
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浦和整形外科

住所 :

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.urawa.info/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM
街 : Saitama

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan
長谷英仁 on Google

治療設備はすごくいいと思う。 だが、人間的な面ではやりにくいかも。 エレベーターが古すぎて一人しか乗れないのは変えた方がいいと思う。
I think the treatment equipment is very good. However, it may be difficult to do from a human point of view. I think it's better to change the elevator so old that only one person can ride it.
Taiga Rindou on Google

全てがクソ以下。 診察時には痛いと言ってるのに怪我した部分を必要以上にグイグイ押してくる。 診断書を書いてくれと頼んでも断られる。 面倒臭そうにため息をつきながら診察。 受付の人もミスが多く書類のミス等で二度も無駄足をさせられた。 本当にここは止めておいた方がいいです。
Everything is shit or less. Although he said that it was painful at the time of medical examination, he pushes the injured part more than necessary. Even if you ask me to write a medical certificate, I will be refused. It was annoying and sighed and examined. There were many mistakes at the receptionist and I was wasted twice due to mistakes in the documents. You really should stop here.
Lorroy on Google

The hospital is odorous and old, and the rehabilitation area is rather large, but it is uncomfortable with a full view. You can put your luggage in the basket and carry it around. The examination was appropriate. I have to change to slippers. The outer stairs and elevator are narrow and not suitable for people with disabilities.
さとかつ3 on Google

I went with severe neck, shoulder and back pain due to cervical hernia. I was told that I should improve with medication and rehabilitation, and I had hope. Rehabilitation is also polite. It's always crowded.
青豆(あおまめ) on Google

院長の診察は正直いらないです。 が、その他はとても良いです。 リハビリの先生のおかげで腰痛も軽減し、鍼治療の先生のおかげで肩こりも良くなりました。受付のスタッフも気さくです。 5年くらい通ってます。他県からわざわざ通ってる友人もいます。
The doctor's consultation is honest. But others are very good. Thanks to my rehabilitation teacher, my backache has been reduced, and my acupuncture teacher has improved my stiff shoulders. The reception staff is also friendly. I have been here for about 5 years. Some friends are coming from other prefectures.
冬将軍 on Google

首から肩にかけての痛みがあり、日曜、祝日診療があるので初めて伺いました。 院長の診察を受けましたが、この人本当に院長か?と思うぐらい症状に対しての説明が全くなく、ひたすら定型文のような診察しかされず、かなり不安でした。 2日後伺い、大きい病院にてしっかりとした検査を受けたいから紹介状を受付でお願いしたら、代理診療に来てた医者に呼ばれ、椅子に座ると、カルテも見ず「今日はどうしました?」とかいう始末。 また1から説明をさせられ、紹介状の話をしたら「良いんじゃないですか〜?」と適当にあしらわれ、すぐに帰らせようとする始末。 はっきり言って星一つもあげたく無いレベル。 評価に値しない。
I had a pain from the neck to the shoulder, and I visited for the first time on Sundays and holidays. I have been examined by the director. Is this person really the director? There was no explanation for the symptoms as much as I thought. Two days later, I asked for a letter of introduction at the large hospital because I wanted to have a solid examination at a large hospital. I was called by a doctor who came to a proxy clinic and sat down on a chair. "?" In addition, if I was able to explain from 1 and talked about an introduction letter, it was properly treated as "Isn't it good?" To be clear, I don't want to give one star. Not worthy of evaluation.
はげのむすめ on Google

背中から脇腹にかけての痛みが断続的に続いたため内科もあるこちらを受診しましたが結局外科的には問題ないからと採血されてそのまま帰されました。 外科的に問題ないのに処方箋には湿布。何これ。 結局採血したけど次いつ来ればいいのか、どうしたらいいのか何も言われてない。原因も分からないのにとりあえず痛み止めだけ処方されました。 しかも診察してくれた先生がひどい。どこが痛いのかだけムカつくくらい追求されて、それが何を意味するのか説明全くなし。 とりあえず自分の言いたいことだけ言ってこっちの話はほとんど聞いてない。 僅かな情報量の問診だけでそれってどうなの? スポーツやってる人にはいいのかもしれないけど一般人には向かない。 無駄な金使った。 追記:結局帯状疱疹でした。酷く悪化しており、別の病院にかかったらもっとひどくなる前でよかったと言われました。ちなみに採血なんてしませんでした。 もらった湿布も貼らなくて正解だと言われました。
Since the pain from the back to the flank continued intermittently, I visited this place where there is also an internal medicine department, but in the end, blood was collected because there was no surgical problem and I was returned as it was. There is no surgical problem, but the prescription is a compress. What's this. After all, I collected blood, but I wasn't told when to come next or what to do. I didn't know the cause, but I was prescribed only painkillers for the time being. Moreover, the teacher who examined me was terrible. I was sought after only where it hurts, and there was no explanation of what that meant. For the time being, I say only what I want to say and hardly listen to this story. How about just a small amount of information? It may be good for people who play sports, but it is not suitable for ordinary people. I wasted money. Postscript: It was shingles after all. It was getting worse and I was told that I should have gone to another hospital before it got worse. By the way, I didn't collect blood. I was told that the answer was correct without sticking the compress I received.
Ken on Google

The staff are very polite and nice. Also, Mr. Director, I'm sure the number of words is small, but if you ask a question, you can answer it properly, so I don't think there is any problem.

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