
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おだか医院

住所 :

Tanakamae, Kesennuma, 〒988-0053 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 7:30–11:30AM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Miyagi

Tanakamae, Kesennuma, 〒988-0053 Miyagi,Japan
Minmi on Google

I will be waiting for a long time. It is crowded because there is no other decent hospital. The teacher's bad mouth is old, so I get used to it. Please refrain from tight people.
hisashi kasatani on Google

何度か行ったけどいつも検査もりだくさんで毎回1万円コース それも無断で行う お金がもたないから行くのやめました。 腕はいいのか悪いのか判らず
I went there several times, but there are always plenty of inspections and a 10,000 yen course each time. I do it without permission. I stopped going because I don't have the money. I don't know if my arm is good or bad
風鈴ちゃん on Google

先生の態度、口調は本当に悪いですよ。しかもエロじじい。 初めての人は皆ビックリするくらいです。 私は昔から通っているので、ちょっとは腹が立ちますけどこれは性格だからと思って気にしないようにしています。 最近は、看護師さんたちも昔からいるベテランの方達がいなくなり、だんだんとレベルの低い若手が多くなってます。 お薬手帳を渡しても何も記載しないまま返され、薬の使用方法もその場で説明されて終わりなので分かりづらいです。 風邪薬は正直市販のものの方が効きます笑 皮膚科としては本当にお勧めですよ! 処方してもらえる軟膏が素晴らしいです。
The attitude and tone of the teacher is really bad. Moreover, it is erotic. All new people are surprised. I've been around for a long time, so I'm a little angry, but I don't mind thinking that this is my personality. Recently, nurses are no longer experienced veterans, and the number of younger people is gradually increasing. Even if you give your medicine notebook, it will be returned without any description, and the usage of the medicine will be explained on the spot and it will be difficult to understand. For cold medicine, the one on the market is more effective LOL I really recommend it as a dermatologist! The ointment you can prescribe is wonderful.
うどん。 on Google

学生の時によくお世話になりました。 先生はたしかに命令口調だし、口は悪いけど 進路を応援して下さったり、たまに優しくなるから憎めない。看護師さんたちはいつも優しい
I was often taken care of when I was a student. The teacher certainly has a command tone and the mouth is bad I do not give up because I support the course and become kind to me sometimes. The nurses are always kind
jun Mura on Google

先生の態度が悪いと皆さん仰ってますが、あの先生の性格なので私は気にならなかったです。寧ろフレンドリーで好印象でした。息子にも優しかったですし。 診察は早く的確です。他の看護師さん皆優しいです。ただ問題はいつ行っても混んでること。 おまえ井戸端会議に来てるだけだろ?というじじばばさまが多いせいか。 本当に具合悪く座ってられないとき、待ち時間二階のベッドで休ませてもらったこともあります。 待ち時間がかかるので星ひとつ減点。
Everyone says that the teacher's attitude is bad, but I didn't care because of that teacher's personality. Rather, it was friendly and impressed. It was kind to my son. The examination is quick and accurate. All the other nurses are kind. However, the problem is that it is always crowded. You're just coming to the well-end meeting, right? Maybe it's because there are a lot of babies. When I was really sick and couldn't sit down, I had to rest on the bed upstairs while waiting. One star is deducted because it takes time to wait.
かずべんつ on Google

異様に待ち時間が長いです。 しかも医者の態度と口調は確かに最悪でした。診察が終わっても会計まで3時間も待たされるのは本当に不思議です。 2度と行きません。
The waiting time is unusually long. Moreover, the doctor's attitude and tone were certainly the worst. It's really strange that even after the examination, you have to wait three hours for the checkout. I will never go again.
はたこ on Google

From the afternoon, there are days of the week for vaccination, so you should contact us in advance.
すぎゆり on Google

他の人から聞いていた通り確かに先生の口は悪いです笑 ただズバズバ言うってだけですね。オブラートに包んだ物言いを望む人にはオススメしません。 あと確かに検査は多いですが、私はむしろ安心です、ちらっと見ただけで断定されるよりマシです。 なのでちゃんと診てもらいたい人にオススメです。 あと待ち時間については胃腸や外科の病院にしては許容範囲かと、ガラガラの病院より良くないですか? 私的には市立病院よりは待ちませんでした。 それにおだかさんは先生の口は悪いが腕は確かだとしか聞いたことありません。だからわざわざ遠くから通ってる人もいるんだと思います。 看護師さんは綺麗な人が多く、また日常会話をしてくれる親身な方が多いです、最初は驚きました。 気仙沼市の方は優しい人が多いですが、特段ここの看護師さんは優しかったです。注射されながら謝られたのは初めてです。痛いのは当たり前なのに。笑 コロナ禍の中熱が出て、通ってた市立病院ですら門前払いされたときも、それじゃお困りでしょうと手を差し伸べてくださり駐車場で検査して下さいました。 本当に有難かったです。 ありがとうございました。
As I've heard from other people, the teacher's mouth is certainly bad lol It's just saying crazy. I don't recommend it to anyone who wants to say something wrapped in oblate. There are certainly many tests, but I'm rather relieved, better than just glancing at them. So it is recommended for people who want to see it properly. Also, is the waiting time acceptable for a gastrointestinal or surgical hospital, isn't it better than a rattle hospital? Personally, I didn't wait longer than the city hospital. Besides, I've only heard that the teacher's mouth is bad but his arms are certain. That's why I think some people bother to go from afar. Many of the nurses are beautiful, and many of them are friendly and have daily conversations. At first, I was surprised. There are many kind people in Kesennuma City, but the nurses here were especially kind. This is the first time I have been apologized while being injected. It's natural that it hurts. Lol Even when the middle fever of the corona sickness came out and even the city hospital I attended was paid in advance, he reached out to me and inspected it in the parking lot. I was really thankful. Thank you very much.

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