
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tambajaya

住所 :

Ekimaecho, Fukuchiyama, 〒620-0045 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://tanbajaya.gorp.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Ekimaecho, Fukuchiyama, 〒620-0045 Kyoto,Japan
岩越渉 on Google

鶏鍋が美味しい 一味唐辛子が薬味であったけどけっこうからかったけど鍋と合っていて美味しかった。
The chicken pot is delicious The chili pepper was a condiment, but it was pretty fun, but it went well with the hot pot and was delicious.
potter happy on Google

It was delicious. The customer service is polite and comfortable.
shogo yasuhira on Google

福知山愛を感じるお店。駅の目の前でアクセスも良い。 ランチはボリューム、味ともに満足、コーヒーが無料なのも嬉しい? 夜は三階を貸し切りにできるようです。
Fukuchiyama A shop that feels love. Access is also good in front of the station. Lunch is satisfied with both volume and taste, and it is also nice that the coffee is free. ? In the evening it seems possible to rent out the 3 rd floor.
ryota komatsu on Google

About a 1-minute walk from the north exit of Fukuchiyama Station. Ask for a daily lunch of 700 yen for this day! Cospa was often very delicious ✨ However, it was hard for non-smokers because lunch is also smoking ?
猫師 on Google

今日ははるばる福知山まで仕事でやって来ました。 ランチタイムに店を検索すると評価1番のラーメン屋さんは定休日、泣 2番目のラーメン屋さんが営業しているので向かった。 しかし、営業はテイクアウトのみとの事で断念。 時間もないのでこちらで唐揚げ定食を食べることにした。 車は駅のパーキングが良い。 なんと、最初の1時間は無料なのだ! 店は2階。 中に入ると昭和の雰囲気の料理屋さんですね。 テーブル、カウンター、座敷とけっこうキャパあります。 配膳係の人もお年を召してらして、歴史あるお店なんだなぁって思いました。 ランチメニューは ・日替わり定食 700円 ・ちゃんぽんラーメン定食 770円 ・とり天ざる蕎麦 900円 ・だし巻卵定食 740円 ・とり唐揚げ定食 750円 ・豚生姜焼き定食 770円 ・天丼 820円 などなど。 全て、コーヒー付きです。 私は唐揚げ定食お願いします! ご飯は大盛りで♪ ◆とり唐揚げ定食 価格 750円札(税別) 唐揚げは中小の大きさのが6〜7個くらいで、他には千切りキャベツ、味噌汁、焼いた万願寺唐辛子、沢庵、ご飯です。 唐揚げは下味が効いていてそのまま食べても美味くてご飯に合う。 衣も適度な厚さで脂っこさはなくべちゃっともしていない。 なかなか美味しいやん♪ってかんじの唐揚げです。 塩胡椒でも食べたかったな。 焼き唐辛子は焼き置きで常温でしたがこれもなかなか美味しかった。 ご飯は大盛りにしたけど、これ大盛りですか?って聞き直すほどで、大盛りには見えなかったので、 普通盛りならかなり少なめかな? 期待していなかった分、満足でした。 食後は駐車場の事もあるので飲まずに退店。 食べに行くお店に困っていたので急遽の飛び込みでしたが美味しい唐揚げが食べれて良かったです。 ご馳走さまでした!
Today I've come all the way to Fukuchiyama. When you search for a restaurant at lunchtime, the No. 1 ramen shop is closed on a regular holiday, crying The second ramen shop is open so I went there. However, he abandoned that the sales are only takeout. Since I don't have time, I decided to eat a fried chicken set meal here. Car parking at the station is good. What a free first hour! The store is on the second floor. When you step inside, you'll find a restaurant with a Showa atmosphere. There are tables, counters, tatami mats and a lot of capacity. The caterers also got old and I thought it was a historical store. The lunch menu is ・Daily set meal 700 yen ・Champon ramen set meal ¥770 ・Tori Tenzaru Soba 900 yen ・Dashi roll egg set meal 740 yen ・Fried chicken set meal 750 yen ・Pork ginger grill set meal 770 yen ・Tendon 820 yen etc. All come with coffee. I would like a fried chicken set meal! A large serving of rice♪ ◆Fried chicken set meal Price 750 yen bill (excluding tax) There are about 6 to 7 small and medium-sized fried chicken, and the other ones are shredded cabbage, miso soup, roasted Manganji peppers, shoan, and rice. The deep-fried fried chicken is so delicious that you can eat it as it is and it goes well with rice. The clothes are thick enough and not greasy and sticky. It's quite delicious ♪ It's a fried chicken. I also wanted to eat salt and pepper. The roasted pepper was baked at room temperature, but it was also delicious. I had a large serving of rice. Is this a big serving? I didn't see it in full scale, Is it pretty small if it's normal? I was satisfied because I was not expecting it. After eating, there is also a parking lot, so I left the store without drinking. I was in a hurry to dive in because I was in trouble at the restaurant where I went to eat, but it was nice to eat delicious fried chicken. It was a feast!
Tak new on Google

二人で来店。どっちも食べたかったので、唐揚定食と出し巻き定食を注文しました。おいしかったうえ、お替りもできて満足でした〜 コロナ対策も大丈夫です。
Two people come to the store. I wanted to eat both, so I ordered a fried chicken set meal and a omelet roll set meal. It was delicious and I was happy to have another one ~ Corona measures are also okay.
きよ on Google

喫煙可能店です。 ランチで利用しました。定食をいただきましたが リーズナブルで とても美味しかった。また夜も行ってみたいです。
It is a smoking shop. I used it for lunch. I had a set meal, but it was reasonably priced and very delicious. I want to go there again at night.
Josh Revier on Google

The nabe set here is really delicious and the service is quite nice. The drinks are traditional Japanese style and taste pretty good but a little week.

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