Taverna SAKUHATA - Toyooka

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taverna SAKUHATA

住所 :

199-1 Hidakacho Iwanaka, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-5302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 669-5302
Webサイト : http://www.facebook.com/taveruna.sakuhata

199-1 Hidakacho Iwanaka, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-5302, Japan
T T on Google

I had a delicious pizza that was crispy but not thin ♪
坂東直子 on Google

お一人でされてるようで、料理の提供まではむちゃくちゃかかります(笑) なので、急いでる方にはオススメしませんが、待てる方にはオススメ シンプルで素材の味をいかしたナポリタンや、初めてパスタのオムレツをいただきました
It seems that you are alone, and it takes a lot of time to serve food (laugh) So I don't recommend it to those who are in a hurry, but it is recommended to those who can wait I had Napolitan, which is simple and makes the best use of the taste of the ingredients, and the pasta omelet for the first time.
riku on Google

素敵なご夫婦でされているお店です。 厨房で黙々と料理なさるご主人と、明るい笑顔で太陽のような奥様(*´ω`pq゛ ひとつひとつが丁寧に料理されており、味もとても良かったです。 気取らず 気楽に食事できます。
It is a shop where a wonderful couple is doing. A master who silently cooks in the kitchen and his wife like a sun with a bright smile (* 'ω`pq Each one was carefully cooked and the taste was very good. You can easily and comfortably eat.
Gaku Imai on Google

It is an Italian restaurant where you can easily have lunch. There is always a seasonal dish that incorporates local ingredients. April is a firefly squid. In fact, Hyogo Prefecture has the largest catch of firefly squid in Japan. I had firefly squid pasta and pizza and I had pasta. Peperoncino pasta and firefly squid squid miso are excellent compatibility (* ≧ ∀ ≦ *) You can also make coffee with bread, salad, soup and coffee. The other photo is pasta with spring cabbage and anchovies.
Hiroko Imai on Google

プチ忘年会女子会で利用しました。パスタもピザもティラミスも、とっても美味しかったです。本格的なイタリアンレストランが豊岡で少なくなる中、貴重なレストランです。 ここのミートパスタが私は一番大好きです。また食べに行きますね。
I used it at the Petit Year-end Party Girls' Association. The pasta, pizza and tiramisu were very delicious. It is a valuable restaurant while the number of authentic Italian restaurants is decreasing in Toyooka. I love the meat pasta here the most. I'm going to eat again.
下野靖洋 on Google

コロナ後もあってか店内空間がすごく広々としてました。 いただいたパスタはトマトの酸味とオリーブオイルがマッチして美味しくいただけました。 ?前の広場に大きな秋田犬が寝そべってるかもしれません?
Even after the corona, the space inside the store was very spacious. The pasta I received was delicious because the sourness of the tomatoes and the olive oil matched. ? A big Akita dog may be lying in the square in front of you ?
まあした on Google

日高の、円山川側からだと郵便局のある交差点を曲がった道。 山側312号線からだとトンネルから一番近い信号を曲がった道にあります。 店の隣に駐車場有り、結構停めれます。 内装は茶色を基調とした感じで、ツリーなどクリスマスを前面に押し出された雰囲気。BGMもクリスマスソングが流れています。 席が4テーブルしかない感じなので、早めに行くか予約していくことをお勧めします。 パスタランチセットを注文。パスタはプッタネスカを選択。 前菜は生ハムなど、美味しい。サラダはドレッシングがかかっていて、スープは卵スープ。詳しくないですが中華っぽいスープに感じました。 パンもまずまず。 パスタですが、プッタネスカ(語源を調べたら面白い語源ですね)は初めて食べましたがとても美味しかったです。 トマトがベースなので、ミートソースと比べるとひき肉と甘さがなくなって酸味が加わっている印象です。 食後のコーヒーも美味しかったです。 価格は1,650円で安くはないですが、イタリアンのコース料理としては妥当かなと思います。クリスマスムードでパスタも美味しく、女性が喜ぶお店だと思います。
From the Maruyama River side of Hidaka, the road turns around the intersection with the post office. From the mountain side Route 312, it is on the road around the signal closest to the tunnel. There is a parking lot next to the store, so you can park quite a bit. The interior is based on brown, and the atmosphere is that Christmas is pushed out to the front, such as a tree. BGM also has a Christmas song. It feels like there are only 4 tables, so it is recommended to go early or make a reservation. I ordered a pasta lunch set. Select Puttanesca for pasta. Appetizers are delicious, such as prosciutto. The salad is dressed and the soup is egg soup. I'm not familiar with it, but I felt it was a Chinese soup. Bread is also reasonable. As for pasta, I ate Puttanesca (which is an interesting etymology when I looked up the etymology) for the first time, but it was very delicious. Since it is based on tomatoes, it has less minced meat and sweetness than meat sauce, giving it an added acidity. The coffee after the meal was also delicious. The price is 1,650 yen, which is not cheap, but I think it is reasonable for an Italian course meal. I think it's a restaurant that makes women happy because the pasta is delicious in the Christmas mood.
Bhavik Shah on Google

Very good itlian food . Veg friendly.

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