Takenawa - Toyooka

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takenawa

住所 :

1-4 Odaicho, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 668-0022
Webサイト : http://takenawa.jp/

1-4 Odaicho, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0022, Japan
白藤昌直 on Google

I am grateful for the casual and crisp taste along with the clerk's natural service ?
井上俊夫 on Google

It is a popular store that is always full. Good reservations in advance!
大上聖美 on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気で、お料理もオシャレで美味しくて、いつも感動します? 「ちゃんと個室」もあって、ゆっくり話せるところもいいですね❤ スタッフさんもいいカンジ✨✨✨ 新人さんも一生懸命で好感が持てます❣️
In a calm atmosphere, the food is fashionable and delicious, and I am always impressed ? There is also a "properly private room", so it's nice to be able to talk slowly ❤ The staff is also good Kanji ✨ ✨ ✨ Newcomers can also work hard and have a good impression ❣️
michio aota on Google

お邪魔するたびに旬の素材を使った料理を出してもらえるので、毎回行くのが楽しみです。メニューも豊富なので選ぶのに時間がかかってしまいます。笑。 正直なところ、私はグルメではありませんが、豊岡には料理が美味しくても「また行きたい!」と言うお店が案外少ないです。 しかし、『たけなわ』さんは、季節ごとにも料理に変化を感じさせてもらい、大切な人を紹介したくなるお店です。夜のご飯も良いですが、ランチもオススメです! 【追記】 2021.6/7 初めてランチで伺い、平日限定の松花堂会席2,500円(税別・2名様~前日までに要予約)を頂きました。 テイクアウトでこのお弁当を頂いたことはありましたが、店内で料理の説明を聞きながらゆっくり食べた方が、より美味しく頂けました。店内ではデザート&コーヒー付なのでよりお得です! 写真の他に、炊き込みご飯と揚げたてサクサクの天ぷらが付いてきました。
Every time I visit you, you will be served dishes made with seasonal ingredients, so I'm looking forward to going there every time. The menu is abundant, so it takes time to choose. Lol. To be honest, I'm not a gourmet, but there are surprisingly few restaurants in Toyooka that say "I want to go again!" Even if the food is delicious. However, "Takenawa" is a restaurant where you can feel the change in cooking every season and want to introduce your loved ones. Evening meals are good, but lunch is also recommended! [Addition] 2021.6 / 7 I visited for lunch for the first time and received a weekday limited Matsukado Kaiseki 2,500 yen (excluding tax, reservation required for 2 people to the day before). I had this lunch box at takeout, but it was more delicious to eat slowly while listening to the explanation of the food in the store. Dessert and coffee are included in the store, so it's even better! In addition to the photo, cooked rice and freshly fried crispy tempura are included.
Gaku Imai on Google

イカ尽くしお願いします!! とリクエストしたら想定以上のクオリティのイカ料理を堪能できた件。 リクエストに応えていただけるお店がある幸せ(*≧∀≦*) 今の時期は玉川のアイスブレーカーがあるのが嬉しいです♪
Please do your best to squid! !! When I requested, I was able to enjoy squid dishes of higher quality than expected. Happiness that there is a shop that can respond to your request (* ≧ ∀ ≦ *) I'm glad that there is an ice breaker in Tamagawa this time of year ♪
酒井秋江 on Google

At the beginning of the niece's eating, adults have a banquet lunch. We are happy to prepare carefully one by one. It was delicious.
Chen Chen on Google

記念日やお食い初めなど、よくお世話になっています。 新鮮なお刺身、季節の地物を使ったお料理、丁寧に作られるデザート、お料理を出すタイミングも気をつけておられ、器も素敵です。 ゆったり、しっぽりできるお店です。
I am often indebted to them on anniversaries and the beginning of eating. Fresh sashimi, dishes using seasonal features, carefully prepared desserts, careful timing of serving, and the dishes are wonderful. It is a shop where you can relax and feel comfortable.
Hiroko Imai on Google

うちはいつも、お客様との会食はここ。美味しい逸品ばかり。美味しい料理は笑顔も増えるし、元気になります。 城崎温泉の旅館で磨いた腕はますます磨きがかかってます(^^) 生きた鮎を事前に見せて下さってから揚げる鮎の素揚げも美味かったし、初モンの秋刀魚ごはんが最高でした。 金額とどんな感じの宴会なのかを伝えると、きちんとコーディネートしてくださいますよ!地酒も地のもんも揃ってます(^^)
We always have dinner with our customers here. Only delicious gems. Delicious food will make you smile and make you feel better. The arm I honed at the inn in Kinosaki Onsen is getting more and more polished (^^) The fried sweetfish that was fried after showing the live sweetfish in advance was also delicious, and the first mon's autumn sword fish rice was the best. If you tell us the amount of money and what kind of banquet it is, they will coordinate properly! We have both local sake and local food (^^)

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