Tamba tree-lined Central Park management office - Tamba-Sasayama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tamba tree-lined Central Park management office

住所 :

90番地 Nishikosa, Tamba-Sasayama, Hyogo 669-2221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879999
Postal code : 669-2221
Webサイト : http://www.hyogo-park.or.jp/tanba/

90番地 Nishikosa, Tamba-Sasayama, Hyogo 669-2221, Japan
とらこ on Google

駐車場も無料入園料金もいらなくて、広々としていて手入れがきっちりとされていました。 トイレもきれいで、車椅子でも訪れることが可能な施設でした。木材をふんだんに使用した遊具も素敵でした。 茅葺きの民家も懐かしい竈もあり、素敵でした。5歳の孫が気に入り、こんな家が良いなぁと言ってました。 木工教室も実施されているようです。 太古の生き物館もあり、もう少し孫が大きくなったら、こちらにも連れて行きたいです。 日曜日に行きましたが、空いていてのびのびと、ゆっくり、ローラー滑り台も堪能した孫3人でした。
There was no parking fee or free admission fee, it was spacious and well maintained. The toilet was clean and it was a facility that could be visited by wheelchairs. The playset that used plenty of wood was also wonderful. There was a thatched private house and a nostalgic Kamado, so it was wonderful. I liked my 5-year-old grandson and said that such a house would be nice. It seems that a woodworking class is also being held. There is also an ancient creature museum, and if my grandchildren grow up a little, I would like to take them here as well. I went there on Sunday, but the three grandchildren were vacant and relaxed, and enjoyed the roller slides slowly.
鎌田智子 on Google

自然が一杯。それもちゃんと整備されていて気持ちいい。お弁当を持って、レンタルの自転車もあるからそれで回りながら、気に入ったところで散策したり、遊んだりしたいところです。(^-^) 古民家や、太古の生き物館も少し見てみたいところですよ。
Nature is full. It is also well maintained and it feels good. I have a lunch box and I also have a rental bicycle, so I would like to go around and take a walk or play around wherever I like. (^-^) It is a place where I would like to see some old houses and ancient creature halls.
Yukiko “つぶママ” on Google

?の散歩オッケーで綺麗に整備されて なかなか広い敷地なので のんびり散歩できました トイレも多いので助かりました
散 walk is OK Because it is a very large site I was able to take a leisurely walk There were many toilets so I was saved
どん畑野 on Google

Park recommended for small children. There is enough free parking. You can also do woodwork fishing indoors. You can also ride a wooden cart for free. The site is very spacious, with a roller slide in the back. I think you should bring your own lunch.
上てつ on Google

The park is long and narrow in the back and unexpectedly large. There are also slides and moving dinosaur objects. You can also enjoy a little mountain road hike. Also, a cycle station with a shower has recently been built.
Ekko on Google

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom! Great for having a lunch or spending time ?
古谷至啓 on Google

The scenery is very good. You can also enter the thatched private house. There was a panel of Mitsuhide Akechi, which was broadcast on NHK. Kirin is coming. You can also enjoy hiking in the mountains and walking courses.
青野俊介 on Google

かなり広い芝があります。散策するところもあります。 何もないと言えば何もないですが、広場があればいいという方はいいと思います。 広場で遊べるおもちゃはあった方がいいと思います。影が少ないので、子供を遊ばせる方は小さいテントなんかあるといいですね。 食事ができるところはないので、食べる物は持ってきとかないといけないですよ。 レンタサイクル出来ます♪ 動く恐竜は??土日祝だけです。 まだ、施設を建てたりエリア拡大してるようなので、今後が楽しみです。
There is a fairly wide turf. There is also a place to take a walk. If you say nothing, there is nothing, but I think it would be nice if there was a plaza. I think it would be better to have toys that can be played in the open space. There are few shadows, so it would be nice to have a small tent for children to play with. There is no place to eat, so you have to bring something to eat. You can rent a bicycle ♪ The only moving dinosaurs are ?? Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. It seems that we are still building facilities and expanding the area, so we are looking forward to the future.

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