Tanihama Park Dug Run - Joetsu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tanihama Park Dug Run

住所 :

294 Nishitono, Joetsu, Niigata 949-1711, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 949-1711
Webサイト : https://www.city.joetsu.niigata.jp/soshiki/toshiseibi/tanihama-park.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

294 Nishitono, Joetsu, Niigata 949-1711, Japan
大平千加恵 on Google

It is a dog run where you can play dogs without spending money. Taking a walk around the dog run is also a good exercise for the owner. If you look at the time, you can play in a time when there are few other dogs.
YU A on Google

It is a beautiful park with a view of the Sea of ​​Japan. There was also a dog run, and some people enjoyed it in the rain.
makoto terasawa on Google

とにかく広くてのびのび遊べます。 見張らしもいいので子供もある程度離れてもどこにいるのかわかるので子供遊ばせるのには最高です。 専用エリアではBBQも可。ただし炊事場は無いので後始末には気を付けましょう。 夏には皆さんタープやテントを張ってデイキャンプを楽しまれてます。 自販機は無いので飲み物は多めに持参することをお勧めします。 公園下の桑取川は鮭が遡上するので、11月下旬~12月上旬に行ったら覗いてみるといいかもしれません。
Anyway, you can play widely and freely. It's great to keep kids watching because you can keep an eye on them and see where they are even if they are some distance away. BBQ is also available in the dedicated area. However, there is no kitchen, so be careful when cleaning up. In the summer, everyone enjoys day camps with tarps and tents. We do not have vending machines, so we recommend that you bring a large amount of drink. The salmon run up the Kuwatori River below the park, so you may want to take a peek when you go from late November to early December.
K K on Google

There is plenty of nature ? There is a park dedicated to dogs and a lawn open space ? It is a very comfortable place ✨
伊達直人 on Google

ここは、火力発電建設の副産物として作られた。谷浜公園も含め山を削り土砂を採取。海を埋め立て火力発電所を作った。 しかし、大型犬用ドッグランに水捌けが悪く、油が浮いている箇所あり不法投棄の可能性あり。だから行くのを止めた。
It was created as a by-product of the construction of thermal power plants. Mountains including Tanihama Park are shaved and earth and sand are collected. The sea was reclaimed and a thermal power plant was built. However, the dog run for large dogs has poor drainage, and there are places where oil is floating, so there is a possibility of illegal dumping. So I stopped going.
sanpoco japan on Google

【無料大型ドッグラン】 小型犬用エリア1750㎡、フリーエリア4000㎡の県内最大級のドッグランだそうです!!しかも、水飲み場、足洗い場まで完備!日陰までも用意されています!!!なのに無料!!!半端ではありません!!一つ難点があるとすれば人気過ぎて大勢の方がいるぐらい!それは当たり前です!! だけどこの周りも犬の散歩する場所はありますのでご安心ください!夏場はきついですが海のみえる丘まで歩くのもおすすめです!
[Free large dog run] It is said to be the largest dog run in the prefecture with an area for small dogs of 1750㎡ and a free area of ​​4000㎡! !! Moreover, it is fully equipped with a drinking fountain and a foot wash area! Even the shade is available! !! !! But it's free! !! !! Not odd! !! If there is one drawback, it's too popular and there are a lot of people! That's the norm! !! However, please be assured that there are places for dogs to walk around everywhere! It's tough in the summer, but it's also recommended to walk to the hills where you can see the sea!
福地修 on Google

ユキ?との車中泊の旅の途中でお邪魔しました。事前に調べてて、訪ねてみたかった広くて無料のドッグランです✨。 日本海の潮かぶり的な国道8号線から少し川沿いに上り左折して丘を上った所にあるけど、案内看板がしっかりしてるから、ラクチンで行けました。とにかく広いし、小型犬専用とフリーサイズの2面があり、水飲み場や足を洗うシャワーなどもあり充実してるし、トイレも綺麗。しかも無料。ほんとありがたいです?。 この日は秋の好天に恵まれユキも楽しそうでした。疲れたのか車中泊先で爆睡zzz。 気になるのが、ベンチと日を遮るものが少なくなく、夏場はちょっとキツイのかな。それと人間用の飲料自動販売機が欲しいところです。 でも再訪したいドッグランです??❗
I visited you during my vandwelling trip with Yuki ?. It's a wide and free dog run that I wanted to check in advance and visit. From the tide-covered National Highway No. 8 of the Sea of ​​Japan, I went up a little along the river, turned left and went up the hill, but the signboard was solid, so I could go by Rakuchin. Anyway, it's large, and there are two sides, one for small dogs and one for small dogs. There is also a drinking fountain and a shower to wash your feet, and the toilet is clean. And it's free. I really appreciate it ?. This day was blessed with good autumn weather and Yuki seemed to enjoy it. Maybe I'm tired, I'm sleeping in the car. I'm curious that there are many things that block the bench and the sun, so I think it's a little tough in the summer. I also want a vending machine for humans. But it's a dog run that I want to visit again ??❗
David Marsh on Google

let the kids run around too.

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