Takoyaki Yama chan - Isesaki

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takoyaki Yama chan

住所 :

3420-8 Miyakomachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0801, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 372-0801

3420-8 Miyakomachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0801, Japan
Hiroya Tagami on Google

注文してから焼いてくれるたこ焼き屋さん。 待ち時間は12分程。 中はトロトロとても旨い! 外側カリカリ状態で食べたいけど、アツアツでなかなか食べ進まなくてもどかしい! 注文して車まで持ってきてくれるけど、店舗併設のベンチで食べるのがお気に入り。 群馬でお気に入りのたこ焼き。 また伺います!
A takoyaki shop that will bake after ordering. Waiting time is about 12 minutes. The inside is very delicious! I want to eat in the outer crisp state, but it's frustrating not to eat hard and hot! I order and bring it to my car, but I like to eat it on the bench at the store. My favorite takoyaki in Gunma. I'll call again!
t tomoya on Google

たこ焼き、おろしたこ焼き、キャベツ焼きを注文しましたが、どれもとっても美味しい!! 焼き立てを車のまで運んでくれます。 店主さんも愛想が良く「おおきに〜毎度」がとても心地良いお店でした。
I ordered takoyaki, grated takoyaki, and cabbage yaki, but they are all delicious !! It will carry the freshly baked goods to the car. The owner was also friendly and "Okini-every time" was a very comfortable shop.
清愛 on Google

クレープ待ち中ぼんやり眺めてたら、小鳥(シジュウカラ?)がウロウロ。 動きが可愛いので見ていたらタコ焼屋の店主さんが動く度にくっついてウロチョロ。 店主さんも外へ出たついでにちょっと食べ物を置いて何か話し掛けて行ったり。 微笑ましくてほっこりしたのでタコ焼を購入。 わざわざ焼きたてを車まで届けてくれました。 文句無しに美味しいです。 初見だと営業してるのかわからない店構えなのだけ残念。
While waiting for the crepe, when I looked at it vaguely, a small bird (tit?) Was wandering around. The movement is cute, so when I was watching it, the owner of the octopus ware shop stuck to me every time it moved. The owner also went out and left some food and talked to him. I bought octopus ware because it was smiling and warm. He took the trouble to deliver the freshly baked goods to the car. It's delicious without complaint. It's a pity that it's a store that I don't know if it's open for the first time.
真庭弘明 on Google

The inside of the takoyaki was torotoro and the octopus was big and delicious.
みけ on Google

大阪から群馬に移住してきたおっちゃんが作ってるたこ焼きです。 ふわとろで、本場のたこ焼きって感じの味です。 結構大きいのに安くて、たこ焼きが食べたくなったら来たくなります。 お店の中でも食べられますが狭いので、大体は車まで店員さんが運んでくれます。
This is a takoyaki made by an old man who moved to Gunma from Osaka. It's fluffy and has a taste like authentic takoyaki. It's quite big but cheap, and you'll want to come if you want to eat takoyaki. You can eat it in the shop, but it's small, so the clerk usually takes you to the car.
m h on Google

チェーン店のたこ焼きと全然違う!別物。 大阪のおじさんがやっているお店。 さすがです。熱々中トロ〜 大阪に何回も行っていて たこ焼き大好きなのでここのは美味しい! 車まで持ってきてくれます。 チェーン店のたこ焼きは絶対食べません。
It's completely different from the takoyaki of a chain store! Another thing. A shop run by an uncle in Osaka. As expected. Hot Naka Toro ~ I've been to Osaka many times I love takoyaki so it's delicious here! They will bring you to the car. I never eat takoyaki at chain stores.
しんちゃん on Google

親切なご夫婦でキャベツ焼き200円だけでも嫌な顔もせず「焼き立てお出しするのでお待ち下さいねー!車なら持ってきますよー」と!できたてキャベツ焼きは卵まるまる一つ使ったお好み焼きです! 挟んである感じでたっぷり具材! こんなボリュームで200円で良いのかってレベルでした! 作り置きせずに丁寧なお仕事されていてとてもお腹も心も満たしてくれました! また食べに行きます!
A kind couple with a cabbage grilled for only 200 yen, without making an unpleasant face, "Please wait for the freshly baked cabbage! I'll bring it if it's a car!" Freshly made cabbage grilled is okonomiyaki using a whole egg! Plenty of ingredients that feel like they are sandwiched! It was a level that 200 yen would be enough for such a volume! The work was done carefully without making it, and it filled my stomach and heart very much! I'm going to eat again!
Amazing Grace on Google

their cabbage yaki is so delicious

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