やきとり 朧

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やきとり 朧

住所 :

Tamamiyacho, 〒500-8835 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.instagram.com/y.oboro
街 : Gifu

Tamamiyacho, 〒500-8835 Gifu,Japan
藤本礼子 on Google

玉宮の賑やかな通り沿い、二階にお店があります。店内は、掘りごたつならぬ堀テーブル。 腰を据えてゆっくり飲食出来ます。 丁寧な仕込みの焼き鳥は、焼き具合も絶妙! サイドメニューも美味しいですね。 特筆すべきは、『ホロホロ鳥』 まず普通の焼き鳥屋さんでは扱わないであろう素材ですが、タタキも串もさっぱりした甘味のある脂がやみつきになりますよ。 そして美味しい焼き鳥にあわせたいのは、唎酒師の店主がセレクトする日本酒。 季節ごとにさまざな酒蔵の美味しいお酒が味わえます。 スタッフのみなさんもキビキビ働く気持ちの良い方ばかり。 オススメなお店です!
There is a shop on the second floor along the busy street of Tamamiya. Inside the store is a moat table that does not have to be digging. You can sit down and eat and drink slowly. The carefully prepared yakitori is exquisitely cooked! The side menu is also delicious. Of particular note is the Guinea Fowl First of all, it's a material that you wouldn't normally handle at a yakitori restaurant, but you'll be addicted to the lightly sweet fat on both the skewers and skewers. And the sake I want to match with the delicious yakitori is the sake selected by the owner of the sake master. You can enjoy delicious sake from various breweries every season. All the staff are all comfortable working. Recommended shop!
杭良い杭 on Google

全ての料理がおいしかったです。 たれは、アッサリでしおは、サッパリでした。特に焼き方が最高です。
All the dishes were delicious. The sauce was assari and the sauce was refreshing. Especially the way to bake is the best.
Toshi O on Google

The yakitori, mackerel, and customer service were good. It made me feel like I found a good shop for the first time in a long time. I will definitely visit you again.
valensia 4u on Google

I'm glad that some yakitori and drink menus are half priced during happy hour. Everything was authentic and delicious. You can also have lunch on weekends. There are pros and cons, but it is a shop where you can smoke a few cigarettes.
S Michaela on Google

先日、女友達4名で行ったお店。新しく出来た焼き鳥屋さんです。2階なので雰囲気も分からず少し不安でしたが、平日なのに結構なにぎわい…すごいです!常連さんもたくさんいらっしゃるようでした。上品なお客さんが多めかな…笑 オーナーさんと店長さん2人で営業。とても気さくで、焼き鳥や日本酒についていろいろお話をして下さいました。焼き鳥は半額キャンペーンをされています。このクオリティのやきとりが1本90円はかなりお得◎飲み放題や宴会プランも柔軟に対応していただける様です!やきとりチェーン店も多いですが、ホンモノの味を食べたい方はここに是非♪ 焼き鳥の写真撮り忘れちゃったけど、ホロホロ鳥のタタキも絶品!これは頼むべきです^ ^
The other day I went to a shop with 4 female friends. This is a new yakitori restaurant. It was on the 2nd floor, so I was a little worried because I couldn't understand the atmosphere. It seems that many regulars also come. There are many elegant customers... lol Opened by the owner and the store manager. He was very friendly and talked about yakitori and sake. Yakitori has a half price campaign. Yakitori of this quality is worth 90 yen each ◎ It seems that you can flexibly handle all-you-can-drink and banquet plans! There are many Yakitori chain stores, but if you want to enjoy the taste of real food, please come here♪ I forgot to take a photo of the yakitori, but the guinea fowl tataki is also excellent! This should be ordered ^ ^
AK on Google

鳥刺しがおいしすぎました!しかも炭火で炙れるのが最高です。 お酒も種類豊富、肴もベーシックなものが置いてあり、焼き鳥もおいしかったです。またいきます〜!
The bird stab was too delicious! Moreover, it is best to roast it over charcoal. There was a wide variety of sake, basic side dishes, and yakitori was delicious. I will go again!
tumitumi13 on Google

13時ごろ2件目で来店! ビル二階にあるお店です!急な階段を登って入店し、靴を脱ぐスタイル! 喫煙なのが、少し嫌でした(^^; 注文は携帯電話でQRコードを読み取ってやります! ハッピーアワーでお値打ちに美味しい焼き鳥が食べれて良かったです(^^) ごぼう天美味しかった!! 2021.11◆飲み会2軒目
The second visit at around 13:00! It's a shop on the second floor of the building! A style of climbing steep stairs to enter the store and taking off your shoes! I didn't like smoking a little (^^ ; To place an order, scan the QR code with your mobile phone! It was good to be able to eat delicious yakitori at a good price during Happy Hour (^^) Burdock was delicious! !! 2021.11 ◆ The second drinking party
能城俊哉 on Google

美味しい焼鳥が頂ける焼鳥屋さん。ハツの炙り刺しは炭火で炙って食べます。ハッピーアワーで焼鳥半額ですが、クオリティーは高く、どれも満足できます。つくねに合わせた卵の黄身も新鮮。 オーダーを携帯アプリから取るので慣れないとやりにくいかも。
A yakitori restaurant where you can enjoy delicious yakitori. Hatsu sashimi is grilled over charcoal and eaten. It's half price for yakitori at happy hour, but the quality is high and you can be satisfied with everything. The egg yolks that match the meatballs are also fresh. It may be difficult to do it unless you get used to it because the order is taken from the mobile application.

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