
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 米山ガーデン

住所 :

Takaze, Kashiwazaki, 〒949-3673 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
街 : Niigata

Takaze, Kashiwazaki, 〒949-3673 Niigata,Japan
白石謙介 on Google

It seems that the sale of the badges of Japan's three hundred famous mountains and Yoneyama has stopped (; ωω`)
田村宏 on Google

The coffee put in spring water and the handmade cake were great.
中畑恵美子 on Google

4月からのハーブ教室 定員に余裕があります ガーデンで楽しく学びませんか?
Herb class from April There is a capacity Would you like to learn happily in the garden?
西村和子 on Google

The garden full of herbs is very nice. You can enjoy herbal tea, there is a classroom, and you can enjoy various ways. On weekends you can enjoy soba and herbal tea.
大空翼 on Google

自慢のハーブティーと手作りのふわふわチーズケーキが美味しいです。 ハーブティーは時間が経つほど味の変化があります。 チーズケーキはお土産にもできます。私は美味しすぎてホールで買って帰りました!
Proud herbal tea and handmade fluffy cheesecake are delicious. Herbal tea changes its taste over time. Cheesecake can also be a souvenir. I bought it in the hall and went home!
minagawa t on Google

米山登山(大平コース)の帰りに登山バッチを購入しに15時ころに寄ったところ、本来は14時まではずのお蕎麦を提供して頂けました‼おかみさんの手打ちの蕎麦、お店の庭(ガーデン)で採れた山菜の天ぷら美味しゅうございました!蕎麦はプラス200円で大盛にしてくれました。 蕎麦だけでなくチーズケーキもハーブティーもすべてが自家製とのことで1度来訪の価値はあると思います?
On the way back from Yoneyama mountain climbing (Ohira course), I stopped by around 15:00 to purchase a mountain climbing batch, but I was able to offer soba that should be until 14:00. Okami-san's handmade soba noodles were delicious in the garden of the shop! The soba was heaped for 200 yen. Not only buckwheat but also cheesecake and herbal tea are all homemade, so I think it is worth visiting once.
金澤恵美子 on Google

I like gardening and go out wherever there are flowers. From Tokamachi with a mobile navigation system. I happened to visit on a day off. The garden staff were Sumimasen.
Charlie Woolson on Google

(日本語は↓)A wonderfully quaint place with great architecture and amazing views, this cafe is a bit hidden away but worth the drive. The herb tea blend is homemade and was literally the only time I've ever enjoyed a drink with hibiscus. The owner does practically everything herself from growing the herbs to baking the sweets. She apparently holds herb classes semi regularly as well! 建物と景色が美しい場所で行く価値があります!お店のブレンドハーブティーのおかげでハイビスカスが楽しめました。ママさんはハーブを育つことからお菓子を焼くことまで、全部自分でやっているそうです。ハーブ教室も開くみたいです。
(Japanese is ↓) A wonderfully quaint place with great architecture and amazing views, this cafe is a bit hidden away but worth the drive. The herb tea blend is homemade and was literally the only time I've ever enjoyed a drink with hibiscus The owner does practically everything herself from growing the herbs to baking the sweets. She apparently holds herb classes semi regularly as well! Worth going in a place with beautiful buildings and views! I enjoyed the hibiscus thanks to the blended herbal tea in the shop. Mama seems to do everything from growing herbs to baking sweets. It seems that an herb class will also open.

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