Tanaka Orthopedic Clinic - Suita

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tanaka Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-24-2 Yamadahigashi, Suita, Osaka 565-0821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 565-0821
Webサイト : https://tanaka-seikotsuin2011.com/

2 Chome-24-2 Yamadahigashi, Suita, Osaka 565-0821, Japan
篠田美千子 on Google

右首筋から右肩にかけて激しい痛みにおそわれてタナカ整骨院に来ました。痛みの原因は特に何をしたとゆうわけでも無く長期にわたっての無理な姿勢からだったようです。右を振り向くのもじっとまっすぐな姿勢を保つのも枕に頭をのせるのもいたくて、夜は眠る時にも辛い思いをしていました。治療 に来てからは、体の軸がゆがんでいることが分かり、毎回のマッサージと電気治療を2ヶ月程行ってもらいやっと普通の製が戻って来ました、根気よく治療を行ってもらい感謝しています。治療には毎回予約を取りますが時間通りに始まり時間通りに終わるので大助かりです。毎日の通院も気になりませんでした
I came to Tanaka Osteopathic Clinic with severe pain from my right nape to my right shoulder. It seems that the cause of the pain was an unreasonable posture for a long time without saying anything in particular. I wanted to turn to the right, keep my posture straight, and put my head on the pillow, so I had a hard time sleeping at night. Treatment After coming to Japan, I found that my body axis was distorted, and after each massage and electric treatment for about 2 months, the normal product was finally returned. Thank you for your patience. I am. I make an appointment for treatment every time, but it is a great help because it starts on time and ends on time. I didn't mind going to the hospital every day
ふーさき on Google

数年前より肩こり、腰痛、背中の重みが酷く、日常生活を送る上で日々倦怠感や慢性的な疲労を感じていたため来院しました。 丁寧に問診した上で、症状に合わせた治療の提案をしてくださります。短期的に詰めて通わせていただいたので、症状もほぼ出ないようになりました。 とても親切で通いやすい雰囲気ですので、おすすめです。
I came to the hospital because I had stiff shoulders, low back pain, and heavy back pain from a few years ago, and I felt tired and chronic fatigue every day in my daily life. After carefully asking questions, he / she will propose treatment according to the symptoms. Since I was able to squeeze in for a short period of time, I have almost no symptoms. It's a very kind and easy-to-go atmosphere, so I recommend it.
すみよ大福 on Google

介護の仕事で足を痛めてしまい、 こちらで診ていただいてます。 通って半年ほどですが、先生がとても親切で ずっと通っていても嫌な顔なさらず、 気長に診て下さいます。 むやみに身体を指圧する様なやり方は されません。 痛い部分が毎回少しズレていても、すぐ わかって下さるので凄いな。。と 思っています。
I hurt my leg from a nursing job You can see me here. It's been about half a year since I went there, but the teacher is very kind. Even if I go all the way, I don't have a bad face Please be patient. How to press the body unnecessarily It will not be. Even if the painful part is slightly off each time, immediately It's amazing because you understand. .. When I am thinking.
.廣本史子 on Google

腕がだるくて痛くて困っていた時、整骨院に行ってみよう!と思い立ちタナカ整骨院の門をたたいた。山田にいっぱいある整骨院の中からこの院にしたのは、毎朝、玄関だけでなく歩道まで先生たちがお掃除してとても清々しいなと感心していたから。扉を開けると元気いっぱい「こんばんはー」と声がかかって丁寧に症状を聞いてくださりホッとした。その時から5年? 骨盤矯正、お灸等症状にあわせて治療を受けてきた。今は体幹を保つ腹筋トレーニングと猫背矯正。元気の素になっている。
Let's go to the osteopathic clinic when you are in trouble because your arm is dull and painful! I thought, and hit the gate of Tanaka Osteopathic Institute. I chose this hospital from the many osteopathic clinics in Yamada because I was impressed that the teachers cleaned not only the entrance but also the sidewalk every morning and it was very refreshing. When I opened the door, I was relieved to hear the symptoms carefully with a cheerful voice saying "Good evening". 5 years since then? I have been treated according to symptoms such as pelvic correction and moxibustion. Now I have abdominal muscle training and stoop correction to keep my trunk. I'm fine.
基早希 on Google

I had been suffering from back pain for a long time and had various treatments, but the pain did not improve. .. .. I found Tanaka Osteopathic Clinic on the net when my back pain got worse because of my work. On the homepage, I found out the cause of the pain and decided to go through it because it was written that I would perform radical treatment. The cause of the pain was pelvic distortion and muscle stiffness, so I used blocks to correct the pelvis and treated it with electricity. At first I was skeptical, but every time I went there, my back pain improved. I really appreciate it (• ‿ •)
佑美岩井 on Google

産後の骨盤矯正をした方がいいと言うのは分かっていたものの、実際に不調が出るまでは自分のメンテナンスにまで気が回らずにいました。 産後から1年半が経ち、肩こり腰痛が酷くなりイライラしてしまうことが増え限界を感じ、通院することを決めました。 何度か通ううちに肩も腰も段々と楽になり、イライラする事が減ってきました。 もっと早く治療を始めれば良かった…と後悔しているほどです。 産後のママさん達には辛くなる前に通い始めて欲しいなぁ〜と思います。
I knew that I should have my pelvis corrected after childbirth, but I didn't care about my maintenance until I actually had a problem. It's been a year and a half since I gave birth, and I decided to go to the hospital because my stiff shoulders and back pain became more and more frustrating and I felt the limit. After going several times, my shoulders and hips became easier and less frustrating. I regret that I should have started treatment sooner. I want moms after childbirth to start going before it gets hard.
ヤマシゲ on Google

数ヶ月間に渡るテニスと仕事の疲労が重なった末に、ギックリ腰で立ち上がるのも困難になりました。 ネット検索で、こちらのタナカ整骨院さんを選びました。詳しい治療案内があったのが、選択の決め手です。 骨盤にズレがあるとの診断で、保険適用外での骨盤矯正・マッサージ・電気治療を施していただきました。通院数回でギックリ腰の痛みは軽減し、3週間・週3回で完治です。 穏やかに話し掛けられる先生やスタッフの皆さん方ですので、辛い症状の時ほどありがたいものです。和風の外観・清潔感のある院内・癒しの音楽にも心が和みます。 常に混んではいますが、予約時間も時には融通をしてもらいました。? 以上、おすすめできる整骨院さんです。
After months of tennis and work fatigue, it became difficult to get up on my back. I chose this Tanaka Osteopathic Institute by searching the internet. Detailed treatment guidance was the decisive factor in the selection. I was diagnosed with a pelvic displacement and received pelvic correction, massage, and electrical treatment that are not covered by insurance. After a few visits to the hospital, my back pain was alleviated, and it was completely cured in 3 weeks and 3 times a week. The teachers and staff are able to talk to me gently, so I am grateful for the painful symptoms. The Japanese-style appearance, cleanliness of the hospital, and soothing music will soothe your heart. It's always crowded, but sometimes the reservation time was flexible. ? This is the recommended osteopathic clinic.
品川由美子 on Google

In strained back and wrist pain, etc. Is there a fact that has passed through the neighborhood of Osteopathic Council, but the deformation of the bone in the vicinity of the sacrum a few years ago, was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. But had received a traction electrical therapy in orthopedics, long standing or did not have, it is reduced the pain will be as subject to orthodontic treatment and appropriate massage the recommendation of acquaintances that has heard the story of or painful to walk pain not now time also Moteru. It is also a little softened legs and lower back pain currently has also received electric massage of the abdomen. I am grateful. Look forward to work with you again.

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