Tamatesan Park Parking Lot - Kashiwara

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tamatesan Park Parking Lot

住所 :

7-1 Tamatecho, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-0027, Japan

Postal code : 582-0027
Webサイト : http://www.city.kashiwara.osaka.jp/docs/2014072300065/

7-1 Tamatecho, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-0027, Japan
Tomohiko Yoshida on Google

Parking lot at Kashiwara City Tamateyama Park (former Kintetsu "Tamateyama Amusement Park"). There is a small number of cars in a small parking lot.
m Dandelion on Google

Umebayashi is in full bloom.
河野智三 on Google

The number is as low as about 20, so it will fill up soon. There is a coin parking lot in the housing complex next to it, but about three of them are for visitors, so I can't use it.
ゆっぴ on Google

The parking lot was free and the children were happy and it was a lot of fun ★
今西貴子 on Google

Many years ago it was an amusement park, but it wasn't necessary from 3 to 4 years ago. On Sundays, free parking is full. Because it is a mountain, adults can do good exercise, and children have play equipment so they can enjoy all day long.
エヌシステム on Google

It's a little confusing, but I think it's good to stop it for free. 2020,9,28
かきくけな on Google

南側に無料の駐車場あり。台数は20台も止めれないかな? といっても私が訪れた際は十分に空きがある状態でした。 また、駐車場に行くまでに住宅地を抜ける必要があり、細く曲りくねって、登り降りありと、なかなか険しい道のりでした。 公園自体は全体的に年季が入っている設備と感じましたが、ゴミ箱の分別等がきちっとされており、清掃も行き届いていますので大変キレイでした。(蜘蛛の巣は自然の中ということもあり、あちこちにあるのはご容赦を。) あと、南側の駐車場の近くにあるトイレは設備も新しめですごくキレイでした!(そこ以外は行ってないのでわかりません。)
There is a free parking lot on the south side. Can we stop as many as 20? However, when I visited, there was plenty of space. Also, I had to go through the residential area before I could get to the parking lot, and it was a very steep road with narrow windings and climbing up and down. I felt that the park itself was a seasoned facility as a whole, but it was very clean because the trash cans were properly sorted and cleaned well. (Since the spider web is in nature, please forgive me for being here and there.) Also, the toilet near the parking lot on the south side was very clean with new equipment! (I don't know because I haven't been to anything else.)
Cb Amr on Google

2017年3月 駐車場はわかりにくい場所にありますが、無料で、係の人もいます。 昼前には満車になり、前の道に車列ができます。 近隣の住民に迷惑をかけないようにしないと、有料化されてしまうかも。 駐車場から上がっていくと、まず小さい子向けの遊び場があります。 次に小学生くらい向けのスライダーやコンビネーション遊具があります。 その隣には屋根とテーブルのある休憩所と自販機とトイレがあり、大人たちはここから見守れます。 奥には芝すべりもあり、無料で楽しめます。 そこから山を登って反対側におりると、いろいろな自転車や汽車があり、こちらは有料です。 一山超えるのは幼児には大変なのか、こちら側はガラガラでした。
March 2017 The parking lot is confusing, but it's free and there are people in charge. It will be full before noon and there will be a convoy on the road in front of you. If you don't bother the neighbors, you may be charged. When you go up from the parking lot, there is a playground for small children. Next, there are sliders and combination playsets for elementary school students. Next to it is a rest area with a roof and tables, a vending machine and a toilet, from which adults can watch. There is also a grass slide in the back, and you can enjoy it for free. If you climb the mountain from there and go to the other side, there are various bicycles and trains, which are charged. It was hard for young children to go over one mountain, and this side was rattled.

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