パーツワン 大阪店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パーツワン 大阪店

住所 :

Tannan, Matsubara, 〒580-0013 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877789
Webサイト : http://www.parts1.co.jp/matsubara.html
街 : Osaka

Tannan, Matsubara, 〒580-0013 Osaka,Japan
maro kazu on Google

I went there for the first time in a long time. It seems that the owner has changed and the response has improved significantly. Satisfied because it was cheaper than HP.
Ya Ya on Google

クチコミでも書かれてますが、前のスタッフの方とはケタが違う程、最悪です。 私は値段うんぬんよりも、前の店長が好きで通ってました。 もう行くことはないです。
Although it is written in the word of mouth, it is the worst as it is different from the previous staff. I liked the previous store manager more than the price. I won't go anymore.
CAA on Google

良く利用させて頂きます。 久しぶりに今日行くとスタッフが見た事無い人ばかりでした?今までの人は辞めたの? せっかく名前と顔覚えて貰ってたのに⤵ ↑↑↑この後二度利用させて頂きました。やはり経営が変わったとの事でスタッフさんは以前お世話になった方は残っておらず総入れ替えだそうです。 値段、愛想やサービスは以前のスタッフさん達の方が断然良かったです、非常に残念?
I will use it often. When I went today for the first time in a long time, all the staff had never seen it ? Did the people so far quit? Even though I had you remember my name and face ⤵ ↑↑↑ I used it twice after this. After all, the management has changed, so the staff seems to have replaced all the staff who have taken care of them before. The price, amiability and service were definitely better for the previous staff, very disappointing ?
さくら星委員会 on Google

経営母体が変わったことから料金変更したらしくホームページ記載の1.5倍の値段をレジで請求されました。(内訳は不明) リニューアルした旨はHPに載せれるのに料金変更の旨は経営上できないという複雑な事情がおありのようです。 事前にタイヤサイズを伝えて費用の確認を電話でしたほうが良さそうです。
It seems that the price has changed because the management body has changed, and I was charged 1.5 times the price stated on the homepage at the cash register. (Breakdown unknown) It seems that there is a complicated situation that the fact that the renewal has been made can be posted on the website, but the fact that the charge has been changed cannot be managed. It seems better to tell the tire size in advance and call to confirm the cost.
kuni shiba on Google

It was 7800 yen including replacement of 4 16-inch tires, valve replacement and tire disposal. It was cheaper than the price I heard from other stores. I was watching the work, but I was relieved that I got used to it.
xxx xxx on Google

経営者が変わって最悪もいいところ! 一言で言うと作業の出来る幅も遥かに減ったし、愛想も悪いし言いたいことは山程ありますが… 思わず本店に電話入れましたが当店も大阪店の事で度々連絡来て困ってるとの事でした。 口コミにもあるように前の方の方がよかったのは当たり前です。 2度と行かないです。
The worst thing is that the management has changed! In a word, the range of work that can be done has been greatly reduced, and it is unfriendly and there are many things I want to say ... I called the main store unintentionally, but he said that we were in trouble because he often contacted us about the Osaka store. As you can see in the word of mouth, it is natural that the front was better. I will never go again.
g k on Google

先日お伺いさせて頂きましたが、私も二度と行かないかなって率直の感想です。 口コミでも返信されてるのを拝見しましたが、何々とか人のせいにしてる感じが出ててお客のも何かあれば、こちらのせいにされるのかなとか不信に思います。 アライメントと足回りの腕も前のスタッフとは桁違いに悪いです。
I asked you the other day, but I have a frank impression that I will never go again. I saw that it was replied by word of mouth, but I feel that I'm blaming people for some reason, and I'm wondering if there are any customers who are blaming me. Alignment and undercarriage arms are also orders of magnitude worse than the previous staff.
chika K on Google

何年か前に2度ほど来ていて今回3回目。 新しくなったとか聞いたけど特に前と変わってないのかなぁ? 10時からの約束で9:50前に着いてしまい待ってるつもりだったがそのまま作業してくれた。 3人で手際よくやってくれて早い。 20分位で4本やって貰った。 17インチ新しいものに組み換えタイヤはネットで購入して。 料金はwebに記載されてるとおりでバルブも交換して貰って8600円でした。 他所のお店だと17インチは出来ないとか言われたのでやはりここに頼んで良かった。
I came twice a few years ago and this is the third time. I heard that it's new, but isn't it particularly different from before? I was supposed to arrive before 9:50 with a promise from 10 o'clock and wait, but he worked as it was. It's quick because three people do it neatly. I got 4 of them in about 20 minutes. Buy new 17-inch recombined tires online. The charge was as stated on the web, and the valve was replaced for 8600 yen. I was told that I couldn't make 17 inches at other shops, so I'm glad I asked here.

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