Tanaka Lady Life Clinic - Meguro City

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tanaka Lady Life Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-10-2 Meguro, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879997
Postal code : 153-0063
Webサイト : https://tanaka-ladies.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM

3 Chome-10-2 Meguro, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-0063, Japan
mim i on Google

先生は癖がありますが親身になってくれて優しいです。ですが1人言い方がキツい看護師がいてビクビクします。 他の方のレビューにあるように私も当日体調不良によりキャンセルをしたところ、当日キャンセルはダメですと言われました。女性ならではの体調不良も許されないのでしょうか… 異形成についてはよくご存知の先生なので通ってますが、病院の方針とは合わないようです。 以前はネット予約、キャンセルできる婦人科に通っていたので余計に煩わしく感じます。
The teacher has a habit, but he is kind to me. However, there is a nurse who has a hard time saying it, and I'm excited. As in the reviews of other people, when I canceled due to poor physical condition on the day, I was told that the cancellation on the day was not good. Isn't it acceptable for women to feel unwell? I'm a well-known teacher about dysplasia, so I go there, but it doesn't seem to fit the hospital's policy. I used to go to the gynecology department where I can make online reservations and cancel, so it feels more annoying.
M E on Google

I visited for cervical cancer screening. I wish I had a female teacher, but it was only three months later that I had only each week. When I went to see him, he didn't hear any other symptoms, and he was a teacher who listened to stories that made people laugh with a half laugh. Also, if it seems that only the examination is for women and the usual medical treatment is for men, I decided to go to another hospital from the beginning. We recommend other hospitals as the response including the reception was not good overall.
yuu on Google

目黒界隈の婦人科は不評なところが多すぎてここを予約。電話でしか予約出来ないのも不便だけど、電話に出た方がかなりキツイ。事務なのか看護師なのか、上から目線。 低用量ピルでも子宮頸がんの検査しないと出せないと言われた。 予約時間、何時なら大丈夫か聞かれ、予約時間に間に合わないから変えて欲しいと伝えると、じゃあ何時なら来れますかと強気。 当日キャンセルはダメなので行くしかないけど電話でこれなら行きたくもない。必ず来れるかと聞かれ、クレジット会計は出来ないので現金を持ってきてくださいとの事。かなり癖、強め。
The gynecology department in the Meguro area is too unpopular, so I made a reservation here. It's inconvenient to be able to make a reservation only by phone, but it's much harder to answer the phone. Looking from above, whether it's an office work or a nurse. He was told that even low-dose pills could not be given without testing for cervical cancer. When I was asked when the reservation time was okay and told me that I would like to change it because I couldn't make it in time, I was bullish about what time I could come. I can't cancel on the day, so I have to go, but I don't want to go by phone. I was asked if I could come, and I couldn't do credit card accounting, so please bring cash. Quite habit, strong.
ma miya on Google

こちらの院長先生はとても信頼できます。 まず、確実な診査・診断をしてくださいますし、技術面に関しても先生の腕はかなり良いだろうと素人でも感じました。 オペをしていただいて3年経ちましたが、経過観察もしっかりと診てくださりますし、お陰様で予後も良く、本当に先生に出会えて良かったと心から思います。 クチコミを拝見すると色々と書いてあり、確かに先生は物事をストレートに仰る方だなとは思いますが、下手に濁されるよりよっぽど良いですし、腕が確かなのでそれが1番だと思います。 これからもずっとお世話になりたいと思える病院、院長先生です。
This director is very reliable. First of all, even an amateur felt that the teacher's skill would be quite good in terms of technology as well as making a reliable examination and diagnosis. It's been three years since I had the operation, and I'm really glad that I was able to meet the teacher because of the good follow-up and the good prognosis. When I read the word-of-mouth, there are various things written, and I think that the teacher is a person who says things straight, but it is much better than being murky poorly, and I think that is the best because I am sure of my skill. .. I am the director of a hospital that I would like to continue to take care of.
Cindy M on Google

酷評が多いのはお客様思考が強すぎる日本だから仕方ないのかな、と思い行きましたが本当に酷すぎます。 先生は口コミ通りのポーカーフェイスですが、的確に指示を出せる良い先生だと思います。 が、その良さを受付の看護師?受付嬢?の対応の悪さでかき消していて本当に酷すぎる… 高圧的な態度、上から目線、何様?って態度で電話も受付態度も悪すぎます。 名札がついてないのもおかしい…名指しで書きたいぐらいです。 これだけクチコミに書かれてるのであれば、その方はクビにした方が病院の評判は確実に上がると思いますよ。 ただ、先生の腕は悪くないと思うので通いたいとは思ってます。 早く態度が改まるか、あの方に辞めていただけますように…
I wondered if it can't be helped because Japan has too strong customer thinking, but it's really too terrible. The teacher is a poker face as word of mouth, but I think he is a good teacher who can give accurate instructions. But is it a nurse at the reception? Receptionist? It's really too terrible to be drowned out by the poor response of High-pressure attitude, looking from above, what? The attitude is too bad for the phone and reception. It's strange that there is no name tag attached ... I just want to write by name. If this much is written in the word-of-mouth, I think that the hospital's reputation will definitely improve if that person is dismissed. However, I don't think the teacher's skill is bad, so I would like to attend. I hope he will change his attitude sooner or quit ...
tsu do on Google

☑︎院長先生(看護師さんも)は⭐︎5 ☑︎受付の女性は最低最悪 別の病院で子宮頸がんの検査でASC-Hの診断を受け、組織診をしたところ軽度異形成のため経過観察と言われました。 不信感を抱き、色々調べているうちにここを見つけ、遠いですが通っています。 細胞診の際は実際に子宮頸部の写真を見せていただきながら、炎症(異形成)が起きている部分を説明してくださります。まだ診断中ですが、大変信頼できる先生です。 採った組織を病理検査センターに出して結果が返ってくるのですが、先生自身も顕微鏡で見れるようで、実際に先生も確認してくださりました。 1時間かけて通っていますが、ここを見つけられて良かったと思っています。 ただ、受付の女性は最悪です。 予約していた日に生理がきてしまいそうで、検査があるようなら日程を変えるべきか、わざわざこちらから電話で問い合わせしました。 その時に、生理日変えなくても検査終わってるので平気ですと言われ、電話を切られてしまいました。 実際に行ってみたら、先生に、「生理中なので、検査はまた次回にしましょうか」と言われました。 遠くから通っていて交通費も時間もかかっているので、本当にやめていただきたいです。 先生が本当に良い方なので何も言いませんでしたが、あの受付の女の人の高圧的な態度は最悪です。 他にも、聞かれたくないような内容を受付越しからソファに座っている私に聞こえる大きさで聞いてきてびっくりしました。
☑︎ The director (including the nurse) is ⭐︎5 ☑︎ The lady at the reception is the worst I was diagnosed with ASC-H by a cervical cancer test at another hospital, and when I had a histological examination, I was told to follow up because of mild dysplasia. I was distrustful and found this place while researching various things, and although it is far away, I go there. At the time of cytodiagnosis, he will explain the part where inflammation (dysplasia) is occurring while actually showing a picture of the cervix. He is still under diagnosis, but he is a very reliable teacher. The collected tissue is sent to the pathological examination center and the result is returned, but it seems that the teacher himself can see it with a microscope, and he actually confirmed it. I've been going there for an hour and I'm glad I found it here. However, the lady at the reception is the worst. My period seems to come on the day I made the reservation, so I called from here to ask if I should change the schedule if there is an examination. At that time, I was told that I was okay because the examination was completed without changing my period, and I hung up. When I actually went there, the teacher said, "I'm on my period, so I'll have another test next time." It takes a long time to travel from afar, so I really want you to stop. I didn't say anything because the teacher is really good, but the high-pressure attitude of the woman at the reception is the worst. I was surprised to hear other content that I didn't want to hear from the reception desk in a size that I could hear while sitting on the sofa.
H S on Google

受付の方や看護師さんは優しく丁寧でしたが、 医師が非常に上から目線で態度が悪いおじさんでした。 口コミはあまり信じないタイプですが、二度と行きたくありません。 その上、事前に電話で確認した費用の3倍の値段を取られました。
One and the nurse's receptionist but was gently polite, The doctor was the uncle attitude is bad in the eyes from the very top. Reviews is the type that does not believe in much, but you do not want to go again. Moreover, was taken three times the price of the pre-expense was confirmed by phone.
moon y on Google

子宮頸部の軽度異形成の治療で色々調べて辿り着き、2年ほど通っています。先生は一見淡々としているようですが、気さくで優しい方だと思います。内診中の声かけも丁寧です。 他の病院では大変苦痛だった細胞診の検査も、とても手際良く痛みも少ないです。 完全予約制なので待ち時間もほとんど無く助かります。受付の対応に関してもたまたまかもしれませんが難を感じたことはありません。確かに機械的?な感じのする方はいらっしゃるかも。。
I have been studying various things for the treatment of mild dysplasia of the cervix and have been there for about two years. At first glance, the teacher seems to be indifferent, but I think he is a friendly and kind person. The voice during the pelvic examination is also polite. Cytopathology tests, which were very painful at other hospitals, are very quick and painless. Since it is a complete reservation system, there is almost no waiting time and it is saved. It may happen that the receptionist responds, but I have never felt any difficulty. Certainly mechanical? There may be someone who feels like that. ..

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