鴨料理と十割蕎麦 かもん 新庄駅本店 (鴨のお肉屋さん)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鴨料理と十割蕎麦 かもん 新庄駅本店 (鴨のお肉屋さん)

住所 :

Tamonmachi, Shinjō, 〒996-0024 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.yamagata.fun/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11AM–1:30PM
Monday 11AM–1:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–1:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Tamonmachi, Shinjō, 〒996-0024 Yamagata,Japan
みすりる on Google

鴨団子そばを食べました。 生の鴨肉を熱々のつゆにひたして、油の美味しさを出してから食べるという、初めての体験でした。 つゆがまろやかになって、とても美味しかったです。
I ate duck dumpling soba. It was my first experience to dip raw duck meat in hot soup to bring out the deliciousness of the oil before eating it. The soup was mellow and it was very delicious.
小林iku on Google

お店の一押し鴨汁蕎麦を、限定生原酒の初孫と共に頂きました。 全部が完璧過ぎてびっくりした! 基本蕎麦は蕎麦の風味を1番感じさせるもりそばしか食べませんが、こんなに鴨汁と合うなんて!!! 10割り蕎麦の香りと、鴨汁の相乗効果素晴らしい! そして、限定初孫…(T ^ T)b 旨い!!!! 美味い!!!! 今度はこちらの蕎麦を食べ目的に、新庄に来ます!
The push Kamojiru soba shop, I got along with the first grandchild of limited raw whiskeys. Everything was too perfect and surprised! Basic buckwheat does not eat only Morisoba feel the No. 1 flavor of buckwheat, Nante fit and so duck soup! !! !! 10 and the fragrance of the split buckwheat, a great synergistic effect of duck soup! Then, limited first grandchild ... (T ^ T) b delicious! !! !! !! delicious! !! !! !! This time the purpose eat here buckwheat, come to Shinjo!
kozunagi _suga on Google

他の方々の評価どおり駅前の蕎麦屋とあなどるなかれ。鴨とそばの組み合わせはお見事です。 普通の駅前そば屋と思われがちですが質が全く違います。 この蕎麦を食べに新庄駅に行ってもいいくらいのレベルの蕎麦屋です。 食べたら高評価は間違いないです。新庄市の美味しい蕎麦屋としてオススメします。 2022年02月久しぶりにお邪魔しました。メニューは2種類、おみやげの美味しそうな写真もありましたが、店内では食べられないとのこと。金曜日-月曜日の不定休のようです。恐らく大多数の人が鴨そばを注文すると思われますので、店内メニューとおみやげお持ち帰りは分けたほうがいいと思われます。個人感想です。
Don't be fooled by the soba restaurant in front of the station as evaluated by others. The combination of duck and soba is wonderful. It's easy to think of it as an ordinary soba shop in front of the station, but the quality is completely different. It is a soba restaurant that you can go to Shinjo station to eat this soba. There is no doubt that it will be highly evaluated if you eat it. We recommend it as a delicious soba restaurant in Shinjo City. February 2022 I visited you for the first time in a long time. There were two types of menus, and there were some pictures of delicious souvenirs, but they said they couldn't eat them in the store. It seems to be an irregular holiday from Friday to Monday. Most people will probably order duck soba, so it's best to separate the in-store menu from the souvenir takeaway. It is a personal impression.
ZN6 TOYOTA on Google

以前から気になっていたお店、初めて入りました。ただの駅そば屋だと思っていたらとんでもない間違いだと知らされます。 鴨団子そばがイチオシらしいのですが、まずはざるそばをいただきました。駅ナカにこんな本格的な美味いそばを食べさせてくれるところはないでしょうね。 次回は鴨団子そばを食べてみたいですね!
This is the first time I've entered a store that I've always been interested in. If you think it's just a station soba shop, you'll be informed that it's a terrible mistake. The duck dumpling soba seems to be the best choice, but first I got the zaru soba. There is no place to let eki-naka eat such authentic delicious soba. Next time I would like to try duck dumpling soba!
岡田真里奈 on Google

I think it's a soba restaurant next to a common station ... The thick soup stock and duck meat are delicious anyway. The duck meat was soft and exquisite with no habit.
ku onoue on Google

The customer service was very polite, and the duck meat and soba were very delicious. When I visited, there were two types of menus, duck dumpling soup soba and colander, but when I looked at the reviews of other people, it seemed that there were other menus as well, so when I visited again, I got other items as well. I will try it.
Tomoko Yoshida on Google

とれいゆつばさの帰りの時間で、時間つぶし?に利用しました。 駅の真横。 鴨団子汁そばを注文。 すごい!美味しい! 時間つぶしが、今後の目的に変わった感じです。 鴨が提供された時に生だったのですが、漬け汁につけてくださいとのことで、やってみたらつけ汁熱いっ! あっという間に色が変わり。 昼なのにお酒と共に食べたくて注文したら、「ないお酒が飲みたければお隣(駅)で購入を… 」にほっこりしました。 今度はお蕎麦目的に新庄に来ます!
Is it time to kill time on the way back from Torei Yu Tsubasa? I used it for. Right next to the station. I ordered duck dumpling soup soba. very! delicious! It feels like killing time has changed for future purposes. It was raw when the duck was served, but I was told to soak it in the pickled soup, and when I tried it, the soup was hot! The color changes in a blink of an eye. When I ordered to eat with sake even though it was noon, I said, "If you want to drink no sake, buy it at the next station (station) ... I was relaxed. This time I'm coming to Shinjo for soba!
kd sreng on Google

Delicious Duck Soba and best toilet in the world.

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