
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フィッシングスポットパスタイム

住所 :

大字Taya, Kashiwazaki, 〒945-1248 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Webサイト : http://pastime.p-kit.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday Closed
街 : Niigata

大字Taya, Kashiwazaki, 〒945-1248 Niigata,Japan
yasuhiro onitake on Google

Too much fishing. There is also a big one. 20-30 can be done in 3 hours on a dry fly. Try the fly you made, or test a new kite or line. Great for beginners and children. I like fishing.
la Rapa on Google

管理釣り場というものを全く知らずに低評価を付けてる輩が居ますが、もう少し勉強してから行くべきでは?管理釣り場でルアー貸し出し、餌釣りOKなところなんて私は経験ありません。 ま、私個人的には大好きな釣り場です… 10回弱行ってますがとにかく釣れます❗過去に全く釣れなかったのは一度だけ。鯉が泥を巻き上げて、濁りが入った時だけでした。あ、腕も悪いのもあったとは思いますが… 今はここの釣り場から遠方に引っ越ししてしまいなかなか伺うことは出来なくなってしまいましたが、いつまでも頑張っていただきたいなぁ
There are some people who give a low rating without knowing the managed fishing spot at all, but should I go after studying a little more? I have no experience of renting lures at managed fishing spots and bait fishing. Well, I personally love this fishing spot ... I've been there a little less than 10 times, but I can catch it anyway ❗ I couldn't catch it at all in the past only once. It was only when the carp rolled up the mud and became turbid. Oh, I think I had a bad arm, but ... Now that I've moved far from the fishing spot here, I can't easily ask, but I hope you'll do your best forever.
K T on Google

こちらの管理釣り場には初めて遊びに行きましたが、受付のお兄さんに疑問点など分からない事を伺っても嫌な顔一つせず、非常に丁寧に教えてくれました。お客さんをすごく大事にしているんだと感じました。 釣行時間に応じて魚は何匹か持ち帰れるので(受付前に詳しく書いてあります)、友人や家族で遊んで釣った魚を食べるところまで楽しめます。
I went to this managed fishing spot for the first time, but when I asked the receptionist's brother if I had any questions, he didn't have a bad face and taught me very politely. I felt that I was very important to the customers. Depending on the fishing time, you can bring back some fish (detailed before the reception), so you can enjoy playing with friends and family and eating the fish you caught.
麻衣美 on Google

自分の誕生日に、初めてのとこで釣りしたいな、と考えていたけど、手洗いのことが心配で、彼に問い合わせの電話を入れてもらいました。その時の対応は、ひどいな、と思いました。 お聞きしたいことがあるんですけど、トイレは和式ですか?洋式ですか?と聞いたところ、和式と応えてくれたのですが、ぼっとんですか?と聞いたら、帰ってきた返答は、「あったり前でしょ‼️」こういう回答に、びっくりしました。
I wanted to fish for the first time on my birthday, but I was worried about washing my hands, so I asked him to call me. I thought the response at that time was terrible. I have something to ask, is the toilet Japanese style? Is it Western style? When I heard that, he answered that it was a Japanese style, but is it a botton? When I heard that, the reply that came back was surprised at the answer like "I was there before!".
O.じゅんす on Google

穴場の管理釣場!あまり広くはないですが、魚影が濃い。1時間から釣りできるし、レディース割引などあるのが良いですね! キャッチアンドリリースと、釣れた魚を持ち帰りできるポンドがあります。
A little-known management fishing spot! It's not very wide, but the fish shadow is dark. You can fish from 1 hour, and it is good to have a ladies' discount! There are catch and release and pounds where you can take your fish home with you.
本山真生 on Google

8月の午前中に3時間だけ遊びました、真夏日でしたが10数匹釣れました。上手い方はもっと釣ってるようです。笑 管理人さん曰く「30匹は釣れてもおかしくない」そうです? 経験の浅い私でも満足できる程に釣れました! 大きい魚もいて、とても手応えのある良い釣り場です、また伺わせて頂きたいと思います!
I played for 3 hours in the morning of August. It was a midsummer day, but I caught 10 or more. If you are good at it, it seems you are fishing more. Lol The manager says, “It ’s not strange to catch 30 fish.” I was able to catch enough to satisfy even inexperienced me! There are some big fish and it is a very good fishing spot. I would like to ask you again!
kato masami on Google

アングラーの皆様是非お越しください。 爆釣りとまではいきませんが平均しても、そこそこの数が出ます。楽しいです。 ルアーの方々が多いですが、フライの人も ちらほらいます。 親子連れの方もおります。 マスターが除雪を頑張ってくださってますので冬でも大丈夫です。(ただし、HPで事前に確認してください。大雪時はさすがに無理ですが…)
All of the anglers, please come and visit us. It's not like explosive fishing, but on average, there are a decent number. It's fun. There are many lures, but there are also fly people. You can see it here and there. We also have parents and children. The master is working hard to remove the snow, so it's okay even in winter. (However, please check in advance on the HP. It is impossible during heavy snowfall ...)
Blossam Cherry on Google

冬の海釣りが色々厳しく、ここは管釣りをやってみよう!と思い立ちました。しかし五頭は遠い...他にないかな、と調べてみたらなんと柏崎にあるじゃないですか...!近いし海にも行ける!即ここに行くことを決意。天気を見て先日伺いました。 平日の昼過ぎでしたが既に5、6台ほど車が停まっており、楽しんでいる方々の姿が見えました。 HPで予め水温が低いため釣り難い、と目にしていましたが、一応受付で尋ねてみるとやはり同じ回答が。10数年ぶりの管釣り、できればボウズは免れたい...と思いつつ2時間でチャレンジしたところ、数は多くないですがなんとか上げることが出来ました。先に入っていた常連とおぼしき方々はぽつぽつ釣り上げていらしたので、完全に腕の違いですね...。 3匹持ち帰り、おいしく頂きました。 小ぢんまりとした雰囲気がとても良かった!また行きたいです。
Various winter sea fishing is tough, so let's try tube fishing here! I thought. However, the five are far away ... I wondered if there was anything else, but it was in Kashiwazaki ...! It's close and you can go to the sea! I decided to go here immediately. I visited the other day after seeing the weather. It was after noon on weekdays, but about 5 or 6 cars were already parked, and I could see people enjoying themselves. I had seen on the HP that it was difficult to fish because the water temperature was low, but when I asked at the reception, I got the same answer. I tried tube fishing for the first time in more than 10 years, and hopefully avoid Bows ... in 2 hours, but I managed to raise it, although the number is not large. The regulars who came in earlier and the people who seemed to be fishing were catching up, so it's a complete difference in arms. I took 3 of them home and enjoyed them. The small atmosphere was very nice! I want to go again.

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