カウベル 八千代本店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カウベル 八千代本店

住所 :

Takazuhigashi, Yachiyo, 〒276-0037 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : http://cowbell-net.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–9:30PM
Friday 11AM–9:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Takazuhigashi, Yachiyo, 〒276-0037 Chiba,Japan
Hidenori on Google

初めて訪問。 最初20組くらい待ちされて50分と案内されていたが、意外と待たずして30分弱くらいで席に。 感動マネージャーさんのこまめな気配りや他の配膳の方々の素早い対応が良かったです。 おすすめされたハンバーグと葡萄牛のステーキは多めと思うかも知れないが、するするっと食べられました。 レアだけど、ちゃんと後焼きできるので好みの焼き具合に調整するのも予め説明あり安心できました。 ちょっとだけカレーもあり、美味しかったです。 値段こそ高いと思いますが、その分の価値はあると思います。
First visit. At first, I was told that I had to wait for about 20 groups for 50 minutes, but I didn't have to wait and took a seat in less than 30 minutes. The diligent attention of the moving manager and the quick response of the other serving people were good. The recommended hamburger and grape beef steaks may seem overkill, but they were eaten quickly. It's rare, but since it can be baked properly, I was relieved to have an explanation in advance to adjust the baking condition to my liking. There was a little curry and it was delicious. I think the price is high, but I think it's worth it.
チャンボクウ on Google

ラストオーダー間際に滑り込みで入店 ハンバーグと葡萄牛のカットステーキのコンビセットを 注文。料理の提供は、5分ぐらいで早かった。 残念なのは、閉店間際でのんびり食べる気はなかったが、 周りのテーブルの片づけ、翌日のセッティングなど 接客から手が離れた従業員が忙しなく作業をしていて 落ち着いて食べられなかった。
Enter the store just before the last order A combination set of hamburger and grape beef cut steak orde. The food was served as quickly as 5 minutes. Unfortunately, I didn't feel like eating leisurely just before the store closed, Cleaning up the surrounding tables, setting the next day, etc. Employees who are away from customer service are working without being busy I couldn't eat calmly.
みやっち0513 on Google

二度目の訪問ですが、弾力ハンバーグが最高に美味しいです! レアな状態で、鉄板に添えてある石で好みな状態まで焼いて食べます。 肉が本当にジューシーです…これでランチはライス、スーブ付きで980円とは衝撃! 今回は、キーマカレーを一つ追加してシェアしました。 弾力ハンバーグのおいしい肉が沢山はいったスパイシーキーマカレー。 ご飯大盛りにすればよかったです(笑) あと、今だけなのか?会計後に、ドリンクorソフトクリームのチケットをいただけます。 前回いただいた分でソフトクリームにしてみました。 八千代牛乳を使用しているとのことで、クリーミーで美味☆ 次回もソフトクリームにします(*^^*)
This is my second visit, and the elastic hamburger is the best! In a rare state, bake it to your liking with the stone attached to the iron plate and eat it. The meat is really juicy ... This is a shocking lunch with rice and soup for 980 yen! This time, I added one keema curry and shared it. Spicy keema curry with lots of delicious meat from the elastic hamburger. I should have made a large serving of rice (laughs) And is it just now? After checkout, you can get a drink or soft serve ice cream ticket. I tried to make soft serve ice cream with the amount I received last time. It is creamy and delicious because it uses Yachiyo milk ☆ Next time I will make soft serve ice cream (* ^^ *)
桃次郎 on Google

外国産牛では無く、本格的な栃木県産の国産牛の食材を取り扱った 『弾力ハンバーグ』 系の看板メニューを売りにしている独自性の有る店だが、全体的に、値は張るものの、味は、弾力ハンバーグ&葡萄牛カットステーキの何方を食べても、折り紙付きで、弾力ハンバーグの方は、私が思った程の強い弾力は無く、気持ち程度の弾力ハンバーグでは有るものの、味は、申し分無く、とても美味しいです。 葡萄牛カットステーキの方は、ステーキ店で、良く有りがちな筋っぽい肉質では無く、ナイフでも、意外と簡単に切れる程、とても柔らかく、とても美味しいですが、焼き加減が、レア寄りの “ミデアムレア” なので、その好き嫌いが、正直、ハッキリ別れる所。 私は、写メ3・4の 『弾力ハンバーグ 180g&葡萄牛カットステーキ 100g』 ¥2,308(税込) に加え、 ・写メ5・6 『サイドセットC』 大盛ライス+自家菜園のミネストローネ+菜園サラダ+セットドリンク ¥770(税込) ・写メ7 『カウベル スペシャルデザート』 ¥660(税込) ・写メ8 『チョコレートのソフトパフェ』 ¥308(税込) を、欲張り且つ、贅沢にオーダー。(笑) 何れのメニューも、とても美味しく頂きました。 来店者に対しての目配り&気配り等は、割りと徹底しているが、唯、食事中&食後、3名の別々のスタッフの方が、私に対して、何れも、同じ様な内容の問い掛けで、 『美味しく頂けましたか?』 等と、しつこく言われ、それが逆に、口説く感じたので、星マイナス1を差し引いての総評価です。 オープンして間も無い頃に、一度、此方で、食べに立ち寄って以来、昨年末、実に、20数年振りに、立ち寄って食べたが、昔と変わらず、カウベルが、とても美味しいのは、もう、間違い無いですから。 強いて言えば、ハンバーグソースは、個人的に、 『デミグラスソース』 の方で、食べたいのと、 『チーズハンバーグ系』 のメニューを、もっと増やしてほしいです。 尚、車での来店者向けに、店の裏手には、駐車場が有ります。
We dealt with authentic domestic beef ingredients from Tochigi prefecture, not foreign beef. "Cowbell Mitsuwadai" It is a unique shop that sells the signboard menu of the system, but overall, although the price is high, the taste is elastic hamburger & grape beef cut steak, no matter which one you eat, it comes with origami, and the elastic hamburger is The elasticity is not as strong as I thought, and although it is a feeling of elasticity hamburger, the taste is perfect and it is very delicious. The grape beef cut steak is not the muscular meat that is often found in steak shops, but it is so soft and delicious that it can be cut easily even with a knife, but the degree of baking is closer to the rare. "Mideamurea" So, honestly, it's a place where you can break up with your likes and dislikes. I am Sha-mail 3 and 4 "Resilience Humbering 180g & Grape Beef Cut Steak 100g" ¥ 2,308 (tax included) In addition to ・ Sha-mail 5 ・ 6 "Side set C" Omori Rice + Minestrone in the vegetable garden + Salad in the vegetable garden + Set drink ¥ 770 (tax included) ・ Sha-mail 7 "Cowbell Special Dessert" ¥ 660 (tax included) ・ Photo 8 "Chocolate Soft Parfait" ¥ 308 (tax included) Greedy and luxuriously ordered. (Laughs) Both menus were very delicious. Attention and attention to visitors are fairly thorough, but the three separate staff members have the same content for me during and after meals. By asking, "Did you enjoy it?" And so on, and on the contrary, I felt that I was arguing, so it is a total evaluation after subtracting the star minus 1. Shortly after opening, I stopped by here to eat, and at the end of last year, I stopped by for the first time in more than 20 years, but the cowbell is still very delicious. There is no doubt about it. Speaking of force, the hamburger steak is personally "Demi-glace source" I want to eat "Cheese hamburger steak" I want you to increase the menu of. There is a parking lot behind the store for visitors by car.
Y Tajee on Google

土曜日の昼時に初訪問。満席で2組待ちで、10分もしないうちに席へ案内。 店員さんに紹介されたホリデーランチ1080円を私と妻は注文。ミネストローネスープを+30円でコーンスープに変更。 10-15分程でハンバーグ到着。熱々の状態でハンバーグをフォークとナイフでカット。半焼けの状態なので、石焼きして食す。 ん!栃木の国産牛を使用しており、肉はホロホロでジューシーさがたまらん。 某チェーン店のハンバーグと比較すると、ハンバーグはこちらの勝ち。 これで、ランチ1080円はおすすめですね。 今まで気になっていたが、中々訪問出来ずに何度も何度も店を通過していたが、もっと早く来てればと後悔。 ハンバーグ好きには味も価格も満足でした。また、必ず来ると思います。
First visit at noon on Saturday. We waited for two groups at full capacity and guided us to the seats in less than 10 minutes. My wife and I ordered a holiday lunch of 1080 yen introduced by the clerk. Change minestrone soup to corn soup for +30 yen. Arrived at the hamburger in about 10-15 minutes. Cut the hamburger with a fork and knife in a hot state. It's half-baked, so I'll grill it with stones and eat it. Hmm! Using domestic beef from Tochigi, the meat is fluffy and juicy. Compared to the hamburger steak of a certain chain store, the hamburger steak wins here. With this, I recommend 1080 yen for lunch. I was worried about it until now, but I couldn't visit it and passed through the store over and over again, but I regret that I should come earlier. The taste and price were satisfactory for hamburger lovers. I'm sure it will come again.
Saori on Google

平日のランチにお邪魔しました。 11時半開店とありましたが11時20分の時点ですでに開いていてお客さんも入っていました。11時半には続々とお客さんがきてあっという間に満席でした。 弾力ハンバーグと熟成牛のステーキのランチセットをいただきました。 ライスの量が大中小選べました。 それほど待たずに運ばれてきました。 ステーキよりハンバーグのほうが美味しかったです。 塩コショウ味がしっかりついているのでそのままでステーキソースはつけない方がこのみでした。 主人はすごく美味しいと大満足の様子でした。 お皿を下げに来た店員さんとレジ会計の店員さんに「いかがでしたか?」と聞かれました。 気持ちはわかりますがこちらとしてはそんなに何回も美味しかったでしょ?みたいに言わなくても…という気分になりました。
I went to lunch on weekdays. It was said that the store was open at 11:30, but it was already open at 11:20 and there were customers. At 11:30, customers came one after another and it was full in no time. I had a lunch set of elastic hamburger and aged beef steak. You can choose the amount of rice, large, medium and small. It was delivered without waiting too long. The hamburger was better than the steak. It has a strong salt and pepper flavor, so it was better not to add steak sauce as it is. My husband seemed very satisfied that it was very delicious. The clerk who came to lower the plate and the clerk at the checkout counter asked, "How was it?" I understand how it feels, but it was delicious so many times, wasn't it? I felt like I didn't have to say that.
やなぎ on Google

A little less than 30 minutes walk from Keisei Yachiyodai Station. It's a little far, but you can also go on foot. The parking lot is crowded because most of the customers are likely to come by car. Of course, the store is also crowded. I went there before 14:00 on a holiday, but I was waiting for 13 groups. Even so, the rotation was unexpectedly quick and I was guided to the seat in a little over 30 minutes. In addition to hamburgers and steaks, the menu also includes beef stew and you can drink alcohol. This time I received a popular elastic hamburger. Only the surface is baked, and the inside is almost rare. You can eat it as it is, or you can bake it on a plate to your liking. I think it's unbearable for people who like rare, but it may be better to avoid people who are not good at rare. I personally like it. This time I would like to eat while drinking wine slowly.
Claudio Sakaguti on Google

Very nice place! The food is good, but be prepared! Prices are a little high.

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