体験させて戴きました。 とても、親切に指導していただいたうえに、帰り際に記念写真までシャッター押してくださり、ありがとうございました。 作品が届くのが楽しみです。 素敵な思い出ありがとうございます。 建物の雰囲気で、子どもが小さい時に笠間で手びねり体験をした窯元も大津さんだと思い出し、思わず懐かしいホームビデオ見返してしまいました。
Today, we had a potter's wheel experience with 5 people from the afternoon. Thank you very much for your kind guidance and for pushing the shutter to the commemorative photo on your way home. I am looking forward to receiving the work. Thank you for your wonderful memories. In the atmosphere of the building, I remembered that the kiln who had a hand-kneading experience in Kasama when the child was small was also Mr. Otsu, and I unexpectedly looked back on the nostalgic home video.

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