
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 緑川肉店

住所 :

Takashi, Mobara, 〒297-0029 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Takashi, Mobara, 〒297-0029 Chiba,Japan
焼売 on Google

It is a lively and kind shop that can handle small orders.
Taka P Ueno on Google

焼肉用に… ・アメリカ産牛タン ・黒毛和牛最上カルビ ・黒毛和牛最上モモ肉 を購入しました。 牛タンはスライス済真空パックの冷凍品でしたが、一枚一枚が大きく、弾力もありとても美味しく頂きました。 黒毛和牛カルビとモモ肉は、カルビはいい感じの脂のサシが美味で肉質も柔らかく、まさに最上カルビといった感じ。モモ肉は脂が苦手な人にも丁度いい程度のサシがあり、肉質も噛みごたえが適度にあり、何れも大変美味しく頂きました。 これからもBBQの時にはリピートしたいと思います。 お値段も手頃で、焼肉店にはしばらく行く必要は無さそうです。
For Yakiniku... ・American beef tongue ・Kuroge Wagyu Mogami Kalbi ・Japanese black beef Mogami thigh I bought. Beef tongue was a frozen product in a sliced ​​vacuum pack, but each one was big and elastic, and it was delicious. Kuroge Wagyu beef ribs and thigh meat have a good taste of fatty sardines and tender meat quality, and it feels like the best beef ribs. Even if people who are not good at fat, peach meat has just the right amount of sashimi, and the meat quality is moderately chewy, and both were very delicious. I will continue to repeat when I have BBQ. The prices are reasonable, and you don't need to go to a yakiniku restaurant for a while.
仮面ライダー那王鬼 on Google

前から気になっていて トンカツを買いに行きましたが!! お肉は柔らかくジューシーで 衣もサクサクして激ウマ✨ 他にもコロッケを買いましたが クリーミーで美味しかった〜 レジの方も親切丁寧に教えてくれて 間違いないお店??? …また美味い店を見つけてしまった?
I've always been interested I went to buy pork cutlet! !! The meat is tender and juicy The clothes are also crispy and intense horse ✨ I bought other croquettes It was creamy and delicious ~ The cashier also kindly and politely taught me Definitely a shop ??? ... I found a delicious restaurant again ?
山本忠男 on Google

The fries are delicious. Freshly fried minced meat cutlet and Aji fry will be repeaters.
K T on Google

たまに買いに行っています。 お肉もお惣菜もとても美味しいですし、店員さんも丁寧です。 ただ夕方になると、斜め向かい側に駐車場があるにも関わらず(しかも空車)、駐車場に止めずに道の両側に何台も路駐していて通行の妨げになっているのが、見ていてとても残念です。 こういうお客さんのせいで、店の評価が落ちるということも利用者側は考えた方が良いかと。
I go to buy it once in a while. The meat and side dishes are very delicious, and the clerk is polite. However, in the evening, despite the fact that there is a parking lot diagonally opposite (and empty cars), many cars are parked on both sides of the road without stopping at the parking lot, which is obstructing the passage. I'm very sorry to say that. I think it is better for users to think that the store's reputation will decline due to such customers.
Masao K on Google

とても美味しい揚げ物のお店です。 肉買うよりコロッケとかが目的になっちゃってます。
It's a very delicious fried food shop. The purpose is croquette rather than buying meat.
Ota Yui on Google

和食の職人です 年末で来客のお客さんの人数が増え追加の為口コミが良かったこの店に すき焼き用の肉をカウンターで注文し、相方が牛脂を少し欲しい旨店員さんに伝えた所奥の年配の店主らしき男がこっちを睨みながら『牛脂少ねぇからそんなに上げねぇで良いからな!』と大声で吐き捨てるように叫ばれ困り顔の相方と店員さん...... あまりに酷いので私から、そんな事は裏で店員同士で小声で情報共有したらいい事で言い方も酷い、誰も沢山呉れとか我儘は一言も言ってはいないのに酷すぎると苦情を言った所、似た顔した息子と思しき男が出てきて『もの(牛脂)が無いのだからしょうが無いだろ?』的な事をゴニョゴニョ言い続ける始末で言っている意味が通用しないので話しても無駄と思い二度と来ない旨伝え、店員さんが肉を持って困っていたのでその肉だけ購入し帰宅 忙しいのだろうが、100g1000円近いそれなりの買い物しているのに、牛脂が無いならないでもう少し言い方が有るだろう、少なくとも私は未来永劫この店で買う事は無いと思う。 そういった類の気分悪い思いしたくない人は行かない方がいいと思います。 肉質は価格なりで年末で回ってるから良いと思うが普段はどうだか知らない、カウンターから見えていた肉の掃除していた息子の包丁の腕は素人に近い 店員さんの対応は素晴らしいのに台無しにしているあの親子は店先に出さない方がいいと思う。 この程度ならネットで買った方が安くて美味しく腹の立つことも無いので二度と買わない
I'm a Japanese craftsman At the end of the year, the number of visitors increased and the word of mouth was good because of the addition. I ordered meat for sukiyaki at the counter, and my partner told the clerk that he wanted a little beef tallow. 』And shouted out loud and thrown away, the embarrassed face partner and the clerk ... It's so terrible that I complained that it's too terrible to say that it's okay to share information with the clerk in a whisper behind the scenes, and no one has said a lot of words or words. A man who seems to be a son with a similar face came out and said, "I can't help it because I don't have anything (beef tallow), right? 』I keep saying things like gonyo gonyo I told him that it would be useless to talk because the meaning of what I said in the disposition does not work, and the clerk was in trouble with meat, so I bought only that meat and went home Maybe I'm busy, but I'm shopping for 100g for nearly 1000 yen, but I can say a little more because I don't have beef tallow, at least I don't think I'll buy it at this store in the future. If you don't want to feel that kind of sickness, you shouldn't go. I think it's good because the meat quality is around the end of the year at the price, but I don't know how it is usually, the arm of my son's kitchen knife that was cleaning the meat that was visible from the counter is close to an amateur I think it's better not to go to the storefront for those parents and children who are ruining the clerk's response though it is wonderful. It's cheaper to buy online at this level, it's delicious and you won't get angry, so never buy it again.
YF on Google

茂原市のお肉屋さん。 昔ながらの精肉店で、地元で人気店との事で訪問しました。 入って左が惣菜コーナー、真ん中が肉コーナー、右がサラダコーナーといった感じです。 惣菜しか買ってませんが、どれも噂通りの美味しさです。 唐揚げ、ハムカツ、ロースカツ、何を買ってもハズレ無しでした。 店員さんも接客120点くらいの気持ち良い接客で素晴らしいです。 駐車場は斜め左向かいに砂利で数台ありますので安心です。 事前に電話予約すると待ち時間無しなのでお勧めです。
A butcher shop in Mobara City. It's an old-fashioned butcher shop, and I visited it because it's a popular local shop. After entering, the left is the side dish corner, the middle is the meat corner, and the right is the salad corner. I only buy prepared foods, but they are all delicious as rumored. No matter what I bought, fried chicken, ham cutlet, loin cutlet, there was no loss. The clerk is also wonderful with a pleasant customer service of about 120 points. There are several parking lots with gravel diagonally to the left, so you can rest assured. It is recommended to make a phone reservation in advance because there is no waiting time.

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