Takeda - Kurashiki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takeda

住所 :

1097-2 Tanoue, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0831, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 710-0831
Webサイト : https://www.wstakeda.com/

1097-2 Tanoue, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0831, Japan
清川由美子 on Google

好みのお酒、沢山あって選ぶのに 迷います。
I have a lot of favorite sake to choose from I'm at a loss.
木村和代 on Google

There is a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, and snacks are also sold. There are rare sakes, and you can send special sakes for souvenirs outside the prefecture.
ma ni on Google

各地の美味しくて、珍しいお酒を探すなら、ここです。 焼酎を探していたときは、「佐藤」や「熟柿」などを買えました。また、日本酒も充実していて、荷札酒、紀土ななどのお酒をいただいたこともあります。
If you are looking for delicious and rare sake from all over the world, this is the place to go. When I was looking for shochu, I could buy "Sato" and "Jukukaki". In addition, sake is also substantial, and I have had sake such as tag sake and Kido.
浅野博 on Google

I have a large selection, but I couldn't find the Imo Shochu Chizuru I was looking for.
0327 yossie on Google

あおえ・おかじまやと並び、市内で「他県の地酒に強い酒屋」の御三家。外国の見慣れないビールやリキュール、おつまみやコーヒー豆まであって、昔の万屋的スタイルを狙っているのかな。個人的には酒盗の小瓶が置いてあるのが嬉しい。 (追記)上記御三家のうち、おそらくこのチェーンにしか置いてない有名銘柄は田酒・陸奥八仙・南部美人・写楽・くどき上手・楯野川・荷札酒・黒龍 など。個人的には写楽の通年商品が置いてあって嬉しい。
Along with Aoe and Okajimaya, the three families of "liquor stores that are strong in local sake from other prefectures" in the city. Even beer, liqueurs, snacks and coffee beans that are unfamiliar to foreign countries, I wonder if they are aiming for the old Manya style. Personally, I'm glad that there is a small bottle of Shutou. (Addition) Of the above three families, the famous brands that are probably only placed in this chain are Tashu, Rikuoku Hachisen, Nanbu Bijin, Sharaku, Kudoki Skill, Tatenogawa, Tag Sake, and Kuroryu. Personally, I'm glad that Sharaku's year-round products are available.
サンダル on Google

I can hardly drink alcohol, but instead I can enjoy it with coffee beans and rare canned foods.
SHUJI M. on Google

岡山新保店と比べると売場面積は狭いですが、 岡山だけでなく他の地方の地酒やクラフトビール、ワインの品揃えは、 倉敷市内では豊富なお店だと思います。 あと、岡山新保店同様にお酒のおつまみなどもいろいろ有りました。
The sales floor area is smaller than that of the Okayama Shinbo store, Assortment of local sake, craft beer, and wine not only in Okayama but also in other regions I think there are many shops in Kurashiki city. Also, like the Okayama Shinbo store, there were various snacks for sake.
Judy OBrien on Google

Alcohol shop with a great range of drinks. Really good range of gin and the also sell Fevertree mixers.

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