丸安田中屋 本店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸安田中屋 本店

住所 :

Takashima, Suwa, 〒392-0022 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.suwa-tanakaya.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Takashima, Suwa, 〒392-0022 Nagano,Japan
じじさん on Google

This shop is famous for cheesecake. Koji Matoba and Hiroshi Abe also seem to be purveyors. Is the rich rare cheesecake with a Toro-ri feel a new attraction in Suwa? It seems that even if you order Rakuten, you will get a high score.
on Google

全国的に有名になった 丸安田中屋さんが 移転 リニューアルオープンしました。 本店が 上諏訪駅前店になり ヨットハーバー店は閉店しました。 楽天 全国スイーツお取り寄せで 4位だったかな?になった 大人気の チーズケーキアントルメは絶品。 全国発送もしています。 全国では 半解凍のアントルメが人気。 私はあえて置いておき 3日たったものが好きだったりします (๑´ㅂ`๑)笑 アントルメは 有名な俳優さん スイーツ好きのタレントさん 歌舞伎役者にも ファンがいますよ (๑´ㅂ`๑)笑 アントルメの ジェラートも始めました。 ジェラートは 8種類もあります! お土産も色々あります。 お店もわかりやすく 駐車場も広く イートインカフェもあり 地元だけではなく 観光客にも 入りやすい 可愛い店舗になっています。 取締役がイケメンで 癒やされるおばちゃん 続出です ( ´艸`) 大人気の街のケーキ屋さんなので おすすめです(^ᗜ^*)✧*
Became nationally famous Maruyasu Tanakaya transfer It was reopened. The main store becomes the Kami-Suwa station square store The yacht harbor store has closed. Rakuten nationwide sweets backorder Was it 4th? Became Very popular The cheesecake entremets are excellent. We also ship nationwide. Nationwide Half-thawed entremets are popular. I dare to leave I like things that are only 3 days old (๑´ ㅂ `๑) lol Entremets Famous actor Talent who likes sweets Also for Kabuki actors I have a fan (๑´ ㅂ `๑) lol Entremets I also started gelato. Gelato There are 8 types! There are also various souvenirs. The shop is easy to understand Large parking lot There is also an eat-in cafe Not just local For tourists Easy to enter It's a cute store. The director is handsome Healed aunt It's one after another (´ 艸 `) Because it's a cake shop in a very popular city Recommended (^ ᗜ ^ *) ✧ *
nobu Sawada on Google

なぜこんなに評価が高いのか分からない。 チーズケーキとシュークリームをたべたが、チーズケーキは中途半端。上のチーズクリームが、安いブリトーのチーズみたいで、チーズをヨーグルトでのばしたような気持ち悪さが先にたってしまい一口で無理でした。 シュークリームは昔ながらのシュークリーム、コンビニで売られているのと大差なし。全体的に時代についていけておらず、昔からの固定客に支えられている感じ。 ジェラートにすればよかったのかなぁ。再訪なし。 ちなみに、接客も中途半端。前の客が予約なのか商品説明を受けているのか、えんえんとあーでもないこーでもないとやっていた。もう1人の接客係は何か作業中。この時に帰れば余計なお金を使わずに済んだのに後悔。
I don't know why it's so highly rated. I ate cheesecake and cream puffs, but the cheesecake was halfway. The cheese cream above was like cheap burrito cheese, and I couldn't do it with a bite because the feeling of spreading the cheese with yogurt came first. Cream puffs are not much different from traditional cream puffs sold at convenience stores. Overall, I can't keep up with the times, and I feel like I'm supported by a long-standing fixed customer. I wonder if it should have been gelato. No revisit. By the way, the customer service is also halfway. Whether the previous customer was making a reservation or receiving an explanation of the product, I was doing it not to say that it wasn't. Another waiter is working on something. I regret that I didn't have to spend extra money when I returned at this time.
渋谷ゆいな on Google

ジェラートを買いました。味は普通でした。 接客はイマイチ。 家族で行きましたが、選んでいる間にお会計を急かされる感じでした。 明らかに選んでいるのに、『以上でいいですか?』と。 感じが悪かったです。もう行きません。
I bought gelato. The taste was normal. Customer service is not good. I went with my family, but I felt like I was in a hurry to pay while I was choosing. Even though I clearly chose it, I said, "Is that all right? "When. I felt bad. I won't go anymore.
北澤晃弘 on Google

初めて訪問しました。チーズケーキとジェラートが美味しいお店と聞いて気になっていました。 店内は白色基調で明るい感じで、店員さんの対応もしっかりしていて、商品の説明もわかりやすかったです。 チーズケーキは、ちょうど品切れになってしまって食べれませんでしたが、焼きたてチーズアントルテを頂きました。 タルト生地の真ん中にチーズぎっしり入っていますが、濃厚というわけではなく、とても食べやすく、もっと食べたくなりました。癖になりそうです。 モンブランも頂きましたが、滑らかなスポンジとぎっしりつまったホイップに美味しい栗とこれも、美味しかったです。 次回は、気になった他のケーキも食べたいと思います。
I visited for the first time. I was curious to hear that cheesecake and gelato are delicious. The interior of the store was white and bright, and the staff were very responsive and the product description was easy to understand. I couldn't eat the cheesecake because it was out of stock, but I got a freshly baked cheese torte. There is a lot of cheese in the middle of the tart dough, but it's not rich, it's very easy to eat, and I want to eat more. It's going to be a habit. I also got Mont Blanc, but the smooth sponge, the whipped cream and the delicious chestnuts were also delicious. Next time, I would like to eat other cakes that interest me.
Masatoshi Shimizu on Google

I had grilled Mont Blanc at the inn. I got the image of the cake Mont Blanc from the name Mont Blanc, but at that time it was not Mont Blanc! I didn't notice the deliciousness of this confectionery. I got another one, so I halved it. When I tasted it without being dragged by the name of Mont Blanc, I realized the deliciousness of this confectionery. I think you should change the name. How about Bonmaron, for example?
Brad Jin on Google

Had a piece of cheesecake here. They had eat-in area.
joy longakit on Google

Surprised to see that there are pastries for souvenirs since I only thought they only serve Gelato. Their cakes also look so mouth-watering. I can attest that the Gelato (Almond Caramel and Cheesecake) are so rich and has a distinctive taste. 550yen for the doppio or double with an original tart cone. They have few tables for a chat over coffee too. The place is so neat and classy. Staff are accommodating. Not really good for small kids because the place is not so spacious.

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