4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

池田市の焼肉なら炭火七輪焼肉たんたん - Sumibiyakinikutantan.com


Contact 焼肉 TANTAN

住所 :

Ishibashi, Ikeda, 〒563-0032 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://sumibiyakinikutantan.com/
街 : Osaka

Ishibashi, Ikeda, 〒563-0032 Osaka,Japan
トシ on Google

石橋駅から路地を入りこみ、たどり着く名店❗厚切りタン、幻の特選ハラミ、最高です。 また上ミノや、ハツも質が良い。どの肉も旨いです。近くに駐車場無いから少し不便ですが、けど、また行きたい❗と思う店でした。
A famous restaurant ❗ thick-sliced ​​tongue that enters the alley from Ishibashi station and arrives, the specially selected Harami is the best. Also, the quality of the top mint and hearts is good. Every meat is delicious. It's a little inconvenient because there is no parking lot nearby, but it was a store I would like to visit again.
古土居誠 on Google

I think it's a restaurant that competes for 1st and 2nd place in Ishibashi's yakiniku. The appearance is not like Ishibashi, it has a Minoh-like atmosphere, but the menu is firmly Ishibashi. The meat is also good quality.
H K on Google

提供される牛肉はいつも新鮮で、タレもあっさりとしていて牛肉本来の美味しさが味わえます。 日によって変わる特選肉、そして厚切りタンは、誰を連れていっても皆が喜んでくれます。 美味しさもさることながら、接客をしてくださる方々のホスピタリティは一級品で、さりげない気遣いが行き届いていて、とても居心地が良いです。 年に数回しかいかないにも関わらず、名前を覚えてくださっていて大変に驚きました。コロナに負けず、ずっと続いていって欲しい名店です。
The beef provided is always fresh, the sauce is light and you can enjoy the original taste of beef. The special meat that changes from day to day, and the thick-sliced ​​tongue will make everyone happy no matter who you bring. Not only is it delicious, but the hospitality of the people who serve customers is first-class, and it is very comfortable with a casual care. I was very surprised to remember the name even though I only go there a few times a year. It is a well-known store that I want you to continue forever without losing to Corona.
kei iek on Google

Great store! The meat is good. The customer service is also good. Maybe it's a new part-time job, but I'm glad that he treats me more politely than a good customer. It's good to have a smile, including your wife. It recommends non-major parts that can be eaten that day, so those who are interested in other parts such as ribs, loin, and harami can also enjoy it. Sometimes the charcoal fire is too weak to burn, but they are willing to replace it. I think it's about 12,000 yen for two adults to eat and drink until they vomit. I want to go once every six months.
さなまろ on Google

大人2人と赤ちゃん(8ヶ月)の3人で伺いました。 まだ子供が産まれる前に何度か食べにきましたが、本当にどのお肉も美味しいです。タンは柔らかく、ロースやカルビ、ハラミも脂がのっておりとても満足しました。キムチも少し甘めの味付けで食べやすかったです。また、料理が美味しいだけでなくサービスも本当に気持ちがよくなりました。赤ちゃん用シート(ベルト付)に、途中でぐずってしまった娘につみきや布絵本などのおもちゃ、更にスープを頼むと娘も飲めるようにと薄めて冷ましたスープを湯飲みで持ってきてくださいました。おしぼりなども汚れるたびにこまめに交換してくださり、お水もこぼさないように蓋付きのカップでくださり、とても感激しました。赤ちゃんを連れての外食はいつもはハードルが高いですが、ここにはまた来たいなと思いました。味もサービスも清潔感も大満足です。
We visited with 2 adults and 3 babies (8 months old). I've been to eat several times before my child was born, but all the meat is really delicious. The tongue was soft, and the loin, ribs, and skirt steak were also greasy, so I was very satisfied. Kimchi was also a little sweet and easy to eat. Not only the food is delicious, but the service is really good. On the baby sheet (with belt), I brought toys such as Tsumikiya and cloth picture books to my daughter who got sick on the way, and also dilute and chilled soup so that she can drink when I asked for soup. .. Every time the hand towels became dirty, they were replaced frequently, and the cup with a lid was used to prevent water from spilling, which made me very impressed. Eating out with a baby is always a high hurdle, but I wanted to come here again. I am very satisfied with the taste, service and cleanliness.
M. A. on Google

美味しいんですよ。 めちゃくちゃ美味しいんですよ。 素晴らしいお肉を出されるんですよ。 ただ、炭火からガス火になったのが残念すぎて。。。涙 これまで何度も伺いましたがもう行かないと思います号泣
It's delicious. It's really delicious. You can serve wonderful meat. However, it is too disappointing that the charcoal fire changed to a gas fire. .. .. tears I've heard many times so far, but I don't think I'll go anymore
8554 JP on Google

池田市にこんな良い焼肉屋さんがあったなんて知らなかった。 石橋側なので学生さん向けで安さ重視で味はそれなりの店なのかなと思ったら…お値段はそれなりで味も質も良い肉と細かな気配りのできる良店でした。 近くに良い焼肉屋さんがないかなーとずっと思っていたので、良い出会いになりました。 リピート確定です。
I didn't know there was such a good yakiniku restaurant in Ikeda. Since it's on the Ishibashi side, it's for students, and I think it's a restaurant that emphasizes cheapness and has a decent taste ... It was a good restaurant with good meat and fine attention at a reasonable price. I've always wondered if there is a good yakiniku restaurant nearby, so it was a good encounter. Repeat is confirmed.
James Webb on Google

Pretty much ruined yakiniku for me anywhere else ><

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