中華そば たかはし

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華そば たかはし

住所 :

Takasucho, Onomichi, 〒729-0141 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : https://rtv7.konjiki.jp/chugoku/index.html
街 : Hiroshima

Takasucho, Onomichi, 〒729-0141 Hiroshima,Japan
貧乏馬主 on Google

値段は上がっていましたがコスパはいいです。 中華そばは昔ながらの味で600円出せばたくさん食べれます。
The price has gone up, but the cospa is good. You can eat a lot of Chinese noodles for 600 yen with the old-fashioned taste.
chin no.B on Google

中華そばは勿論 おかずも沢山 置いてて 食堂っぽいです。職人はだの私には お昼最高ですかね。 田舎の食堂って雰囲気で味も良かったですよ。
Chinese noodles, of course, have plenty of side dishes and are like a dining hall. I am a craftman, but I am lucky for lunch. The taste of the country dining room was good with the atmosphere.
小見英彰 on Google

I got ramen for lunch. The first Onomichi ramen in my life was delicious. The price is 400 yen. There are side dishes such as tempura, and it is like a traditional Japanese restaurant.
ぶーたん on Google

日替わりあり、御値段リーズナブル過ぎるでしょう。? 味も良いですよ?お母さんの創作料理のオカズが魅力的です❗
There is a daily change, and the price will be too reasonable. ? The taste is also good ? The side dish of the mother's creative cooking is attractive ❗
朝日奈澪 on Google

おばあちゃんの作る美味しいごはんを食べられる、懐かしい感じがするThe地元の食堂。 コロナ対策で、アルコール噴射後10秒間しっかり両手をゴシゴシして店内へ。店内カウンターも透明なシートの仕切りがあります。卓上にはそれぞれアルコール除菌シートが設置。 店内はせまめなので、他にお客さんがいたらマスクを外す食事中の私語等は厳禁ですが、少人数で利用するのにちょうどよいです。 中華そば400円、小皿のおにぎりとだし巻き卵をいただきました。 私が来店したときはお昼の遅い時間でしたが、一皿100円のおかず小皿が沢山並んでいて、お魚、天ぷら、餃子、小鉢などなんでも選べました。 水曜日は、決められたメニューのラーメンは替玉5玉まで無料というサービスもなさっているようです。 次来たらなにをたべようかなと、楽しみになるお店です。雰囲気とおばあちゃんに惚れました!
The local dining room feels nostalgic where you can eat delicious rice made by grandma. As a measure against corona, after spraying alcohol, firmly squeeze both hands for 10 seconds and enter the store. The counter inside the store also has a transparent sheet partition. Alcohol sterilization sheets are installed on the table. The inside of the store is small, so if there are other customers, remove the mask. Private language during meals is strictly prohibited, but it is just right for a small number of people. I had Chinese soba for 400 yen, a small plate of rice balls and omelet rolls. It was late noon when I came to the store, but there were many small side dishes for 100 yen each, and I could choose fish, tempura, dumplings, small bowls, and so on. On Wednesday, it seems that there is also a service that the ramen of the decided menu is free up to 5 spare balls. It's a shop that you can look forward to when you come next time. I fell in love with the atmosphere and grandma!
ちゃび軍曹 on Google

コロナ終息宣言が出るまで、営業時間が11:30~14:30に変更されてます。 昔懐かしいラーメンが食べられる、稀有なお店。 作り置きの一品料理もあって、昭和の食堂感満載。 ラーメンは、中華そぱ・ラーメン・ねぎとんこつラーメン・ねぎ塩ラーメン・味噌ラーメン・担々麺・台湾ラーメン等。 日によって食べれないラーメンもある。 ねぎとんこつラーメンは、少し塩辛いけど、水曜・土曜は替え玉5杯まで無料! でも、一番旨いのはおむすび! 密度と塩加減と海苔のしっとり感が、おばあちゃんの味を彷彿させる。 昼時は混雑するので、時間に余裕がある人は、少しはずした方がゆっくり食べれる。 炒飯は薄味でものたりない。
Business hours will be changed from 11:30 to 14:30 until the Corona Termination Declaration is issued. A rare shop where you can eat old-fashioned ramen. There is also a pre-made dish, which is full of Showa dining room feeling. Ramen includes Chinese noodles, ramen, green onion tonkotsu ramen, green onion salt ramen, miso ramen, dandan noodles, and Taiwanese ramen. Some ramen cannot be eaten depending on the day. The green onion tonkotsu ramen is a little salty, but on Wednesdays and Saturdays, up to 5 extra balls are free! But the best thing is rice balls! The density, saltiness and moistness of the seaweed are reminiscent of grandma's taste. It gets crowded at noon, so if you have time to spare, you can eat slowly if you take it off a little. Fried rice has a light taste and does not drip.
ちちくりまんぼ on Google

産業団地のはずれにある知る人ぞ知るといったような店。 一応ラーメン屋ではあるが沢山のおかずが並べられており曜日によってはバイキングをやっている。(確か20分700円) ラーメンセットはラーメンに唐揚げ、ご飯、付け合わせの生野菜にゆで卵、小鉢が付いて破格の550円である。 おかずは作り置きであるため冬場に行くとかなり冷たいがコストパフォーマンスは高い。
A store on the outskirts of an industrial park that people in the know know. Although it is a ramen shop, many side dishes are lined up and it is a buffet depending on the day of the week. (Surely 20 minutes 700 yen) The ramen set is an exceptional 550 yen with fried chicken, rice, garnished raw vegetables, boiled eggs, and a small bowl. Since the side dishes are prepared, it is quite cold in winter, but the cost performance is high.
匿名希望 on Google

I ate a daily set meal (500 yen). Chinese soba + rice + 100 yen side dish (selection required). There were fried foods, burdock simmered, pumpkin simmered, etc. as side dishes, but this time I chose my favorite bitter gourd and stir-fried pork belly. Chinese soba Onomichi ramen side? I didn't feel the seafood with my stupid tongue, but in addition to the char siu, it comes with a slightly larger and textured pork back oil. The soup is a little salty, probably because it's warm, but it's delicious. The bitter gourd is also salty but delicious. The old-fashioned store is well-organized, and if you have a chance to go nearby, you'll want to revisit it. As for the photo, I took it after eating a little, so the ramen is a little cluttered and the rice and side dishes are a little less. Later, due to corona entanglement, the store was closed at 14:00 or 14:30, and it was not possible to enter the store without a mask.

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