Takase Tennen Onsen - Mitoyo

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takase Tennen Onsen

住所 :

768-1 Takasecho Kamitakase, Mitoyo, Kagawa 767-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 767-0001
Webサイト : https://www.souyu.co.jp/shisetsu/takase

768-1 Takasecho Kamitakase, Mitoyo, Kagawa 767-0001, Japan
赤ちゃん on Google

I visited by truck and asked the clerk if it was okay to park the truck, and he gave me permission. I was able to slowly heal the tiredness of a long trip at the hot springs. The sauna was very spacious and it was a nice place to sit comfortably. I also want to use it when I go to Shikoku for work.
ビリケン on Google

600 yen with shampoo and body soap, the sauna was spacious and beautiful, and the open-air bath is hot, so it is not suitable for people who want to enter slowly with lukewarm eyes. Maybe you are thinking about the turnover rate? Another thing I was worried about is that the locker door of the dressing room returns with a strong spring, so changing clothes is difficult and stressful ?
Kagwa of Kid on Google

すぐ近くの総合体育館でスポーツした後に寄りました。 まあまあ年数は経っていると思われるものの比較的綺麗な施設でした。天然温泉ということでしたが温泉の成分や効能が表示してあればもっと楽しめたかなと思います。浴場は面積もまずまずあり、泡風呂、寝風呂、露天風呂とサウナもあり標準設備は充実です。シャンプーとボディソープが置いてあるのはありがたいですな洗顔があるとさらに良いです。ロッカーが100円入れなきゃならないのと開けっ放しにならないところが手間で残念だしたがまあ我慢できるレベルです。食堂や休憩所も充実しているのでゆっくり過ごせる場所です。
I stopped by after playing sports at the general gymnasium nearby. It was a relatively clean facility, although it seems to be a long time ago. It was a natural hot spring, but I think it would have been more enjoyable if the ingredients and effects of the hot spring were displayed. The area of ​​the bathhouse is reasonable, and there are bubble baths, sleeping baths, open-air baths and saunas, and the standard facilities are substantial. I'm grateful that shampoo and body soap are placed. It's even better if you have a face wash. It's a shame that I have to put in a locker for 100 yen and I can't leave it open, but it's a level I can put up with. There are plenty of restaurants and rest areas, so it is a place where you can spend a relaxing time.
いしかわひろゆき on Google

The bathing fee is 600 yen, but there are not so many people and the bathroom is large, so you can enter slowly. There is also a rest area, and there are massage machines and manga, so it is a relaxing hot spring. After all, the sauna is large and beautiful. There is also a cold bath, and you can also take an open-air bath in the open-air bath zone, so it is also recommended for saunas.
Su Hag on Google

天然温泉を高らかに謳っているだけあって、疲れがとれました。 館内は明るくて、産直市も充実。ほんとテンプレ通りの創裕。そのへんは好みの問題かなぁ。地域の憩いの場となっているのは間違いない。
I was tired because I was singing a natural hot spring. The hall is bright and the direct market is also fulfilling. Really the creation of Template Street. I wonder if that is a matter of taste. There is no doubt that it is a place of relaxation in the area.
Y S on Google

館内もお風呂も広々。古さはあるが清潔感あり、ローカルなのんびりさに癒やされます。でもなんといっても食堂の美味しさ(お味噌汁等、出汁が利いてる)と安さに感動。見た目も女子受けです。 又行きます\(^o^)/。
The hall and bath are spacious. Although it is old, it has a clean feeling and is healed by the local relaxation. But after all, I was impressed by the deliciousness of the cafeteria (miso soup, etc., soup stock is good) and the cheapness. It looks like a girl. I will go again \ (^ o ^) /.
大塚賢太朗 on Google

少々高め(600円)ですが質は良く露天風呂があります。 駐車場は広め、お客さんも多く、落ち着いて入浴したい方には不向きかも知れません(たまたま行った時間帯が多かった) 入浴施設の面積は広く、様々な湯を楽しめるのは魅力かも知れません。 少し熱めでしたが気持ち良かった! また行きたいです!
It's a little expensive (600 yen), but the quality is good and there is an open-air bath. The parking lot is large, there are many customers, and it may not be suitable for those who want to take a bath calmly (I happened to go there many times). The area of ​​the bathing facility is large, and it may be attractive to enjoy various hot springs. It was a little hot, but it felt good! I want to go again!
Julie Miyazaki on Google

Compact yet comfortable day onsen with both indoor and outdoor baths, also a lovely sauna. Restaurant has plenty of choices for lunch and the food was great!

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