
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉の鳥松

住所 :

Takasu, Misato, 〒341-0037 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Saitama

Takasu, Misato, 〒341-0037 Saitama,Japan
パープルローズ on Google

メンチカツや焼き鳥が揚げたてで美味しい 餃子が大きくて濃厚で美味しい(休みの前日なら匂い気にならないかな)サラダ牛肉たたき味噌漬けなどどれも安くて美味しい
Delicious deep-fried menchikatsu and yakitori, dumplings are big, rich and delicious
ゆきゆき on Google

メンチがメチャクチャ美味しいです。 メンチが苦手で食べられないけど、ここのメンチだけは美味しく食べられます。
Menchi is delicious. I'm not good at minced meat and I can't eat it, but only the minced meat here is delicious.
〜enishi〜 nostalgia on Google

お肉屋さんの惣菜が好きで、仕事柄色々行くので、休日に散歩がてらブラブラしては食べ歩いたりテイクアウトを楽しみにしてます。 メガサイズのメンチカツが有名なこちら。噂に違わずたしかに大きいは大きいけれど、特にとりたててものすごく美味しくは感じなかった。ビール片手に、ワシワシ食らいつくしたい方にはうってつけかもしれないけど。接客がちょっと微妙…お馴染みは気にならないかもしれないのだけど、軽快過ぎて馴れ馴れし過ぎ。 お近くなら安心安全を謳う肉の旭○さんの和牛たっぷりメンチカツの方が好み。さらに言えば吉祥寺駅の有名店さとうさんのように高いけどまとめ買いをしたら1個単価が安くなるような売り方も無い様子。
I like butcher's side dishes and I go to various jobs, so I'm looking forward to taking a walk or taking a walk out on a holiday. This is famous for its mega-sized cutlet. Although it was a big one, I didn't feel it was really delicious even if I took it. For those who want to eat an eagle with one beer, it might be a good choice. The customer service is a bit subtle ... You may not be familiar with the familiarity, but it is too light and you are used to it. If you are near, I prefer the meat cutlet with lots of Wagyu beef from Asahi ○ who is safe and secure. Furthermore, it seems like Sato-san, the famous store at Kichijoji Station, but there seems to be no way to sell one unit at a low price if you buy in bulk.
青天目鉄舟(鹿飛丸) on Google

We recommend fried chicken with big minced meat cutlet and young birds! I've been eating it since I was a kid, but it's still delicious. If you cook by yourself, we also recommend pickling pork in miso ♪ (^-^) /
*桜花 on Google

とにかく美味しいです。 メンチフライはとても大きくてひとりでは大きすぎるくらい。 生肉はもちろん、コロッケや焼き鳥、冷凍のハンバーグ、週末限定のローストビーフ、副菜など種類は豊富です。 店を営む店主と奥様も親しみやすくて定期的に通いたくなるお店です。 欠点としては駐車場が無い事と店内に入るには段差がある為、車椅子やベビーカーでは入るのが難しいです。
Anyway, it's delicious. Menchi-katsu is so big that it's too big alone. Not only raw meat, but also croquettes, yakitori, frozen hamburgers, weekend-only roast beef, and side dishes. The owner and his wife, who run the shop, are also friendly and want to visit regularly. The disadvantages are that there is no parking lot and there are steps to enter the store, so it is difficult to enter with a wheelchair or stroller.
敏男 on Google

Meat cutlet is very famous butcher. Roast beef and grilled pork are also very delicious. The minced meat cutlet is deep-fried with heavy breadcrumbs. Juicy. It's about the size of an adult man's palm and is big enough to eat! It was the best. Fried food is delicious, to put it roughly. Reservations are required for the day limited menu such as chicken peach grilled only on Wednesday. I shook it three times (I will post a photo when I can eat it) Yakitori and side dishes are also delicious. Pork belly is the most delicious raw meat, so pork belly Chinese cabbage makes progress in winter.
パワーストーンセラピスト・天然石アクセサリー・折り鶴ピアスSAKURA craft on Google

ここのメンチはボリューム満点! 味も美味しいです。 オススメは月1回にだけ出る牛の煮込み! 予約してから行くのがオススメ。 ゆうかたはもう売り切れです。 アジフライ。焼き鳥。とくにレバー。 タレなしで美味しいです。 あとは 最近、和牛だけを使うようになった和牛ハンバーグ! あと撮れたて卵となにげに売っている蒟蒻屋さんの黒蜜です。 夕方行くともうあまりないくらい売れています。 言えばメンチなど上げてくれると思うので声かけてみてください。 ご主人と奥様は働き者の感じの良い印象です!
Menchi here is full of volume! The taste is also delicious. The recommendation is stewed beef only once a month! It is recommended to go after making a reservation. Yukata is already sold out. deep-fried horse mackerel. Yakitori. Especially the lever. Delicious without sauce. later Recently, Japanese beef hamburger has started using only Japanese beef! It is black honey from Ashiya that is sold to eggs and baldness. If you go in the evening, it sells much less. Please speak to me because I think it will raise mechi. The husband and wife have a good impression of the workers!
今野木津根 on Google

知人からメンチカツを頂き、それからこのお店を知り訪問。 メンチカツは圧倒的に安くて美味しい。 荒く刻まれた玉ねぎと肉の旨味がサクサクカリカリの衣に凝縮されている。 吉祥寺やらの有名店より正直こちらの方が美味しいと感じたほど(しかも安い)。 写真は和牛のたたきで、美味しそうだったので一緒に買ってしまった。店主も「今日のは美味しいよ」との事。 実際かなり柔らかい上に旨味があり美味しく、700円ほどだったのでこちらもリーズナブル。 職場近くで自宅とは反対方向だが、定期的に通いたいお店。
I got a Menchi-katsu from an acquaintance, and then I visited this shop. Menchi-katsu is overwhelmingly cheap and delicious. The taste of roughly chopped onions and meat is condensed into a crispy batter. To be honest, I felt that this was more delicious (and cheaper) than the famous restaurants in Kichijoji. The photo is a tataki of Japanese beef, and it looked delicious, so I bought it together. The owner also said, "Today's is delicious." In fact, it's quite soft and delicious, and it was about 700 yen, so this is also reasonable. A shop near my workplace that is in the opposite direction of my home, but I want to visit regularly.

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