貴和製作所 ルミネ横浜店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 貴和製作所 ルミネ横浜店

住所 :

Takashima, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0011 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.kiwaseisakujo.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

坂中理恵 on Google

It's a bead shop ? The clerk will also be available for consultation, which is helpful and fun to make. There are also finished accessories and many materials, so I just end up staying longer.
ラテラテ on Google

アクセサリー作りには必須のお店です。どちらかというとパーツが充実しています。 値段は安くも高くもないですが、品物は良いしブランド力があって信頼できます。 何より実物を確かめながら購入できるのは嬉しい。 スタッフの知識は豊富で相談に乗ってくれます。
A must-have shop for making accessories. If anything, the parts are substantial. The price is neither cheap nor expensive, but the goods are good and have brand power and can be trusted. I am glad that I can purchase it while checking the real thing. The knowledge of the staff is abundant and will be consulted.
かるび on Google

It's fun because there are lots of parts. The correspondence of the clerk is also good.
きょうこ on Google

I asked Mr. Anzai to deal with it, but it's not a good way to say it from above. I can tell you that it is troublesome.
Naoko Nakagawa on Google

小さい店舗ながら駅ビルで、最新のパーツやスワロフスキーがレシピと供に展示販売されていて便利です。 簡単に作れるアクセパーツを中心に初心者にも試しやすい品揃え。 自作アレンジにはまったら一度、浅草・貴和に、圧巻のスワロ、ビーズ類ラインナップを見に行くのをお勧めします♪
Although it is a small store, it is convenient because the latest parts and Swarovski are exhibited and sold with recipes in the station building. An assortment of products that even beginners can easily try, focusing on easy-to-make access parts. If you get into your own arrangement, we recommend that you visit Asakusa and Takakazu to see the masterpiece of Swarovski and beads lineup.
ポぽ on Google

Yokohama LUMINE, 6th floor food and drink, the innermost floor of the bookstore floor, on the right side in front of the elevator, there are many places. I feel that the number of points is less than other shops, but this is also a part of seasonal products, so I get excited. Christmas parts are cute!
宮村伊澄 on Google

普段アクセサリーは着けるだけで全く作りません。パーツの品揃えについてはわかりませんが、スタッフの方の対応が非常に良かったです。 イヤリングをピアスに替えたい旨を伝えたところ仕上がりのイメージによってこのパーツがいいですよと提案していただきました。工具を持ってるか聞かれ持ってないと伝えるとここで替えて行ってくださいと工具を貸していただき、替え方まで丁寧に教えてくださいました。 スタッフの方によって変わるのかもしれないですが、130円程の買い物で知識が全くない私に対してとても親切に対応していただいて感謝しています。また利用させていただきたいです。ありがとうございました。
I usually just wear accessories and never make them. I don't know about the assortment of parts, but the staff was very nice. When I told him that I wanted to replace the earrings with earrings, he suggested that this part would be good depending on the finished image. When I was asked if I had a tool and told that I didn't have it, I asked him to change it here. He lent me the tool and taught me how to change it carefully. It may change depending on the staff, but I am grateful to me for being very kind to me, who has no knowledge of shopping for about 130 yen. I would like to use it again. Thank you very much.
りえ on Google

軽い趣味程度に使うなら、とてもいいお店だと思います。 広い店舗に比べたら規模は小さめです。 安価に天然石でブレスレットを作りたかったので、こちらで買い物しました。ゴムテグスは見つからなかったのでDAISOで買いましたが。
If you use it for a light hobby, I think it's a very good shop. The scale is smaller than that of a large store. I wanted to make a bracelet from natural stone at a low price, so I bought it here. I couldn't find Rubber Tegus, so I bought it at DAISO.

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